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. Well, perhaps.I can t say, one way or the other. It was.It s a planet that can t be abandoned; it mustn t be abandoned.Someday we llchange it, change its surface back to what it once must have been.Tillthen we re staying.Valona said softly,  And I m an Earthwoman now.Rik was looking out at the horizon.Upper City was as garish as ever, but thepeople were gone.He said,  How many are left on Florina? About twenty million, said Junz. We work slower as we go along.We have tokeep our withdrawals balanced.The people that are left must always maintain themselves as an economic unitin the months that are left.Of course, resettlement is in its earlieststages.Most of the evacuees are still in temporary camps on neighboringworlds.There is unavoidable hardship. When will the last person leave? Never, really. I don t understand. The Townman has applied unofficially for permission to re-main.It s beengranted, also unofficially.It won t be a matter of public record. Remain? Elk was shocked. But for the sake of all the Gal-axy, why? I didn t know, said Junz,  but I think you explained it when you talked ofEarth.He feels as you do.He says he can t bear the thought of leavingFlorina to die alone.Page 119 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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