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.Then, when they went to the bar for a cocktail, there was a man in a darksuit who followed them in; and when they moved to the terrace outside forlunch, he came out im-mediately after them and sat down a few tables away.There he was joined presently by another man in a similar dark suit, the twoof them having none of the seaside vacationing air of the other guests, andthe two put their heads together and kept looking at her and Ramón as theytalked.And though the glimpse she had had upstairs had been far too narrowfor positive recognition, she felt utterly certain that the second man was theone who had been watching when she left her room.She had hesitantly asked Ramón what he thought of the pair. I d already noticed them, he said. Did you ever see two more obviousdetectives?She told him about what had happened upstairs. It looks very bad, he said grimly. He was not watching you, of course, butwatching for me.I am still sure you have nothing to fear.Because you areleaving, they will not believe you are important.But I think you are goingjust in time. But if they re watching you, it means you ve been be-trayed. Perhaps not so badly.We do not know who our traitor is -or we should havedealt with him.So we do not know how much he can betray.Perhaps very little.Then the Secret Police would not know enough yet to arrest me; they would onlybe watching. But then it s only a question of time-He nodded, tight-lipped. I begin to think that everything may have to be postponed.For a while only,but at least until they are off guard again.And I shall go abroad-then theywill be certain that I am not in mischief.I could not be organizing aPage 62 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlrevolution on the Riviera.Would you like to go there? If you d promise to meet me there, I d go. I must think about it, he had said.Now, two hours later, he strode to her window and stood gazing outunseeingly, with his hands gripping nervously to-gether behind his back.Finally he said:  Yes, querida, I have decided.When I heard you say on thephone just now that you might go to Europe, I knew it was right.Will youthink me a coward if I go? Oh, no, Ramón! I want you to be a hero, but you wouldn t help anyone bythrowing your life away.He turned to her and kissed her hands. Then it is settled.You will drive to New York, as you said, and book apassage on the first good boat.You will take your car for us to drive around,because it is much newer than mine, but of course I will pay the expenses.Ishall book myself on a plane in about a week, so that I do not seem in too biga hurry, but I shall be there in France when you land. You don t know what a load you ve taken off my mind, she said; and yet asshe said it she felt inexplicably as if some-thing else had been taken fromher also.He glanced at his watch. We should have your bags taken to the car before they want to charge youanother day for the room, he said practically. We can wait downstairs foryour travel agent.They went downstairs together with her luggage and watched it stowed in thetrunk of her sedan.Venino tipped the bellboys and dismissed them.Beryl Carrington felt a strange vague uncomfortableness as they faced eachother alone again, with nothing to do but kill time and nothing special totalk about.Nothing, that is, except something most personal.Everything elsehad been wrapped up so quickly and finally.But right up until then, thekisses he had recently pressed on her hands were the nearest approach toemotion there had been between them.In the beginning she had been charmed andrelieved by his correctness.But she had always been convinced that at theproper time, when it could be done without crudity and dis-respect, hisattentions would become warmer.It could not be any other way, with such aromantic enterprise binding their lives together.Yet now that he couldscarcely avoid making some declaration about themselves, she found herselfdesperately unready to receive it.He took her hand and drew her towards him. You must not worry about me, he said, and a flutter of pure panic suddenlyshook her. Why not? asked the Saint s coolest and most languid voice [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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