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.Timeliness depending on your morality, give to thepoor.If the ambitious only knew it is as difficult to becomeincapable as it is to become great.They are mutual as accomplishmentsand equally satisfying.THE SUB-CONSCIOUSNESS.ALL geniuses have active sub-consciousness, and the less they areaware of the fact, the greater their accomplishments.Thesub-consciousness is exploited by desire reaching it.So consciousnessshould not contain the "great" desire once the Ego has wished: andshould be filled with an affected ambition for something different,not vice-versa, the inevitable penalty of cowardice lurking somewhere:surely not an inglorious deceit? Genius, like heroism, is a matter ofbravery- you have to forget fear, or incapacity somehow.henceits expression is always spontaneous.How simple it is to acquiregenius- you know the means; who will take the plunge? The learning of"How" is the eternal "Why"- unanswered! A genius is such, because hedoes not know how or why.The Storehouse of Memories with an Ever-Open Door.Know the sub-consciousness to be an epitome of all experience andwisdom, past incarnations as men, animals, birds, vegetable life,etc., etc., everything that exists, has and ever will exist.Eachbeing a stratum in the order of evolution.Naturally then, the lowerwe probe into these strata, the earlier will be the forms of life wearrive at; the last is the Almighty Simplicity.And if we succeed inawakening them, we shall gain their properties, and our accomplishmentwill correspond.They being experiences long passed, must be evoked byextremely vague suggestion, which can only operate when the mind isunusually quiet or simple.To have their wisdom does not mean theGet any book for free on: www.Abika.comA Collection of Sacred Magick | The Esoteric Library | www.sacred-magick.com THE BOOK OF PLEASURE (SELF LOVE)32necessity of their bodies- the body modifies in relation to "means"(we travel faster than the hunting leopard, but do not have its body),when it is the means it changes accordingly.Now, if we observeNature, the early forms of life are wonderful in their properties,adaptablility, etc; their strength enormous, and some areindestructible.No matter what the desire is, it always is itsaccomplishment.A microbe has the power to destroy the world (andcertainly would if it took an interest in us).If you were todismember its limb, the mutilated part would regrow, etc.So byevoking and becoming obsessed or illuminated by these existences, wegain their magical properties, or the knowledge of their attainment.This is what already happens (everything happens at all times) thoughexceedingly slowly; in striving for knowledge we repel it, the mindworks best on a simple diet.The Key to Prophecy.The law of Evolution is retrogression of function governingprogression of attainment, i.e., the more wonderful our attainments,the lower in the scale of life that governs them.Our knowledge offlight is determined by that desire causing the activity of our birdetc.Karmas.Directly our desire reaches the stratum belonginging tothose existences that can "fly" without wings- so shall we fly withoutmachines.This sub-conscious activity is the "capacity," the"knowledge"; all other we acquire is of a negative or manurial value.The virtue of learning and acquiring knowledge by the ordinary meansis in its worry and disappointment, of that degree which causesexhaustion: by that the desire might accidentally reach the real abodeof knowledge, i.e., the sub-consciousness.Inspiration is always at avoid moment, and most great discoveries accidental, usually broughtabout by exhaustion of the mind.My formula and Sigils forsub-conscious activity are the means of inspiration, capacity orgenius, and the means of accelerating evolution.An economy of energyand method of learning by enjoyment.A bat first grew wings and of theproper kind, by its desire being organic enough to reach thesub-consciousness.If its desire to fly had been conscious, it wouldhave had to wait till it could have done so by the same means asourselves, i.e., by machinery.All genius has an hypothesis (usuallynatural) in the form of a hobby, which serves to restrain and occupythe conscious mind, to prevent its interference with spontaneousexpression.The great Leonardo's mathematics, etc., served to"Deceive" him as such an hypothesis (and as Sigils).Our lives arefull of the Symbolism of those predominating Karmas we are governedby.All ornament, useless dress, etc., are such (they please peoplebecause they feel the identification), and the means of locating them(Karmas).The symbolism of crowning a man King, is that he, resemblingGet any book for free on: www.Abika.comA Collection of Sacred Magick | The Esoteric Library | www.sacred-magick.com THE BOOK OF PLEASURE (SELF LOVE)33God (on earth), has reached the lowest strata of his sub-consciousness(those one-cell organisms if you like), which predominate as governinghis functions.(Of course, those crowned Kings are never such, theysymbolise the "hope," not the reality.) Hence the floral nature of andprecious stones in design of the crown relate to first principles [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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