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.He could see overwhelming fear and needed to calm it.He reached up and cupped Ryan’s cheek.“Hey, where you going?” Ryan was quietly sobbing, and each sob tore at Jake’s soul.“I don’t know, I just, I don’t want to burden you with this.I mean, you don’t know me, and you don’t need this, and I should just go.” But his hands told a different story, clutching at Jake’s back like he was trying to find something to hang onto.Jake wanted to give it to him.“You don’t need to go anywhere, Ryan.” He carded his fingers though Ryan’s silken strands, letting it calm Ryan.“You’re safe here, and wanted here, and believed here, and I don’t want you to go.” Ryan looked up at him, puzzled, but Jake could see the hope there too.“Ryan, what happened to you was awful, but it’s not who you are.I’ve never met anyone like you.After all the hurt you have suffered, you opened yourself up to me and made me feel more special than I ever have in my life.” He could feel Ryan’s breathing calm down.He kept touching him, just letting his fingers wander over warm skin, brushing tears from that heartbreakingly beautiful face, down his neck, over his shoulder.It was working, and soon he felt like he could slide off of Ryan, so he wasn’t squishing him.But Ryan held him close, not wanting him to go.He felt like Jake was keeping him grounded and safe, and it didn’t hurt to breathe so much.Jake just lifted himself to rest on one elbow, leg thrown over Ryan’s hip and his hand wandering over Ryan’s hard chest and stomach, making Ryan’s breath hitch for a different reason.“How did I get so lucky? It was some twist of fate that brought me to your door, Jake Evans.But I am grateful it did.I’ve been feeling alone for a long time, like I needed to keep running, but I don’t want that anymore.” He kept touching Jake’s back and sides, just letting himself relax.“Let’s have a bit of a rest, okay? Just an hour or so, then I gotta get the horses in, and we should eat something.” Jake was talking quietly, letting his voice soothe Ryan’s nerves.Ryan snuggled down and let his head rest over Jake’s heart, letting the sound of it lull him to sleep.He had both arms wrapped around Jake’s waist, not caring that one was probably going to be asleep by the time they woke up.Jake set the alarm on his watch before giving in to the warmth of Ryan’s body pulling him under.Jake woke up and saw that his alarm was about to go off, so he turned it off and untangled himself from Ryan gently before kissing him on the forehead and quickly grabbing his clothes.He snuck out to get dressed in the hall and headed outside to call the horses in, making sure each one had what it needed before heading back into the house.The sun was low in the sky, and it was a beautiful evening.Jake went into the kitchen, grabbed a beer from the fridge, and reflected on his day while starting a simple supper for him and Ryan.Jake thought about how Ryan had treated him that afternoon, like he was someone precious who needed to be cherished, and Jake realized he hadn’t felt like that before in his life.It was something he could get used to, though, and he was kind of awed at how much his life had changed in such a short time.Jake had known he was lonely, but he didn’t realize how much until Ryan kissed him for the first time.The thought made him smile, and that was how Ryan found him when he wandered into the kitchen.Jake looked over and saw Ryan standing there in his jeans, barefoot, shirt thrown over his shoulders but not buttoned, with a shy smile on his face, like he was unsure of his welcome.Jake put down the fork he was using and was across the room in three long strides, pulling Ryan up against him before leaning down to claim Ryan’s lips in a passionate kiss.Ryan’s hands came up to hold onto Jake’s shoulders for support, because Jake’s kiss was leaving him literally weak in the knees.Jake pulled back a bit before resting his forehead on Ryan’s.“Hi, did you sleep well?”Ryan nodded before giving in to the urge to run his fingers up and down Jake’s strong arms, loving the feel of the muscles twitching under his touch.Ryan kissed Jake’s jaw, loving the feeling of the stubble under his lips.“You should’ve woke me.I wanted to help with the horses.”Jake smiled.“Don’t worry; there is plenty to keep you busy around here.” He raised his eyebrows suggestively, causing Ryan to chuckle.“You know, I came here to work, not to be your sex toy.”Jake nuzzled down into Ryan’s neck, loving the warm, still-sleepy smell that lingered there.“God, you smell good.” His tongue darted out to lick Ryan’s neck, causing the smaller man to shudder.“Mmm, taste good too.” He hugged Ryan tighter for a minute before letting him go and turning back to the stove.“Supper’s almost done, and I’m starving.” Ryan started moving around, grabbing plates and silverware, setting the table, liking how it felt to just be around Jake, not having to talk, just being there.They ate, talking about nothing and everything.Ryan told Jake stories about his family, the brothers and sisters he was missing, his folks who adored him.He had two grandmothers, who were so different yet so important to him.Jake just smiled, taking it all in, loving listening to the sound of his voice, watching the play of emotions over his face.He could tell that Ryan’s family meant so much to him, and the thought that he was missing out on them because of someone’s cruelty caused him to frown.Ryan saw it, and his words faltered.“Jake, what’s the matter?”Jake stood up and pulled Ryan into his arms.“Nothing, just a random thought.” He smiled to let Ryan know it was okay before pulling him into a spine-melting kiss.Ryan pressed harder against him, moaning deep in his chest.“You know, we never did get to finish what we started this afternoon, did we, Ryan?” Jake knew he needed to let Ryan know that he wanted this, that Ryan wasn’t pushing him.So he decided to push Ryan.He started backing toward the stairs, wanting to take Ryan to his room, kissing his neck, licking his way across his jaw, unable to stop tasting him.He pulled him, stumbling, up the stairs, down the hall, and into his bedroom.God, he was so hot.Just touching Ryan made him so flustered and horny and hard.He started taking Ryan’s clothes off, starting with his shirt, so that he could touch that warm skin and hard muscle.His body was a little softer than Jake’s, but the muscles were toned from hard work, and he liked how they felt under his hands.He pulled his own shirt off, eager to have bare skin next to his own, loving the feeling of Ryan’s nipples rubbing against his [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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