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.Benji’s hand clasps mine too tightly.I flinch, ready to pull away, when he shoots up, pulling me with him.“You brought your phone?” he hisses.“I didn’t use it,” she says quickly, defending herself.Benji’s face falls.His head drops forward and he presses his palm against one eye.“It doesn’t matter if you used it or not.It can still be tracked.”“I’ll turn it off,” she offers, her voice quivering as she works the gum in her mouth nervously.“It’s too late.” His head pops up, moving from side to side as his eyes flick along the road.Searching.“They had all day to track it.We didn’t move all night.”As I watch the panic spread on his face, fear settles into my limbs.They found us.We’re going to die.Oh, my God.We’re going to die.They’re coming to kill us.Benji hands the cooler to Kameron before swinging his backpack onto his shoulder.He pauses, holding his hand out, palm up, in front of Kam, and wiggles his fingers.She drops the cell phone into his waiting hand.He rears back and tosses it hard.It hits the ground several yards away bouncing once before it shatters.“Come on,” he demands, “we have to get out of here.”“We’re taking his car?” Jax asks incredulously.“Let’s just hoof it to the motel like we planned.”Benji ignores him, pulling the back door open.He nudges Flynn in, takes the cooler from Kam, and shoves it in as well.“Dude, I’m not stealing his car,” Jaxon protests.“It’s bad enough we led them here.I’m not doing this.”Benji guides Kam in next, then pivots back, meeting Jax’s determined glare.“Your little girlfriend brought her phone along.” He grits his teeth and takes a noticeable breath.“Delphi’s guys could be here any second,” he states.“We don’t have time to take a morality test.Get the fuck in the car.”They both stand there with gazes locked, breathing hard.Finally, Jax takes a step back and lowers himself into the driver’s seat.Benji looks back, holding his hand out to me.“Come on.”“We need to warn Kent,” I say, backing away.The guy’s kind of an asshole, but Jax is right.We brought this to him.I don’t want him to die because of us.Benji matches my steps without missing a beat, even in his condition.“We’ll stop somewhere and call him.” He reaches for me again and I almost take his hand.And then I remember Kent doesn’t have a phone.I can feel the expression on my face.The shock that Benji doesn’t care about warning Kent.The shame I feel for him because of it.And the hurt that he so easily—so flawlessly—just lied to me.“Hard to call him when he doesn’t have a phone,” I breathe.He makes a noise, somewhere between a groan and a growl, and rubs his forehead.“I’ll go tell him once you get your ass in the car.”“You get in the car,” I say firmly.“I’ll be quicker.” I rush up the steps before he can stop me.I hear him yell my name as I open the door.I ignore him, hurrying inside and heading straight for Kent’s room.I raise my hand to knock when his door swings open.“What the fuck are you still doing here?”“We think Delphi may be on his way here for us.”Benji stumbles into the hallway, his eyes blazing with anger as he glowers at me.“We need to go,” he pants.“Now.”“You led him to my house, man?” Kent says as he pushes past me.“I knew I should have turned your sorry ass away.” He sticks his fingers into the blinds, pulling them apart to peer outside.“Motherfucker.How you gonna just take my car?”Benji grabs my hand and jerks me forward.“We’re going.Come with us or find somewhere to hide out.Or stay here for all I care, and work it out with Delphi.But we’re taking the car.”Before Kent can reply, the sound of squealing tires fills the room.Benji lunges forward, towing me behind him.He mimics Kent, spreading the blinds to look outside.I can see just enough to make out Kent’s car fishtailing out onto the road, the back door slapping shut with the movement.I push myself up next to Benji, looking out the window with horror.They left us, I think numbly as I watch another car speed by, giving chase.“Shit,” Benji breathes.“Shit.Shit.Shit.”At the end of the street, Jax pops a U-turn, swinging the car around.He darts past the other car in the opposite direction.“Go,” Benji pleads.“Just keep going Jax.Keep going.”And he does.He flies past the house, the tires kicking up dirt and gravel as he turns the corner.The other car is still turning around at the opposite end of the road.“Back door?” Benji demands as he grips Kent’s shoulder [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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