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.Write down five or so words that have something to do with energy.Add some wordssuggested by other people.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8.Write in a key word at the end of each row on the table below.Now write in 2 to 6 wordsas a connector to make a sensible sentence.Do this for another of your key words.Topic Connector Key Wordeg Energy is needed for us to do work45TRI CKY THI NKI NG PROBLEMS METALSMetalshe discovery of metals by humans oxygen as ores or oxides.These ores have toT allowed them to move out of the Stone be mined from the ground.To make a pureAge.Iron was, and still is, a very important metal, we have to remove the substancesmetal for humans.combined with the metal.Heating stronglyIt does not occur naturally, but is made with carbon or passing an electric currentby strongly heating carbon and iron oxide.through the molten metal ore are commonIn about 1000 BC, some people probably methods of making pure metals.noticed that iron ore rocks around their camp Metals such as gold, silver and platinumfires formed a very strong, shiny metal in the are rare, because they are found uncombinedcoals.They learnt that this metal could be with other substances.These metals are veryshaped into spear tips, knives and swords for expensive.Consequently, they are generallykilling animals and enemies.used for making jewellery.Even 5000 yearsIron by itself is a brittle metal that snaps ago people used gold and silver for theireasily.In order to make it stronger, carbon and jewellery.other metals are added to form steel.Steel is Copper is another useful metal.an example of an alloy or mixture of metals.However, it is soft and combines with waterIron is one of the few metals used to make and air easily leading it to corrode to a greenmagnets.Nickel, like iron, is another metal that powder.Harder and stronger alloys of copperis magnetic or attracted to magnets.Scientists are made by adding metals such as tin or zincbelieve that the core inside the Earth is mainly to it.This forms alloys of bronze and brass.molten iron and nickel.Mercury is one of the few metals that isAlthough only a few metals are a liquid at room temperature.But, like all met-magnetic, they all allow electricity and heat als, it allows electricity to pass through it.to pass through them.We say that they are Different metals have different conductors or that they conduct electricity properties.For example, lead is very heavy,and heat.Some substances look shiny and while aluminium is very light.Some metals,hard like metals, but if they don t conduct such as sodium, are so light that they floatelectricity, they are probably non-metals or on water.Titanium is so strong that it is usedmetal oxides.in making parts of aeroplane wings andThe seventy or so different metals on engines.earth are mainly found combined with46TRI CKY THI NKI NG PROBLEMS METALSMetals1.Write down five or so words that have something to do with metals.Addsome words suggested by other people.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2.Write in a key word at the end of each row on the table below.Now write in two to sixwords as a connector to make a sensible sentence.Do this for another of your key words.Topic Connector Key Wordeg Metals are good conductors of electricityMetalsMetalsMetals3.Now ask why or how of each sentence you have made.Write in your questions.Try to find an answer for each of your questions.eg Q.WHY do metals conduct electricity?A.Electrons can pass through the atoms of metals.Topic 1 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Topic 2 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Topic 3 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4.Write down two ways in which iron is the same as plastic.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Now write down two ways in which iron is different from plastic.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________47TRI CKY THI NKI NG PROBLEMS METALS5.The following stages of making iron are mixed up.Put them in the order that they arecarried out in.purifying crushing mining smeltingCorrect order _______________________________________________________________________________________6.Write down some relevant or important properties of metals that you think engineersconsidered when deciding on a metal to use in wires for carrying electricity in our homes.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________7.Write down two facts about iron.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Now write down two opinions about iron.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8.Complete the following table.You may have to use a textbook to find the facts.Metal Magnetic Shiny Solid Melts Easily Conductscopper no yesironmercurygoldWhich properties are common to all metals? What generalisation can you make aboutmetals?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________9.You are a medieval inventor who wishes to construct a horseless carriage.Which of themetals listed in the table above would you use, and why?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________48TRI CKY THI NKI NG PROBLEMS METALS10.Can you think of three reasons why:a [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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