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.See Child Health Insurance Program 268 269, 274Chou En-Lai, 264 College and Beyond Research Project, 130Chowdhury, Anwarul K., 198 Colombia, 182, 183, 185, 186Christensen, Clay, 99 Colorado, University of, 169Christianity, 94, 105 Columbia College, 166Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation, Columbia University, 106135 Comer, James, 274The Chronicle of Philanthropy, 220, 222 Commission on Public Broadcasting, 238CIAT.See International Center for Tropical Committee on Industrial Relations, 174Agriculture Common Cause, 74CIMMYT.See International Center for Commonwealth Fund, 67, 86, 101 102,Maize and Wheat Improvement 113, 118, 123, 131, 134, 141, 175,CIR.See Center for Individual Rights 237, 286, 287, 289Citizen Schools, 21 Community Foundation of Silicon Valley,City Journal, 13 344City Year, 19 Community foundations, 220, 292, 315,Civic Forum, 202 342 343Civic sector, 9 Community Wealth Ventures, 19, 345diversity of, 74 75 Community development corporationsdynamism of, 339 (CDCs), 58, 61 62, 280 281economic importance of, 71 72, 73 74 Comparative Board Report, 29expenditures of, 71 72 Congress, U.S., 22, 25, 37, 38, 68, 82,experimentation in, 59 137, 209, 221, 326, 333foundations and, 48, 50, 59, 83 89, Connell, David D., 192339 Connick, Harry, Jr., 348freedom and, 76 77, 80 Conservation and Science Program, 210GDP and, 71 72, 73, 74 Conservative foundations, 123 124, 158,government and, 74 286instrumental vs.expressive giving and, Constitution, U.S., 15, 16, 107, 110, 117,106 130, 321Madoff, Bernard Ponzi scam and, 5 Contraception.See Birth controlas mediating force, 82 83 Conway, Gordon, 181 9781568487027-text:Layout 1 6/24/09 10:13 AM Page 428428 IndexCooney, Joan Ganz, 165, 191 192 Dann, Michael, 192Cooper, Alice, 348 Darwinism, 183Copenhagen (Frayn), 147, 292 David, Donald K., 299Coral Program, 26 David and Lucile Packard Foundation, 31,Cornell University, 231 243, 253Corporation for National and Community China Sustainable Energy Program and,Service, 73 210 212Corporation for Public Broadcasting donor influence and, 291, 303(CPB), 80 human capital building and, 134Corporation for Supportive Housing, 41 impact and, 131Corporations, 58, 344 partnerships and, 144Council on Foreign Relations, 135 136 perpetual foundations and, 310Council on Foundations, 146, 334, 337Population Council and, 189Council on Medical Education, 167, 168,recession of 2008 2009 and, 6236social entrepreneurship and, 21Cox Committee, 221tactics and, 144, 146CPB.See Corporation for Publictransparency and, 30, 334BroadcastingDavis, Jackson, 177Crane, Robert, 23, 261DC Examiner, 14Crick, Francis, 157Dees, J.Greg, 19, 20, 250 Criteria for Philanthropy at its BestDemocracy in America (Tocqueville), 71(NCRP), 13Diamandis, Peter, 141Criticisms, 323 327Discipline-Based Education in the Artsaccountability, 219 221, 327 329program, 272arbitrariness, 217Dogg, Snoop, 348arrogance, 216, 230, 327Dollard, Charles, 221discourtesy, 216Donor Services Unit, 350failure to communicate, 217 218Donor-advised funds, 316, 342 343, 351Foundation ADD, 218 219, 230Donorsinaccessibility, 217advice for would-be, 304 307invisibility, 221 225boundaries, lack of and, 294 301political vulnerability, 227 229donor-imposed constraints and,scholarly void, 225 227292 294, 303 304voice of foundations, 229 230fidelity to vision of, 58, 109CSEP.See China Sustainable Energyimpact and, 286 287Programintention of, 96, 318 319CTW.See Children s Television Workshoppassion of, 162Culture, 215, 222, 230 232, 291,trustees and, 286301 302, 303, 325Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, 258Cuny, Fred, 204, 205Drayton, Bill, 18Czechoslovakia, 199, 200, 202 203Drug use, 251Duke, James Buchanan, 95, 124, 292, 314,Dahl, Robert A., 102 315, 318Dale, Harvey, 230 Duke Endowment, 124, 133, 142 143,Damon, William, 123 124, 269 291, 292, 305, 315Daniel and Joanna S.Rose Fund, 155 Duke University, 19, 20, 133, 233, 292Daniels Fund, 6 Dykstra, Lenny, 209 9781568487027-text:Layout 1 6/24/09 10:13 AM Page 429Index 429Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Transfer Environmental Defense, 138, 146, 157,to the States, 21, 68, 129 244, 248Eaton Corporation, 146 Environmental Defense Fund.SeeEBay, 346 Environmental DefenseEconomic policy research, 173 176, 238 Environmental protection, 19, 21, 22, 25,Economist, 227 33, 59, 83, 93, 138, 242 243Edna McConnell Clark Foundation, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),20 21, 29, 145, 146, 255 256 243, 338Education EPA.See Environmental Protection AgencyAfrican Americans and, 102, 162, ERI.See Energy Resources International170 173, 176 179 Erie Community Foundation, 351building schools and, 170 173 ETS.See Educational Testing Servicebusiness, 18 19 Eugenics, 88conservative foundations and, 123 124 Evans, Eli, 41, 145economic research, 175 Exempt Organization Division (IRS), 331,332, 333Flexner reforms and, 131, 162,167 170, 235 236, 257impact and, 155FailureJewish, 7collaboration, uncertain and, 279 281legal, 158, 194, 236focus and, 279liberal, 191grantee commitment and, 272 273medical, 131, 157, 158, 162, 165 170,in grantmaking, 261 262235 236, 257incompatible grantee partners and,small-schools program and, 26 27274 275social entrepreneurship and, 18 19, 21leadership and, 278 279, 279 281strategy and, 123 124learning from, 261 262, 282 283television and, 165, 191 193market research and, 281 282Education Week, 224model, lack of and, 271 272Educational Testing Service (ETS), 193problem-strategy mismatch and,Ehrlich, Paul, 183, 186268 271Einstein, Albert, 247public admission of, 262 263EITC.See Earned Income Tax Creditrecognizing and defining, 263 265Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation, 25risk and, 262, 282Ellison, Lawrence, 348specifying desired outcomes and,The Emergence of the New South (Tindall),277 278172 stakeholders and, 275 277Emergency Medical Services Program, 288 strategy, lack of guiding and, 267 268Emergency response system (911), 21, 57, theory of change and, 266, 28361, 139, 250 weakest link and, 266Emory University, 292, 315 Faith in Action, 273End of Life initiative, 264 Faith-based organizations, 273Energy Foundation, 211, 212, 253 Family foundations, 87, 305 306,Energy Resources International (ERI), 212 312 313Engelhard, Sara, 42 Famine 1975! American s Decision: WhoEngland, 168 Will Survive? (Paddock andEnterprise Foundation, 345 Paddock), 183Entrepreneurs Foundation, 345 Farrand, Max, 175 9781568487027-text:Layout 1 6/24/09 10:13 AM Page 430430 IndexFDA.See Food and Drug Administration impact and, 158, 165, 286Federal government [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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