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.processtext.com/abclit.html"Yes, he has.""Have you asked him whether Fanya is his wife or merely his companion? Whetherhe has children?"Baley stirred uneasily.He might have asked such questions, of course.In theclose quarters of crowdedEarth, however, privacy was cherished, precisely because it had all butperished.It was virtually impossible on Earth not to know all the facts aboutthe family arrangements of others, so one never asked and pretended ignorance.It was a universally maintained fraud.Here on Aurora, of course, the Earth ways would not hold, yet Baleyautomatically held with them.Stupid!He said, "I have not yet asked.Tell me."Gladia said, "Fanya is his wife.He has been married a number of times,consecutively of course, though simultaneous marriage for either or both sexesis not entirely unheard of on Aurora." The bit of mild distaste with which shesaid that brought an equally mild defense."It is unheard of on Solaria."However, Dr.Fastolfe's current marriage will probably soon be dissolved.Both will then be free to make new attachments, though often either or bothparties do not wait for dissolution to do that.-I don't say I understand thiscasual way of treating the matter, Elijah, but it is how Aurorans build theirrelationships.Dr.Fastolfe, to my knowledge, is rather straitlaced.He alwaysmaintains one marriage or another and seeks nothing outside of it.On Aurora,that is considered old-fashioned and rather silly - "Baley nodded."I've gathered something of this in my reading.Marriage takesplace when there's the intention to have children, I understand.""In theory, that is so, but I'm told hardly anyone takes that seriously thesedays.Dr.Fastolfe already has two children and can't have any more, but hestill marries and applies for a third.He gets turned down, of course, andknows he will.Some people don't even bother to apply."Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlThen why bother marrying."There are social advantages to it.It's rather complicated and, not being anPage 101 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlAuroran, I'm not sure Iunderstand it.""Well, never mind.Tell me about Dr.Fastolfe's children.""He has two daughters by two different mothers.Neither of the mothers wasFanya, of course.He has no sons.Each daughter was incubated in the mother" swomb, as is the fashion on Aurora.Both daughters are adults now and havetheir own establishments."Is he close with his daughters?""I don't know.He never talks about them.One is a roboticist and I suppose hemust keep in touch with her work.I believe the other is running for office onthe council of one of the cities or that she is actually in possession of theoffice.I don't really know.""Do you know if there are family strains?""None that I am aware of, which may not go for much, Elijah.As far as I know,he is on civil terms with all his past wives.None of the dissolutions werecarried through in anger.'For one thing, Dr.Fastolfe is not that kind ofperson.I can't imagine him greeting anything in life with anything moreextreme than a good-natured sigh of resignation.He'll joke on his deathbed.That, at least, rang true, Baley thought.He said, "And Dr.Fastolfe'srelationship to you.The truth, please.We are not in a position to dodge thetruth in order to avoid embarrassment."She looked up and met his eyes levelly.She said, "There is no embarrassmentto avoid.Dr.HanFastolfe is ray friend, my very good friend.""How good, Gladia?"Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html"As I said-very good.""Are you waiting for the dissolution of his marriage so that you may be hisnext wife?""No." She said it very calmly."Are you lovers, then?""No."Have you been?""No.-Are you surprised?""I merely need information," said Baley."Then let me answer your questions connectedly, Elijah, and don't bark them atme as though you expected to surprise me into telling you something I wouldotherwise keep secret." She said it without noticeable anger.It was almost asthough she were amused.Baley, flushing slightly, was about to say that this was not at all hisPage 102 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlintention, but, of course, it was and he would gain nothing by denying it.Hesaid in a soft growl, "Well, then, go ahead."The remains of the tea littered the table between them [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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