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.M,Vol.2), Jena: Gustav Fischer, 1906, pp.39 40.16.Cf.Otto, Prüfung, 1906, pp.39 40; Ehrlich,  Controle , 1896.The different draftsfor the test procedure in the Archive of the Paul Ehrlich Institute (henceforthAPEI), Dept.Va, No.1, Vol.1.Already in 1897 the method of evaluation changeddue to problems resulting from variances and the sinking poisonous of the stand-ard toxin.Since mid 1897, the scale basis was a dried and vacuum sealed standardserum, cf.Axel C.Hüntelmann,  The Dynamics of  Wertbestimmung  , in: Sciencein Context (21) 2008, pp.229 52.17.Cf.Otto, Prüfung, 1906.The confiscation of serum from the market in BA Berlin,R 86/1646, passim; APEI, Dept.IV, No.1, Vol.1, passim; Prussian Secret CentralArchive Berlin (Geheimes Staatsarchiv  Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin  hereafterGStA PK), HA 1, Rep.76 VIII B, No.3747 51, passim; and GStA PK, 1.HA, Rep.76Vc, Sekt 1, Tit.XI, Part II, No.18, Vol.1 f., passim.18.Cf.Throm, Diphtherieserum, 1995; for the production side Eiermann,  Einrichtung ,1894.19.Cf.Otto, Prüfung, 1906.20.Cf.van Gennep, Übergangsriten, 2005 (OE 1909); Turner, Ritual, 2000 (English transl.1969).21.Cf.Christina von Braun/Christoph Wulf (eds.), Mythen des Blutes, Frankfurt amMain: Campus, 2007. 48 Evaluation as a Practical Technique of Administration22.Emil Behring, Paul Ehrlich, Robert Koch and surgeon major Weisser, member ofthe Imperial Health Office, had worked out the guidelines for the state control andthe evaluation of diphtheria serum and thus codified the method of Behring andEhrlich in October 1894.Moreover Behring, Ehrlich and Koch were the advisingexperts on the proceedings in the Imperial Health Office in early November 1894concerning the state control of diphtheria serum, cf.the guidelines and the minutesof the meeting in BA Berlin, R 86/1646.For further information see Heinz Zeiss andRichard Bieling, Emil von Behring.Gestalt und Werk, Berlin: Bruno Schultz, 1941.23. Alle diese Vorgänge, die sich seit vielen Monaten vor unseren Augen abspielen,wären nicht möglich und erklärlich, wenn wir nicht schon seit Jahren in einStadium ministerieller Staatsmedizin hineingerathen wären, wo jede wissen-schaftliche Bestrebung, falls sie nur die Billigung und Zustimmung der zuständi-gen Behörde findet, sofort als staatlich konzessionirtes Dogma verkündet wird.Article about the death of Ernst Langerhans in the Berliner Neueste Nachrichten,10 April 1896, BA Berlin, R 86/1182.24.Actors as part of a network in Latour, Reassambling, 2005.25.Cf.Paul Ehrlich, Hermann Kossel, August Wassermann,  Ueber Gewinnung undVerwendung des Diptherieheilserums , in: Deutsche Medicinische Wochenschrift 20(1894), pp.353 5.26.Cf.Emil Behring and Erich Wernicke,  Ueber Immunisierung und Heilung vonVersuchsthieren bei der Diptherie , in: Zeitschrift für Hygiene und Infectionskrankheiten12 (1892), pp.10 44.27.Cf.Ulrike Klöppel,  Stabilizing the Diphtheria Serum in Germany and France.Regulating its Production , in: Jean-Paul Gaudillière and Volker Hess (eds),Ways of Regulating: Therapeutic Agents between Plants, Shops and Consulting Rooms(Drug Trajectories V), Berlin: Max Planck Institute for the History of Science,2008, pp.77 93; on Wernicke see Erika Schulte, Der Anteil Erich Wernickes ander Entwicklung des Diptherieantitoxins.Eine medizinhistorische Untersuchung zurEntwicklung der Serumtherapie am Beispiel des Diphtherieantitoxins unter Berücksichtigungder Bioergographie des Geheimen Medizinalrates Professor Dr.Erich Wernicke, Med.Diss., Free University Berlin 2000.28.Cf.Throm, Diphtherieserum, pp.87 98.29.The process is described for the company Ruete & Enoch in Hamburg in 1895 inBA Berlin, R 86/1646; and APEI, Vd, No.4, Vol.1.30.The transfer was also noted in the journal for the serum host, see APEI, Dept.Va,No.1.31.The draft for the serum host s journal in BA Berlin, R 86/1646; and APEI, Dept.Va,No.1.The fever curve for horse  Fritz in the Emil Behring Archive, Marburg.32.Cf.Eiermann,  Einrichtung , 1894.33.Some reports in the Emil Behring Archive, Marburg, Corr.Farbwerke Hoechst;and GStA PK, HA 1, Rep.76 VIII B, Nr.3747 f.; GStA PK, 1.HA, Rep.76 Vc, Sekt1, Tit.XI, Part II, No.18, Vol.1 f.34.The public health administration had an interest in the strict surveillance of theproduction process not only for public health reasons and the minimization ofpublic health risks but also to guarantee that for every quantity of serum pro-duced the test fees were paid.Unfortunately, cultures of control have mainly been examined in terms of theirtechnical aspects (control of machines or technical systems), cf.Miriam R.Levin(ed.).Cultures of Control, Amsterdam: Harwood academic publishers, 2000.DespiteMichael Power s focus on accountability in the original sense of the word and his Axel C.Hüntelmann 49discussion of contemporary financial/economic aspects, his research offers manystimulating ideas concerning the role of audits as rituals of verification, Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1999; Michael Power, Organized Uncertainty: Designing aWorld of Risk Management, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.35.Cf.Otto, Prüfung, 1906.36 [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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