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.He was embarassed, but he said, “Thanks for not giving up on me guys.I don’t know why you didn’t, but thanks.”James punched him in the shoulder.Treya tweaked his ear.Lisa bumped him with her hip.“Come on, we have to get to Professor Nussbaum’s class!” They walked down the corridor on the way to the Tube, but before they got there and announcement came over the loudspeaker.“All cadets report to the Tube for a Presidential address, repeat, all cadets report to the Tube.” They looked at each other.Since they’d started at the Academy, there was never any occasion for the entire Cadet Corps to gather.They didn’t know what to expect, but they hurried to the Tube.When they got there Centurion Fjallheim was directing his sergeants who were directing their corporals who were directing the flight leads to get the cadets in formation.A huge Holo-V floated in the center of the Tube and the cadet classes were arranged in concentric circles around it.As the formation took shape it reminded Alexander of a virtual stadium, only instead of seats the cadets stood at station-keeping, maintaining the formation in zero-G.It took some doing, but as drill was an everyday occurrence in one way or another, the cadets got it.Unfortunately for Alexander’s class, they took the upper tier of the formation, meaning they were the furthest away from the Holo-V.When he was finally in place the Holo-V at the center of the Tube was a hundred meters away.There was a lot of jostling and whispering, making the interior of the Tube sound like the inside of a beehive.No one knew what was going on.Finally, as the last cadets straggled in, Centurion Fjallheim called out loudly, “Cadet Corps attennn-shun!”Ten thousand zoots clicked together.“The Commandant of the Space Academy and honored guests!”Commandant Augesburcke zooted out, followed by the faculty.They took their places in front of the senior class.The Commandant said nothing, but nodded to Centurion Fjallheim.The Centurion barked, “Cadet Corps at ease, station keeping!”Alexander relaxed.The giant Holo-V hummed to life and an incredibly large, lifelike hologram of the President of Pan America appeared in the center of their formation.The President’s dark features looked very serious, very serious indeed.“My fellow Pan Americans, Pan Atlanteans and Pan Pacificans, indeed all people of the Terran Empire and the Galactic community, I address you in a time of crisis not seen since the Siege of Rome at the apex of the Caliphate Wars.” Alexander exchanged glances with his friends.This was serious.No politician ever mentioned the Caliphate Wars by name, and especially not the siege—it wasn’t done.The President allowed the shock of his words to wear off before continuing.“We are at the crossroads of our civilization, when the needs of the majority of our population need to be met.The Pan American Congress is now in emergency session as are the Parliaments in Pan Atlantis and Pan Pacifica.The Prime Ministers of our other two great Triumvirates are in full agreement with me and have allowed me the honor of taking the leadership as Overlord of Terra.” He paused again, allowing the full weight of his announcement to sink in.The last and only Terran Overlord was Alexander of Terra himself.It was astonishing and unthinkable!The President seemed fully aware of this, and said, “The current state of civil unrest within the Empire necessitate bold and sweeping action, and a temporary consolidation of power.I have reluctantly acceded to this action with the full support of the Pro Consul.”Alexander exchanged glances with his friends.That was the Pro Consul nominated by the then Senator Bar-Judas.It seemed almost too transparent.“I am declaring martial law in the Terran system as of this moment.Curfews will be established according to district legionary commanders.It is my hope that the restoration of order will be swift and that pending legislation in the Congress and Parliaments of the Terran Triumvirate will result in a Terra that is more answerable to the demands of social justice and the requirement for economic equality for all Terrans.”“The unioneers want the perks of being Citizens without the responsibility and the President wants absolute power,” Alexander muttered under his breath, seeing exactly where the President’s rhetoric was leading.Still, he was confused.How could he undertake such sweeping and radical change even with the power of the Legions behind him? As if in answer, the President smiled.“What we need now is calm to legislate hope and change and then to incorporate it into the very structure of our society.In the past, social justice and equality have taken painful decades, sometimes centuries, to attain only to be lost to the greed inherent in uncontrolled market societies and unstable democracies.It need not be so.” He paused again, allowing his audience to anticipate his next words.Alexander had a sinking feeling in his stomach.“Fortunately, we live in an age of technological advances unavailable to our forefathers.Before, when martial law was declared, those that demanded social justice and economic equality were trodden upon—not today.This is a matter for re-education and increased understanding.To change our traditions, our history and the course of our Empire we need to change our dialogue.That we can do swiftly and painlessly through technology.Therefore, I have signed an emergency order making it possible to use technology to enhance our discussion and to bring hope and change to our world, our system and our empire.Thank you for your time and for your hopes for change.”The Holo-V image disappeared, but there was a sharp sound within the Tube followed by a loud hum that came from above their heads.Alexander looked up to see a series of conduits glowing blue.They ran along the interior of the Tube, glowing softly, running a course from the aft end all the way to the bow five hundred meters away.A ring of pure blue light formed at the bow.It pulsed briefly and then reached out for the blue and white world below.The blue beam enveloped the planet, but all they heard from their vantage was an innocent hum [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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