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.Is he right?Naeth nodded. You didn t tell me, Reijir said reproachfully.Naeth flinched then forced himself to look at Reijir. I was going to, he admitted. When we returned to Rikara.Raven eyebrows rose questioningly. Why the wait? I didn t want you to  Naeth stopped, unsure how to recount what happenedwithout making it sound as if he blamed Reijir. It was an accident, he tried again. How could there be an accident? Reijir countered. You were taking mirash. Yes, except except that night, Naeth stumbled on. You changed your mindabout having me from behind, but but I hadn t taken mirash yet. So you let me take you unprotected? Reijir said disbelievingly. Heyas! Whydidn t you stop me? I tried, I truly did, Naeth hurriedly replied. But you were so upset over that feudyou had to settle in Ilmaren that you didn t hear me.I mean, I don t think you understoodwhat I was trying to say and Naeth s stuttered explanation came to a halt when Reijir stared at him in shockedcomprehension.The Herun turned ashen. Deity s blood, he whispered. I raped you.  Nay! Naeth protested. It wasn t rape.I wasn t unwilling in the least. But you resisted me, Reijir tightly said. I remember now.You kept trying to pushme away and I  He softly groaned and covered his face with one hand. Veres forgiveme, he muttered. I m no better than my scurvy sire.Shaking his head vehemently, Naeth forced himself to sit up.Weakness swiftlyovercame him, and he fell back, panting from the effort while beads of sweat broke outon his brow.Reijir looked up in alarm. Ruo! he exclaimed. Get Eiren here! No need! Naeth quickly called out, holding up a trembling hand to stop Ruomi. Ionly sat up too fast. He reached for Reijir s hand and gripped it. You re nothing likeyour sire, he said, tugging at Reijir s hand until the Herun met his gaze. You re kindand just and you see to the needs of those in your care, even unto a whole fief.Please,Reijir, don t compare yourself to him.He pulled Reijir closer until he could slip his arms around him in an embrace,burying his face in his lover s neck. It was an accident, he insisted. You weren tyourself, and I didn t try hard enough to warn you.Reijir lifted his head and placed his fingers on Naeth s lips. Don t try to lessen myguilt by taking any blame, Naeth, he sternly admonished. I ignored your attempts tostop me.That makes me accountable. He exhaled a shuddery breath. Call it what youwill, but I forced myself on you and, worse, got you with child and at your age.SweetVeres, you could have died! You lost so much blood, he hoarsely said.Naeth tightened his hold on Reijir. I was willing, he emphatically reiterated. Myunreadiness was unfortunate, but that didn t make what happened that night rape.Youmade love to me twice more, remember? Cupping Reijir s face in his hands, he kissedhim deeply.When the kiss ended, he whispered. It wasn t rape.It can never be.I llalways be willing. Always? Reijir skeptically said. Always, Naeth firmly repeated.He inhaled deeply and declared,  I can neverrefuse you.Not when I love you so.They both went still.It was the first time a declaration of love had passed betweenthem.Reijir regarded Naeth searchingly, but the youth stoutly met his gaze. How brave of you, Reijir remarked, a small smile curving his lips though his eyesremained troubled.Naeth caressed Reijir s cheek affectionately. Not at all.You re so easy to lovethough you choose not to believe it.He wanted to say more, but a wave of lassitude struck him and he blinked owlishly,trying to stay awake.Reijir shook his head. Go back to sleep, he murmured, gently pressing Naethdown. I will stay here, he added when Naeth held on to his hand pleadingly.He pushedstrands of hair from Naeth s forehead. And thank you. For what? Naeth asked around a small yawn.He wondered at the intent stare Reijir trained on him. For caring enough to try andabsolve me, Reijir finally said.Naeth fought the pull of sleep enough to mumble,  Because I love you.He finally slid back into slumber, his fingers still fast around Reijir s hand. Chapter FifteenLegacy He s perfectly fine, Rei.That was just a small stumble.Holy Saints, who wouldhave thought you d be such a worrywart!Reijir glared at his brother. I am not a worrywart! he growled. Veres almighty, isit a crime to check if someone is hurt?Keiran clucked reprovingly. Not just a worrywart but a sorehead as well! Please, Kei-dyhar, Naeth softly pleaded.He glanced anxiously at Reijir, placing aplacating hand on the Herun s arm. I m all right.It was just a crack in the pavement.Reijir gave him a quick once-over then nodded and mounted the steps to thetownhouse front door.Keiran followed him, shaking his head in obvious exasperation.Naeth sighed.It was now almost six months since the accident in Irdaran, but after their return toRikara, Reijir seemed to take Naeth s every slip or tumble a bit more seriously thanwarranted.Given that Reijir had witnessed his fall and kept watch over him during hisconvalescence, not to mention learned the reason for his near fatal hemorrhage, hisheightened sensitivity to even the slightest mishaps to befall Naeth was not surprising.What was surprising was his increasingly erratic disposition, sometimes rivaling Keiran smercurial temperament.Or perhaps not so surprising, Naeth dolefully mused, considering how displeasedReijir had been when he realized to what extent his leman had kept him in the dark.Regardless of his intentions, Naeth had essentially deceived him, and that entailed abetrayal of trust however small.No wonder Reijir often alternated between candidnessand reticence nowadays, especially where Naeth was concerned.Ruomi was right, Naeth regretfully conceded.I should have told him at once.Thedelay only made things worse.And then he d had the temerity to declare himself to Reijir.Right after admitting todeceit by omission.His timing left much to be desired.More disheartening, Reijir had notresponded in kind and never so much as alluded to it.At times Naeth wondered if he dreally uttered the words or only dreamt that he did [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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