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.They exchanged greetings before Rick focused on her.“Annabelle’s asking for you, Erin.She needs your help.”He turned and left the room, and she wished she could call him back and explain that he’d misinterpreted what he’d seen, and that it was all just a bit of harmless fun.But then after what had transpired in the candy shop, she doubted he cared one way or the other.“I’d better go see what she needs.Make yourselves at home, and I’ll let you know when dinner is served.”Hans took her hand and kissed it, his lips warm on her skin.“We are very glad we volunteered to stay here instead of at the hotel with the others.”Joel nodded his agreement.“Me, too.” She smiled and pulled her hand free.Even if they were both a little over the top.Erin found Annabelle in the kitchen with Rick, Annabelle filling three bowls with chili before Rick placed them on a tray.“Did you need me?” she asked her aunt.“No, I think Rick and I have everything under control.” She added plates of crackers and small containers of onions and grated cheese.Erin shot a look at Rick, but he wouldn’t meet her gaze.“Rick said you needed me.” She wasn’t about to let him off the hook so easily.Her aunt piled napkins onto the tray before looking up.“Actually, I need to talk to you about one thing.”Rick turned and leaned against the counter, looking sexy in his tight black t-shirt as he met her gaze with a look that said he’d been exonerated of his lie.She narrowed her gaze in response.“Pam overbooked her hotel without realizing it.The young men in the atrium are with a group of athletes traveling from Europe, and they were all supposed to stay at the hotel.” She waved a hand through the air as she continued.“She called this morning in a panic and asked if I could take two of them.Of course, I couldn’t refuse.Normally, this wouldn’t be a problem, but Erin’s here.”“Oh.” The all-too-familiar feeling of being unwanted slithered over her.She forced a smile.“Aunt Annabelle, I can leave.It’s no big deal.I know that you count on your room rentals for income, and I wouldn’t—”“No,” Rick said before she could finish her sentence.“She can have my room.”Something inside Erin twisted into a tight ball, forcing emotions to surface.During her life, she’d never felt particularly wanted by her family, and to know Rick would give up his room, touched her heart.“Where will you go?”“Absolutely not.Neither of you are going anywhere,” Annabelle said before Rick could answer.“I just found you, Erin, and I’m not ready to let you go yet, love.And you belong here, Rick.If you’re both open to it, I have a solution.”She stared at them through her thick glasses, strands of her gray hair falling from her bun, and Erin wanted to reach out and hug her.“Rick has two beds in his room.If you both don’t mind doubling up for a few days, we should be just fine.”“Wait.What?” Her thoughts of hugging her aunt came to a complete halt.“I don’t mind sharing.” Rick turned his attention to her.Erin couldn’t believe it.After what had happened between them, he wanted her back in his bedroom? “You seriously want to share?”“I’m fine with it.” He shrugged, capturing her with an unreadable look in his eyes.“If it’s a problem for you, I’ll take the couch.”Erin glanced between the two people looking at her, Annabelle with an expectant look on her face who Erin knew she couldn’t disappoint, and Rick with a dare that she couldn’t ignore.If he didn’t have a problem with it, then why should she? “If you’re fine, I’m fine.It’s only a couple of days.No big deal.”“Wonderful.Thank you both so much for being so easy-going.I would have offered to let you sleep in my room if my bed was bigger, but we won’t fit, and I really need my orthopedic bed if I want to get up in the morning.”“It’s fine, Aunt Annabelle.Really.” She gave her aunt a reassuring smile.“Thank you, love.I wish Henderson could have met you.He would have loved you as much as I do.” Annabelle lifted the tray and headed toward the doorway.Rick leaned away from the counter and started after her.“Let me carry that for you, Annabelle.”“I have it.Have fun tonight.”Rick turned back to Erin with that damn passive look on his face.“Are you headed out?” She’d be able to enjoy their guests much more if Rick wasn’t in the room with them.“We are.In case you didn’t notice, there were only three bowls on that tray.Annabelle not only gave away your room, she’s feeding them our dinner.” He tilted his head, giving her a softer look that sent her heart reeling.“If you’re agreeable, I’d like to take you to dinner.”He’d asked her on a real date, and the effect sent flutters through her.“Did Annabelle put you up to it?”“I offered.Is it such a strange thing for a guy to want to take a friend to dinner?”Friend.That word again.Why couldn’t she get used to that idea and quit looking for something more?“Of course not.” She sucked in a fortifying breath.“Give me a minute to freshen up.After working all day, I feel like I have sugar infused into my skin.”He raised his brows as his gaze dropped to her throat, then lower, spiking her pulse.The man could seduce a woman with one look when he wasn’t trying.“Doesn’t seem like such a horrible thing.”She laughed, trying to stave the currents of attraction she shot in his direction.“You’ll have to try it some time.Then you’ll see.”He blinked, his dark lashes brushing his cheeks.“I just might.”The sexy look in his eye made it hard to breathe.She needed to change, splash some cold water on her face, and fortify her game plan so she could make it through an evening without melting into a puddle at his feet.She headed for the doorway, expecting Rick to step back and make room for her.He didn’t, so she was forced to brush past him, pretending the feel of him so close didn’t take her straight back to their kiss.He grabbed her arm before she made it into the hall, and she stopped, looking up at him as her heart thundered.She froze as he leaned toward her, stopping when his nose brushed her neck.He sniffed and pulled away [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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