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.One deep inhale, and I had the scent memorized.Nothing.I shotup a hundred meters: still nothing.Fran and I headed north, and Islowly began to feel something recognizable.It isn t like you smell afood or a flower.I feel the human s presence, even though it istechnically a smell.Braille.I had to find one girl in a tightly constructed town.Everyone who lived there was poor, and I felt sorry for them.Nobodyhad much space, and everything was old and in need of repair.Beiruthad so many humans scrunched together that I had thousands of aromasto parse.When I found the building that had the strongest attraction for myaroma, Fran and I landed on the roof.A man with a rifle popped acouple of rounds into François s arm.That just made him mad.Thebullet wasn t silver, so the only long-term damage was to his shirt.Franloved that shirt.The man paid for the shirt with all his life force.Bu-bye.Bye-bye.The noise of the rifle got noticed inside the building.A man witha rifle came onto the roof.He looked mean and tough.The man rantoward us, but he tripped and fell into the side of a building about akilometer away.Bu-bye.Bye-bye.François was jumping up and down, clapping his hands. This is the best honeymoon ever, Fran told me as we went intothe building s top floor.I felt the girl s presence down a staircase, sothat s where we went.The two Americans were tied up in a large room with a weird flagor banner on the wall.There was some kind of electronic gizmo thatFran said was a camera.I guess so, but it was unlike any camera I dever seen.Three armed men were guarding the Americans.One aimed apistol at a hostage.I saw him pulling the trigger, so I jumped as fast as Icould.Ouch.Bullets fucking hurt.I don t care if they can t kill me,they still fucking hurt.I took a bullet intended for one of the hostages,and I was beyond angry.The asshole shot me.When Fran gets shot (and that has happened several times), heputs his fingers in the hole in his body and pulls out the bullet.I just Fangs Over America | 245can t do that.It would make things easier, but I just can t do it.I haveto get a vampire doctor to cut me open to pull out the metal.It is adouble hurt: painful going in, painful coming back out. That bitch is mine, I told Fran. I m going to put his nose overwhere his ear is.And I did.The three gang members put up a show.It was impressivelymacho.I was so fearful of their swagger and their popguns.Scare me.François put his shoe through the neck of one of the gangmembers.Bu-bye.Bye-bye.He showed plenty of fang at the other one, who decided hewanted to evacuate the premises.That didn t work out according to hisplan.Fran grabbed him with a bite on the back of his neck.It isn t oftenthat a vampire feeds on a human to the death, but that s what happenedthis time.Fran took all the human s blood, and he loved every drop ofit.He felt the man s life force go away.I was fairly sure that he had ahard-on when the guy finally died.The man who shot me had eyes the size of a trunk of one of thecedar trees we saw on the way in.He was afraid.He wanted mercy.Mercy wasn t going to happen.I poked a small hole in a vein in histhigh.When that blood started spurting, I lacerated one of his arms.Hebled out while his two hostages watched.He tried holding his handover the geyser in his leg.He actually blocked the flow of blood fromhis leg, so I removed the finger that was plugging up the hole andshoved it into his left eye.He knew he was dying.I knew it.Thehostages knew it.Knowledge is a beautiful thing.The woman and the girl were free.They were afraid of what theyhad witnessed.Blood and gore, like the vampires of fiction.Thebiggest difference is that Fran was whistling and humming while wetore off body parts and gulped blood from the midair geysers, spurt byspurt.We had a lot of fun.I know that it s gross.It seems depraved, butdon t tell me the fuckheads didn t deserve everything they got.Fran and I carried the freed hostages to the embassy and gavethem to the CIA agent, adjusting their memories to avoid complicatedstories. 246 | Wynn WagnerIT DIDN T take us long to zip back across the Atlantic Ocean.I wastired and ready for bed, even though we had half an hour beforesunrise.I looked forward to lying in peace in the bed in Manhattan [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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