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.“How stupid is that?”“It’s more important for longer journeys,” said Jess.“Cameron said this ship had been grounded for years.”“Hmmph,” said Pavel.“Well, I’ve still got connections and contacts for parts.”“No,” said Jess.“No way are you showing your face where someone could recognize you as Brezhnaya’s-nephew-who-fixes-ships-for-fun.”“I don’t have to go anywhere in person.I’ll have Kazuko place the order if you’re so worried about it.”Jessamyn crossed her arms.“I just don’t want anything to go wrong.I’m trying to …” she paused and sighed.“I’m trying to get better at thinking ahead.At seeing problems before they arise.”Pavel took her hand in one of his.“You worry too much.” He leaned toward her.Jessamyn felt his warm breath on her face.“No, I really, really don’t,” she murmured.“I do not worry nearly enough—”Pavel placed his lips over hers, cutting off her response.He smelled clean and fresh, like the desert at dawn.Jessamyn felt her eyes closing as she leaned into the kiss, warm and tender and—“No,” she said, pulling away.“Fix things now.Kiss later.”Pavel chuckled and ran the backside of his hand over his mouth.“Fair enough.”They assessed the oxygen tanks next.Finding everything in working order, they began going down a list of Pavel’s creation, system by system.By day’s end, Pavel and Jessamyn had a very long list of parts that ought to be cleaned or retooled or replaced.“So, lots to do before Earth catches back up to Mars, eh?” asked Pavel.“Mmm-hmm,” agreed Jessamyn.“We’d better get back for rations—I mean, for dinner.”“Look at you, learning to speak like a proper Terran,” joked Pavel.Jess scowled.“The ‘proper’ in your sentence is disputable.I’m only doing it so I don’t confuse people here.”“We’re late anyway,” said Pavel.“What do you say to kissing now, rations later?”A smile returned to Jessamyn’s face.“I could be talked into that.Possibly.”“I didn’t plan to talk you into anything,” said Pavel, closing the space between them.The demands of the stomach, however, soon trumped the demands of the flesh, and Pavel murmured that they should probably head back to the Gopher Hole.“Wimp,” Jess whispered.“You have no idea how to go hungry.”“Guilty,” admitted Pavel, stealing another kiss.“There’s something you could learn from your friend Renard.”“What?” asked Pavel, a flicker of something uneasy in his gaze.“How to go hungry, that’s all.” Jess kissed him again.“You’d make a lousy Marsian.”Pavel pulled back several inches, a look of concern on his face.“Don’t say that, Jess.”“You would,” she said, laughing lightly.Pavel’s dark eyes looked into hers.“You know I want to go to Mars.”Jessamyn felt a warmth spreading outward from her belly.“I hoped you still did,” she said softly.“When you go back, I’m going too.”“Are you sure that’s what you want? It’s a hard life.You can’t even go outside without a helmet—”“So take me and I’ll do whatever I can to move terraforming along a little quicker.”Jess laughed.“Oh, Pavel … I am trying … trying to be happy here,” she said softly.“It’s not your world,” said Pavel.“You’d never be truly happy here.We go and we go together.”“Deal,” she said.The two began their walk back home.He smiled.“You can put in a good word for me.I hear you’re tight with the Secretary General.”A cloud passed across Jessamyn’s mind.“I hadn’t thought about what MCC might say about you showing up.But they can hardly tell you to get back in the ship and go home once you’re there.Plus, you’re a doctor.”“Well, not officially.”“Your abilities to treat patients will still count in your favor.”Pavel’s capacity as a doctor was much under discussion when the two returned.Brian, Harpreet, and Ethan sat around the rations table enjoying easy conversation.“Pavel,” said Harpreet.“Jessamyn.Welcome back.Your name has been upon our lips, young man.It seems the pregnant women of Yucca regards you as Gran’s successor when it comes to the delivery of babies,” Harpreet said to Pavel.Pavel frowned as he drank his medicinal tea for the evening.“Yeah,” he said.“I can’t tell that she ever did much in the way of midwifery, but the women here don’t like giving birth without her.Rather, they won’t like it, now that she’s gone.”Jessamyn shook her head.“Women have been delivering babies on their own for a bazillion annums.”“I hope I didn’t speak out of turn, Pavel,” said Harpreet, “But when I offered to take Gran’s place, Margareth and Zoe both said they’d prefer you, and I said I thought you’d be honored.”“Oh,” said Pavel.“Sure.”“What is with all the women of Yucca having their babies in the same month?” asked Jessamyn.“That is easily explained,” said Ethan.“The enclave of Yucca placed a ban upon new births for several years.That ban was lifted some nine and one-half months ago.”“A ban?” asked Jess.“Yuccans keep careful accounting as to how many mouths can be fed and watered,” explained her brother.“It is truly extraordinary that we have been allowed to live here for this length of time.”“Not so extraordinary when you look at how many water-creds you earned by those alterations to water reclamation,” said Pavel.“They didn’t so much as blink when Jess joined us.And I don’t think Kip would’ve tipped the scales either.You picked up, what, ten years of water rights for five? That’s still, like, nine years for six of us.”“Eight years and four months,” Ethan said, correcting Pavel.“I’m not staying here eight years,” mumbled Jessamyn.“How are things going with that bonnie new ship?” asked Brian Wallace as he moved from the table to a corner of the couch where he liked to drowse in the evenings.“If I may ask, that is.”Jessamyn shrugged.“Your cousin gave me a ship that’s going to cost a fortune to get space-worthy.”Brian straightened himself, chuckling softly.“Ye want to have all the details gone through with a very fine-toothed comb when it comes to me cousin Cam,” he said.“Apparently,” said Jess.Then, more brightly, she added, “But she’s a beauty, Brian.A real beauty.”“Well, if ye’ll allow it,” said Brian, “I’d like to apply to finance the repairs and such to the Red Hope.”“Brian Wallace has declared his wish to join us upon a return mission,” said Ethan.“Well, those of us choosing to return.He wishes to offer his services as an ambassador to Mars, representing the interests of Clan Wallace.”“You do?” asked Jess in surprise.“You want to go to Mars?”Brian shrugged.“I’d like to get away from Lucca Brezhnaya [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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