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.“They are in range.”“We will let them get a little closer before we fire,” said Captain Ssselthan.“Helmsman, cease the drive and rotate the ship to port to unmask the port batteries.” Since the majority of the missile batteries were located on the sides of the ship, the ship had to turn to point the missile launchers at the target.Having the engines stop before firing ensured a stable firing platform for the ship and kept it from flying off tangentially.“Aye, sir,” said the helmsman.“Drive has ceased, and we are coming left.”“Both battlecruisers rotating too,” called the sensor technician.Although they were both ‘shot out’ and had no missiles remaining, the battlecruisers were bringing the majority of their laser batteries to bear.“Nine million miles,” said the weapons technician.The Mrowry were coming on fast, Captain Sselthan thought.He had to make sure they missed.Even damaged, the carrier had an acceleration that was 100 Gs greater than his.During the five hour chase, the carrier had reached a speed that was 11,000 miles an hour faster.With a mass of over three million tons, any impact would be.substantial.to say the least.“Eight million miles,” said the weapons technician, sounding a little more nervous.“Fire all missiles!” ordered the Captain.“Missiles firing!” called the weapons technician.“That’s strange,” said the sensor technician.“I’m picking up some weird gravity readings behind us.”Bridge, TSS Vella Gulf, Kepler-78 System, August 26, 2020“The lizards have rotated their ships and are firing,” said Steropes.“They must be out of missiles.The Mrowry database says that the battleship has 34 missile tubes in its broadside, but only 17 missiles fired.” He looked down at his screen, but then looked back up quickly.“Two stealth fighters uncloaking behind the lizard ships!” he called.“What?” asked Captain Griffin.“What the hell’s a stealth fighter? Better yet, why don’t we have them?”“The stealth fighter is a space fighter that carries a cloaking package in place of a missile loadout,” said Steropes.“It is a spy plane.but no one ever uses them because fighters can’t go through stargates so they’re of limited utility.” He paused.“Detonation! One flew into the battleship’s engines once they turned off, and another flew into the engines of one of the battlecruisers.Both ships are dead in space!”“I take it that it will be easier for the carrier to ram the battleship now?” asked Captain Griffin.“Yes,” said Steropes.“Assuming that they survive the missiles heading at them.”Bridge, Mrowry Ship Honor, Kepler-78 System, August 26, 2020The fighters had done their part, succeeding beyond even his wildest dreams.Now if the Honor could just hold together through the missile storm.“Come on, baby, hold together for me,” Commander Brower urged the Honor.“We’ll do this together.”“Counter-missile lasers firing,” said the ship’s AI.“Missile impact in”There was a flash, and the world went black.Bridge, Mrowry Ship Ranger, Kepler-78 System, August 26, 2020“Shit sir, they got pasted,” said the sensor operator.“They took hits from at least four nuclear warheads and two laser warheads.The flight deck is wrecked, and air and fluids are venting in too many places to count.”“Does it still have power, though?” asked Commander Garuu, the acting commanding officer of the Ranger.“Is anyone alive?”“One of the motors is still operating,” said the sensor operator after a brief pause.“I haven’t been able to contact anyone,” said the communications operator.“Keep trying,” Commander Garuu urged.“We need to know quickly whether or not they’re still able to hit the battleship.If they can’t, we have to take over for them!”“Wait!” cried the communications operator.“I’m getting someone!”Bridge, TSS Vella Gulf, Kepler-78 System, August 26, 2020The bridge of the Honor appeared on the front viewer.Captain Griffin had only thought it looked bad the last time she saw it.Now it was worse.Fires could be seen burning in several places, and smoke filled the area.Pieces of furniture, equipment and Mrowry littered the entire area.She could barely make out Commander Brower through the smoke, standing next to the helm, bracing himself on it with his right paw.His left paw was tucked under his right arm.Only the lower half of the helmsman was still in his seat.“Ranger,” he stopped to cough.“Ranger, you are to attack the battlecruiser,” he coughed again, “as previously instructed.The remaining fighters will make sure we hit the target.”He stood up straight to address the camera.The smoke cleared a little, and Captain Griffin could see several pieces of shrapnel sticking out of his left side.“Captain Yerrow, it has been my honor to serve with you,” he transmitted in as strong a voice as he could muster.“You will make a good emperor.” He saluted with his right hand [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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