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.S.See United StatesVan Buren, Martin, 59, 63Taft-Hartley Act, 124Vesey, Denmark, 71taxation: changes in, 181n69; roll back of,violence: insurgency using, 25 26; protest135; shifting brunt of, 131movements with, 24; strategy of, 25tax cuts, 8voter dissensus, 104terrorism, 141, 146voter organization, 115 16textile strike, 25voters: ethno-cultural organization of, 14;think tanks, 131movements galvanizing, 104; politicalThirteenth Amendment, 79parties aggregating, 4; political partiesThompson, Dorothy, 42mobilizing, 58 59Thompson, E.P., 29, 41Voting Rights Act, 3, 87, 107, 128three-fifths rule, 62, 64voting technology, 142Tilly, Charles, 19, 24, 31, 33, 43Tomasky, Michael, 16wages, 124, 136The Tragedy of Compassion (Olasky), 131Wagner Act of 1935, 95, 96, 121Truman, Harry S, 123, 127Walker, David, 72Turner, Nat, 71, 72Wallace, George, 129two-party system: American politics with,Wal-Mart, 1455 6; consensual appeals in, 103; inter-wealth, 19 20, 138sectional party coalitions in, 64; polar-Weaver, James B., 15ization in, 59 60; sectional compromiseWeir, Margaret, 97in, 65welfare policies: politics of spectacle and,134; rapid expansion in, 94; white racialUnderground Railroad, 72 73, 165n96hatreds mobilized by, 133unemployment benefits, 90 91welfare protests, 94union(s): Democratic Party invested in by,western expansion, 64 65123; density decreasing in, 124 25, 137;Western societies, 133disruptive power forfeited by, 121 22;White, Deborah Gray, 61economy weakening, 125; employerswhite supremacy, 119fighting, 143 44; as industrial workerWilkes, John, 43emancipation, 120; wages increasingWilliamson, Chilton, 58because of, 124Wills, Gary, 62Union Party, 77Wilson, Jake B., 145United States (U.S.): as authoritarian pop-Wilson, Woodrow, 87ulist regime, 10; Constitution s legalWolin, Sheldon, 13structure of, 113; democracy arrivingWoods, Gordon, 47in, 115; democracy lacking in, 13, 14;workers: collective bargaining rights of,European comparisons with, 170n35;120; power balance shifted for, 135as federal system, 51; income earners workplace rule of law, 121in, 182n79; inequality rankings for,Works Project Administration (WPA), 92149n31; military aggression from, 138;WPA.See Works Project Administrationpolitical system complex in, 12; right-wing populist allies growth in, 13; as Zinn, Howard, 44 About the AuthorwRANCES FOX PIVEN is the distinguished professor of politicalscience and sociology at the Graduate School at the City UniversityFof New York and president of the American Sociological Associ-ation.She is the author or coauthor of fourteen books, most recentlyThe War at Home: The Domestic Costs of Bush s Militarism and WhyAmericans Still Don t Vote: And Why Politicians Want It That Way.Shecoauthored with Richard Cloward Regulating the Poor and Poor People sMovements.She lives in Manhattan and Millerton, New York.195 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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