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.Perched precariously on astool, he was busy issuing orders to a pile of boxes that wobbled and teeteredbe-side him.A final command was given, the fat man looked away and the pile ofboxes set off uncertainly across the room.A moment later theyturned and Iglimpsed a small stumpy foliot laboring beneath them.When he arrived at aset[1]of shelves in one corner of the shop, he extended a particularly long tailand, with a series of deft movements, scooped the boxes one by one from thetop of the pile and set them carefully on the shelf.[1]Foliot:a cut-price djinni.The fat man I took to be Sholto Pinn himself, the owner of the shop.The mes-senger imp had said he was a magician, and I noticed that he had a gold-rimmedPage 76 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlmonocle stuffed against one eye.No doubt it was this that enabled him toobserve his servant's true shape, since on the first plane the foliot wore thesemblance of a youth to prevent startling nonmagical passersby.As humanswent, Sholto looked to be a formidable fellow; for all his size, his movementswere fluid and powerful, and his eyes were quick and piercing.Something toldme he would be difficult to fool, so I abandoned my first plan of adopting ahuman disguise and trying to draw in-formation out of him.The small foliot looked a better bet.I waited patiently for my chance.When lunch time came, the trickle of well-heeled customers entering Pinn'sswelled a little.Sholto fawned and scraped; at his command the foliotscampered to100and fro about the shop, gathering boxes, capes, umbrellas, or any other itemthat was required.A few sales were made, then the lunch hour drew to a close and the customersdeparted.Now Sholto's thoughts turned to his belly.He gave the foliot a fewin-structions, put on a thick black overcoat, and left his shop.I watched himhail a cab and be driven off into the traffic.This was good.He was going tobe some time.Behind him, the foliot had put up a closed sign on the door and had retired tothe stool beside the counter, where, in mimicry of Sholto, he puffed himselfout importantly.Now was my chance.I changed my guise.Gone was the pigeon; instead a humblemessenger imp, modeled on the one I'd beaten up at Hampstead, came a-knocking on Pinn's door.The foliot looked up in surprise, gave me a glare andsig-naled for me to be gone.I knocked again, only louder.With a cry ofexasperation, the foliot hopped off the stool, trotted across to the door, andopened it a crack.The shop bell tinkled."We're closed.""Message here for Mr.Sholto.""He's out.Come back later.""It can't wait, guv'nor.Urgent.When's he due back?""In an hour or so.The master has gone for lunch.""Where's he gone?""He did not furnish me with that information." This foliot had a haughty,supe-rior sort of manner; he evidently considered himself too good to talk to impssuch as me."Don't matter.I'll wait." And with a wriggle and a slide I rounded the door,ducked under his arm, and entered the shop."Coo, this is posh, innit?"The foliot hurried after me in a panic."Get out! Get out! Mr.Pinn has givenme strict instructions not to allow anyone ""Don't get so steamed up, matey, I won't nick nuffin."The foliot positioned himself between me and the nearest rack of silver pocketwatches."I should think not! With one stamp of my foot I can call up a horlato devour any thief or intruder! Now please leave!""All right, all right." My shoulders slumped as I turned for the door."You'retoo powerful for me.And too highly favored.It's not everyone gets to run aposh place like this.""You're right there." The foliot was prickly, but also vain and weak."Bet you don't get any beatings, or the Red-hot Stipples neither."Page 77 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html101"I certainly do not! I am a model of efficiency, and the master is verygracious to me."I knew then what sort I was dealing with.He was a collaborator of the worstkind.I wanted to bite him.However, it did give me an angle to work on.[2][2] Most of us enact our duties only under sufferance, simply because we arehurt if we do not cooperate.But a few, typically ones in cushy jobs likeSholto's servant, grow to enjoy their servile status, and no longer resenttheir situation.Often they do not even have to be summoned, but are happy toengage in prolonged work for their masters, heedless of the pain they sufferfrom being continually trapped in a physical body.The rest of us generallyregard them with hatred and contempt."Cor!" I said."I should think he is gracious and all.Why? 'Cos he knows howlucky he is to have your help.Reckon he can't do without you.I bet you'regood at lugging heavy stuff around.And you can reach high shelves with thattail of yours, or use it to sweep the floor "The foliot drew himself up."You cheeky fungus! The master values me for agreat deal more than that! I'll have you know he refers to me (in company,mark you) as his assistant!I mind the shop for him while he takes his lunch.I keep the accounts, I helpresearch the items that are offered, I have many contacts ""Hold on 'the items'?" I gave a low whistle."You mean to say he lets youhandle the merchandise all his magical stuff, amulets and the like? Never!"At this, the repellent creature actually simpered."He does indeed! Mr.Pinntrusts me implicitly.""What real powerful things, or just the bog-end of the market: you knowhands of glory, mouler glasses, and such?""Of course powerful things! Items that are most dangerous and rare! The masterhas to be sure of their powers, you see, and check they aren't forgeries andhe needs my assistance for that.""No! What sort of stuff, then? Not anything famous?" I was nicely settled innow, leaning on the wall.The traitorous slave's head was swelling so much,he[3]had completely forgotten about turfing me out.[3] Literally swelling, I mean.Like a lime-green balloon slowly inflated by afoot pump.Some foliots (the simple sort) change size and shape to expresstheir mood."Huh, you've probably not heard of any of them.Well, let me see [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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