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.He pressed the tape against the wall."Ah," he said, "I should have done this the first time.It greatly intensifiesmy sensitivity and my powers of concentra-tion.It takes a great deal out ofme, however, and I never know when I'll get my next gulp of electricity.Ifever.""Have you got Fargo this time?" asked Jeff anxiously."Yes.Definitely.No mistake."Again Jeff felt that queasy sensation, but he managed to retain consciousnessthis time."This transmit is in better condition," Norby said."And now I think we'llfind Fargo."The doors opened, and Norby said, "In fact, I'm sure you'll find Fargo,because there he is!"Jeff could see an enormous room draped with banners and lined on either sidewith armed men.In the center was a plat-form, upon which rested what couldonly be a throne.Fargo, his arms folded across his chest, was sitting on theedge of the platform, and someoneelse-someone clothed in metal to such an extent that he looked very nearly arobot-sat on the throne."Here's company, anyway," Fargo said."The beautiful Al-bany Jones, myresourceful brother, and his graceful barrel.How did you find me anyway? Andwhy haven't you brought an army with you?""Silence!" roared the figure on the throne in a voice as metallic and raspingas a defective machine."Ing speaks!" said Fargo sarcastically."Let all be silence, while I welcomethe newcomers to the court of Ing the Innocent.Note the distortion of hisvoice, which is uneuphonious even when undistorted.Note the graceful aluminumof his costume, designed to cover an unattractive body, and the facial maskwhich serves to spare his audience a view of his face, which is deformed, orhis feelings, which are disgraceful, and the-"The man on the throne gestured, and a guard stepped up to Fargo and lifted aweapon threateningly."Since Ing fears words but is brave enough to attack an enemy when the oddsare a hundred to one, I shall be quiet," said Fargo.Albany and Jeff marched up to Fargo, Jeff holding Norby- who was, of course,tightly shut.Ing's voice sounded again, harsh and repugnant."We have here two brotherswho, between them, know a great deal about the Space Academy and the fleet.Page 34 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlAnd what they know, I will know!" His voice took on the sound of contempt."Inaddition," he rasped, "we have a lady cop with a rich father who will help metake over Earth, if he wants his little girl back in her present shape andform.And I see something that looks like a barrel.Give it to me, JeffWells."Jeff held Norby tighter and said nothing."It won't do you any good to hold it," said Ing."I am told it is a curiousbarrel with arms-when it wishes to have arms.And legs too.It is something Iwish to examine.Hand it over, boy, or I'll have it separated from you at yourshoulders."Norby whispered through his hat, "Move closer to Miss Jones."Jeff cautiously stepped sideways until his elbow was against Albany'sshoulder."Now both of us move toward Fargo," Norby whispered."We've all got to betouching.""I'll touch Fargo," whispered Albany."But why?""I have an ingenious idea," said Norby in his ordinary voice."It talks!" said Ing."It is a robot and I want it.I am emperor here, and Imust be obeyed.""The history of emperors on Earth has been a sad one," Fargo said.(Albany wasleaning against Fargo's shoulder, and Jeff against Albany's.) "Let me tell youabout Napoleon Bon-""Keep quiet!" Ing barked."Sergeant! Get me that robot.Kill the woman if anyof them resist!"Norby suddenly cried out."The personal shields!" He tossed one to Albany andone to Fargo.Then he clung tightly to Jeff and hummed a strange sound.7Hyperspace"Comet tails!" said Norby."Where are we?" Jeff asked as he stared at the strange castle on the hillfacing them.Terraced gardens spilled down the hill, and directly ahead was an elegantmarble castle in miniature."What I did," Norby said hurriedly, "was to transfer Fargo and Albany outsidethe building.That would give them a head start.With their personal shieldsand Albany's knowledge of judo andFargo's quick wit-you're always telling me how bright he is-they ought torally a counterattack-""Yes, yes," said Jeff impatiently, "but where are we?""Well," said Norby, his hat swiveling as he looked about, "what I was tryingto do was to get us to Space Command.I memorized the coordinates Mac gave melong ago, but maybe they weren't right.""Yes, yes," said Jeff, still more impatiently."Where are we?""Well," said Norby, "that's the one little thing I don't know.""You don't know!" Jeff looked about, despairing.The sur-roundings werebeautiful.The sunlight was bright and warm.There was a soothing rustle allabout, but where on Earth- or off Earth-were they? "Can't you do anythingright, Norby? You're a poor excuse for a robot.""Itry.It isn't always easy." Then Norby said in a small voice, "I wanted you to ownme.I see now that it was a great wrong.You're all mixed up with a robotthat's all mixed up [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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