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.But these are fine.Thank you.Al Masood took a sip of his tea. So, you have questions.I opened my notebook and decided to start off with the easy ones. I understand thatyou are advocating the introduction of sharia law in Britain.He set his glass on the tray and folded his hands. It is very important to the BritishMuslim community that we have sharia law.As Muslims, we find it difficult, if not offensive,to live in a democratic society. Why? A democracy is created by people.Sharia law is based on the word of Mohammed.We are Godly people and are uncomfortable living in a society not based on the Koran andthe Prophet Mohammed.It was strange to hear words like that delivered in a broad Birmingham accent. Democratic government was created to protect the rights of individuals, to allow them thefreedom to worship as they choose.The fact that you live in a democracy allows you to speakfreely about your beliefs.What s wrong with that? It is an offence to Islam for Muslims to live under such a set of laws. He sighed andoffered me a sad smile.STOLEN SUMMER S.A.Meade 65 There are some who would suggest that if you don t like it here, you could leave andlive in a country governed by sharia law.Al Masood nodded. They are bigots who don t understand.I have spent most of mylife here, my children were born and raised here.If I choose to stay, that is my right. I ve heard people suggest that the reason you stay here is because it s easier to raisefunds and recruit men for the jihad? I braced myself for his anger.He had denied it up anddown in other interviews.I didn t expect it to be any different this time.He plucked another sweetmeat from the tray. The reason I stay here is because I amfighting for sharia law in this country.One day I ll succeed and Muslims will live under theirown law. He popped the treat into his mouth and chewed before answering. One day,sharia law will replace English law and we will all live under sharia law.Those who see thisas a bad thing fail to recognise that if we all lived according to one law, there would be noneed for strife and hatred. Al Masood shook his head like an old man sad at the state of theworld. What would that mean for an infidel like me?He reeled off a list of things, from having to keep to the side of the street, to notdisplaying wine, pork or crosses.I could be punished for adultery and theft.I couldn t hangChristmas lights on my house or hold a public funeral.I dutifully scribbled these down andtried not to think about the grim fact that, as homosexuals, Colin and I could be executed if alMasood had his way.I did my best to keep up with him while he bemoaned the evils of democracy, the lackof morals, the lack of religion.It wasn t anything I hadn t heard before. What about the allegations that you provide funds and fighters for the Taliban? My brothers in Afghanistan are fighting a just war.They are fighting a corruptgovernment and foreign soldiers who kill to prop up that regime. Those foreign soldiers are defending this country.You could argue that they aredefending your right to worship freely in this country. They are waging a war against Islam.They are killing and maiming innocentpeople.I thought of Beaumont, with his mangled leg, and I thought of Roberts, with half hisface blown off. What about the families of the soldiers? Don t they deserve somesympathy?STOLEN SUMMER S.A.Meade 66 They would not lose husbands, fathers and sons if they left the Taliban alone. So you have no remorse. I always regret death. What about Al Qaeda? Is it true you support them? Al Qaeda no longer exists.I raised an eyebrow. It no longer exists as it was.The organisation was dismantled, though it still hasmany, many supporters. Al Masood poured more tea into the glasses. Many supporterswho are passionate about the cause, who would do anything to further the cause.I glanced at my notebook.There were a few questions left but I wasn t sure I could bearsed to ask them.There was one I had to ask, though
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