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.“You’re disappointed I can hear it in your voice, but no stay there it will be the last time you see the place and a week won’t kill us.” My God, he’s good.“What if I die from a broken heart it will be your fault then.” He laughed.“I’ll have you know Sam I am extremely disappointed, but will live with it, for now.Is she all right is Emma all right?” I loved hearing his voice.“She fell down the stairs, twice in less than a fortnight.I think she may have passed out again.She gets dizzy and falls a lot of late.What you doing now Mi cielo?” He let out a deep sigh his voice was almost teary, I’m thinking there’s more to this than falling, once maybe but twice? He’s hiding something from the new girlfriend.“Well nothing much apart from arguing with Michael about what we’re watching on telly.” I waited a little for the reply.“Who is this Michael? How long is he there for Michelle?” He was jealous.“He’s here for full three weeks.I’m mad, wanted my bed to myself too.” He dropped the phone I think.“You’re sharing a bed?” I laughed.“Yes, I am with my Grandma why?” He laughed.“Argh, you thought I was sharing with him? I did until last year as we have bunk beds.I think Gramps thought I was becoming a bit of a temptation for him.Though even thinking about him and me like that makes both of us laugh.That would be wrong, he’s my cousin and more like my big ugly brother, honestly Sam you’re an idiot.That’s not even funny.” He apologised and then laughed.“What you doing tomorrow then?”“Oh, I am going skating on the pleasure beach with the other Michelle from next door we do it every time I come on my second day.Michael is off with Gramps to Manx land, what you doing?”“Spending time between here and hospital, I miss you.I really wanted to see you too.” I wanted to see him too.“You could always come for the day, if you’re sure you don’t want me to come back?” That gave him something to think about.“I really want you to come back to me, but we will manage and the whole planned first time? We can do again I promise, I will take you away when you get back a nice hotel or somewhere? I’ll try to get there to see you, but Mum’s in a bad way.I’ll try, but it won’t be an overnighter Missy.” I would be just happy seeing him.“Try please, but no problem if you can’t, I miss you too.” His Aunty was calling him for dinner.“I’ll ring you tomorrow.I Love you Mi cielo.” Oh, that’s so nice.“I love you too bye.” The phone went dead and I went to bed before Grams.She snored badly, if I didn’t get to sleep first, I never would.Sleep I did, sea air and fantasies about Sam were wonderful.Grams snoring eventually woke me up cranky.Her snoring could wake the dead.I washed and went down, my breakfast, when Michelle walked in.“Hi.Michelle.” Hugs, cuddles, and screaming over I grabbed my things.“Hi, come on grab your tickets for the ferry.” I had everything, and my skates thrown over my shoulder.Gramps had whitened them and treated the leather; I have to wonder where I will get to wear them in sodding Stockton?“It’s great seeing you even if it is only for a week.” We had a great time skating.I filled her in on Sam.She had a load of advice for me, I asked her about all sorts of stuff.She may be a preacher’s girl but she was a wild girl away from the house.She was Sam’s age and such a good friend when I was here, though she didn’t return many of the letters I sent her.Those she did return were full of her latest conquest at the hotel and guest that had taken her fancy.She said some people know they are perfect for each other, and are to be together from their first kiss.This was the person to ask about sex and stuff.I did and boy was she knowledgeable.All my questions answered, and some I was shocked at, but made note of.“Michelle do you realise all we have talked about is Sam? I think you have it bad.From what you say, I figure this time next year you will be married and throwing out children, with super stud Sam.That’s if you can tempt him into sex, though looking at the looks you’re getting in here, I’m surprised he hasn’t already?” So am I Michelle, so am I.“No to the children Michelle, shit I’m not long out of being one myself and I want to travel the world, have a career, do things to better my life.We did joke about him following me anywhere.I think that idea appeals to me, coming home to him every night wouldn’t be a bad thing to happen.”“I think you’ve just answered your own question.You want him as much as he wants you; you’re not the first eighteen year old girl to get married.Boy, your way older up in that noggin of yours than is good for you, you’re too old sometimes [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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