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.Although I was not inten onally keeping it from Jus n, I neglected to tell him that I d come outto Kris an too.Jus n was quite amused when I confessed how a rac ve I thought Randall wasalthough I wanted nothing more than friendship from him.Jus n admi ed he thought he washot too.Then we shared a laugh about how funny it would be if I ended up with Randall.Jus nthought Stacy would just start thinking of me as her sloppy seconds.Jus n told me about the changes, both good and bad taking place at home.Each day hismom would start off being all nice to him, trying to win him over.When that did not work, shestarted in with the ul matums.Fortunately, his dad was media ng and so far had not allowedher to make any changes that were too dras c.The downside was that Jus n could see his dadslowly rever ng back to the way he had been before his mom le.Jus n had seen him havingat least one drink, but did not confront him on it.He confessed his own tempta on to drink,but thus far avoiding it.Justin also shared that there had not been a single notecard left in overa week.This was one stress he seemed relieved to be without. Throughout our conversa on, it seemed like tension remained between us.I thought it wasthe stress of the holidays.I suggested we exchange gi s since we both had to be home soon.Jus n had a glimmer in his eye, one I knew well enough to know what he was going to suggestbefore he said it,  I was hoping we could hop in the back and blow off a little steam.I grinned,  That is a great idea.At first we were cold, but it did not take us long to heat up the backseat.Both of us wereaggressive about ge ng it on.We took off our clothes as quickly as possible.Kissing andpumping, each working to get the other one as well as ourselves off quickly, yet we did notrush.Once we had go en off, we started straightaway into another round, this me takingthings more slowly and savoring being together.It was intense and our connec on felt so deep.Being together then was the highlight of my holiday.Neither of us wanted to move, eventhough we were both over an hour late to Christmas Eve plans with our families.HaydenIt was three in the morning on Christmas when my mother woke me up.She had to be intowork for a double shi , which meant we had to get up and do Christmas with her early.Thehouse smelled of the blueberry pancakes, bacon and eggs that my mother prepared beforewaking Tanya and me up.We all tried to put on happy faces and put our best fes ve a tudesforward.It didn t do any good to be upset about not ge ng the day together.Tanya and I bothknew our mother hated having to work on Christmas, but it came with her job.No amount ofmoney was ever going to change her work obliga ons this me of year, unless she was everable to quit working.Tanya wanted to skip breakfast and start opening presents.There were so many under thetree that I found myself wan ng to do presents first too, even though I knew what several ofmine were.In addition to the presents, I bought for each of them with the money I was given todo some holiday shopping I d managed to buy both my mother and Tanya something withouteither of them knowing.Our mother made us sit down and eat.She was clever enough to haveour plates dished up for us to ensure we actually ate.She put four pancakes, four pieces ofbacon and a big scoop of eggs on my plate.More than I ever thought I would eat, but it was sogood I devoured it all and felt stuffed by the time we were done.We had more gi s under the tree than I remember us having in the preceding years.Mymother had managed to get me several gi s I had no idea about.Things I really liked, such asan MP3 player and a gi card to buy music.She even bought me some other underwear withsome great prints on them.Both my mother and Tanya liked the gifts I bought them.Grandma Orth, my mother s mother, arrived as we were cleaning up the wrapping paper and boxes we d tossed aside as we unwrapped our gi s.Grandma was bearing many more gi sfor each of us.As grandma spent me with us, mother slipped into the kitchen to clean up ourbreakfast mess.I went in to help, but she shooed me out and told me to have fun withgrandma.As I walked out of the kitchen, she stopped me,  I ll leave the dishes for you towash. She gave me a wink.Generally, I would not have been pleased, but today I desired to beas helpful as possible.While our mother was ge ng dressed, grandma encouraged Tanya and I to bathe and getdressed.As I was coming out of the bathroom to my bedroom, I could hear grandma in thekitchen doing the dishes.It was like her to come over and pitch in where needed.I felt so coldwith my towel wrapped around me that I dried off quickly, put on a new pair of the underwearmy mom bought for me and crawled under the covers to warm up a bit.My eyes felt heavy andI thought I would just rest for a moment.A couple hours later, I woke up to the sounds of silence.Looking at the clock, it was justa er nine.Grandma Orth must have le taking Tanya with her, as was the plan.It had beenarranged by my mother that I was spending the day with the Rosales family and then Ryan wasgoing to come over and stay the night.A feeling of guilt came over me as I climbed out of bed,falling back to sleep instead of ge ng dressed and spending me with grandma.I was in thekitchen, no cing all the dishes were not only cleaned, but also put away, when I realized I waswalking around the house in my underwear.Even when I was alone, I did not like to have mybody exposed but this morning, other than being cold, I found it somewhat liberating.I walked into the living room, turned on the television and did some channel surfing.Therewas nothing on that interested me, so I turned it off and headed towards my room.I made astop in the bathroom to look at myself in the mirror.I sucked in my stomach, turned sidewaysand smiled.This underwear definitely made my package s ck out.Hearing my phone ring, Istrutted to my room to answer it.It was Ryan, telling me he was almost to my front door.Normally I would have hustled topull on some pants and a shirt.However, today I decided to answer the door just as I was andshow off my new underwear.Ryan was in new clothes too.At first, he was shocked, but soon he was checking me out andcomplimen ng me,  Good color and style buddy! They give you quite a no ceable bulge. Iblushed with this comment.Ryan continued to look me up and down, it felt nice to be noticed.As I finished ge ng dressed, Ryan pulled down his pants and showed me his newunderwear.The pair he was wearing was like a pair my mother had bought for me.Both of usthought it was great we had the same cool underwear.Ryan told me that there were so many people at his house.He added that we could hangout at my place all day if I wanted.Having received several awesome gi s I had not yet takenthe me to fully enjoy, the idea of hanging out at my house with Ryan was appealing.He wasable to help me put all my music from my computer onto my MP3 player.It plugged right intomy stereo so I could u lize the speakers.It was going to be great to be able and take my music everywhere with me.One of my gi s was the most recent Le 4 Dead game.We d both been interested in ge ngthe game a er playing it for a bit in a store at the mall.A couple of mes we found ourselvesge ng spooked since you can hear the zombies and monsters before you can actually seethem [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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