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.But histechnique was amazing.Court spread Oliver s buttocks apart and traced a dampened finger downthe cleft, circling his opening before probing just a fingertip inside the94 www.samhainpublishing.com The Psychic and the Sleuthconstricting ring of muscle.Oliver groaned and pushed back against the finger.This earned another hard slap from Court across one cheek. Don t wiggle. No, sir, Oliver answered promptly as a soldier responding to hiscommanding officer. Or release, no matter how much you might want to. Wouldn t dream of it. But his cock was aching and already beaded withfluid at the tip.He bumped his cockhead against the door, seeking the slightestbit of relief.Court returned to kissing him, lower on his back now and across the swell ofhis buttocks.The little kisses soothed the tingling in his skin from the smacks butstoked the raging need in his groin.He needed more, so much more than gentlekisses and touches.By the time Court finally slid one hand between his legs to cradle his balls,Oliver was trembling and sweating.And then, oh blessed relief, the other manmoved his hand higher and gripped Oliver s cock.Lightly, he smoothed his fistup its length, drawing the foreskin over the head, then down again.Oliver stared down at the disembodied hand rubbing his cock.It was abeautiful sight, the strong fist gliding up and down his shaft, alternatelyrevealing and concealing his cockhead.He couldn t resist rocking his hips just alittle and earned a stern,  Steady on or you ll get another smacking, from Court.It was an impossible request, of course.How could a man resist thrustingwhen such wonderful sensations coursed through him? Court s warm palmgliding over his skin was quickly moving him toward ecstasy.And then the mandraped himself over Oliver s back again like the world s heaviest cloak.Hewrapped Oliver in his embrace, pulling him away from the door and enfoldingwww.samhainpublishing.com 95 Bonnie Dee and Summer Devonhim in his arms.Lips skated over the edge of Oliver s jaw, bestowing sweet,damp kisses. Now to your bed, he whispered and guided Oliver toward the other room.They walked like that, so close together they might have been one being withfour legs.Awkward but lovely.Oliver smiled as they stumbled through the doorframe and into his small room.The bed was unmade from last night s sleep, and Court pushed Oliver backonto the rumpled sheets.Oliver lay on his back, silent, waiting, watching as hishandsome suitor took his time untying his tie, opening his collar, removing eacharticle of clothing.The other man s gaze was predatory, assessing Oliver in a hungry way thatmade his stomach catapult.Still, Court unfastened each cufflink with utmost careand set them on the nightstand.Each slow movement was designed to be casualand to torment the waiting Oliver.But he could see the ruse wasn t easy forCourt either.His breathing was shallow, and the bulge in his trousers wastelltale.Underneath that cool exterior, it was clear the man wanted to leap ontothe bed and attack Oliver, toy with him like a lion with prey.Mmm, Oliver wanted him to do just that, tear into him with teeth and hard,demanding hands.Oliver reclined with his arms folded behind his head,nonchalant, as if he weren t squirming with need.He rocked his hips a little,thrusting his jutting cock into the air, and gazed right back at Robert Court, aheavy-lidded look meant to entice the other man to mount him with utmosthaste.As he removed his braces and undershirt, Court gave a little groan or growl,some kind of rumbling sound that sent a fresh wave of lust rushing throughOliver.Ah, anticipation, maybe the best part of the mating game.But this playhad gone on long enough, and now he was ready for much more.96 www.samhainpublishing.com The Psychic and the SleuthAt last Court finished removing his last article of clothing, but even then hestood for a moment in naked, powerful perfection, watching Oliver.Maybe hewanted a sign, some indication in case a raging erection wasn t sufficient thatOliver was aroused by the sight of him.Very well.Oliver swept his gaze over theother man, slowly, head to toe.He let his tongue slick his lips, swallowed, andraised his knees so his pelvis was tilted up.Could he be more inviting than that?Come, fuck me, he begged with his eyes.Court moved toward the bed with a measured tread.He climbed onto themattress, which sagged, and the metal frame squealed in protest at the additionalweight. There s ointment for lubrication in the nightstand, Oliver murmured.Court glanced that direction but made no move to get it. Not yet.We willdo something else tonight.He felt a momentary stab of frustration.He felt primed for entry, wantedCourt to thrust into him.But his disappointment was quickly supplanted bypleasure as Court crawled on top of him, positioning his body in the oppositedirection.His knees bracketed Oliver s shoulders, cock and balls flopping againsthis chin [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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