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.Finally, my Brethren, as this association has been formed and perfectedin so much unanimity and concord, in which we greatly rejoice, so may itlong continue.May you long enjoy every satisfaction and delight whichdisinterested friendship can afford.May kindness and brotherly affectiondistinguish your conduct as men and as Masons.And may the tenets ofour profession be transmitted through your lodge, pure and unimpaired,from generation to generation.CHAPTER VII.RECEPTION OF VISITORS. Maine Masonic Text BookThe reception of Visitors with the honors due to their rank is an ancientcustom of the Fraternity, which should not be allowed to fall into disuse.It is an act of grave discourtesy to a visiting officer, to omit his formalrece~ tion by the lodge.1.Grand Lodge.When a visit from the Grand Lodge is announced, theMaster, having opened the lodge on the third degree, stations theDeacons and Stewards at the sides of the door with their rods crossed,and arranges the Brethren in lines from the door to the Chair, facinginwards.He then sends a Past Master to escort the Grand Lodge, whichenters in procession, the Grand Tyler, however, remaining at the door.The Grand Lodge proceeds up to the East, and opens to the right and left,when the Grand Master passes through and ascends the Master'splatform, and the other Grand Officers pass to the righL of the Master.The Master receives the Grand Master according to ancient usage, withthe private grand honors of Masonry, and resigns to him the chair and thegavel, whereupon each other Grand Officer assumes his appropriatestation in place of the corresponding officer of the lodge, and theBrethren are seated.When the Grand Master has finished the business for which the visit wasmade, or at his pleasure, he resigns the Chair to the Master, whereuponthe other Grand Officers resign their respective stations to the properofficers of the lodge and repair to the East and take seats on the right ofthe Master.If the Grand Lodge retires before the lodge is closed, the same ceremonyis observed, thc grand honors being given just before the Grand Mastersteps from the platform to take his place in the procession.2.THE GRAND MASTER.INTRODUCTIONI.Advance Planning.A.Notification by letter.B.Grand Marshal consults with Master ofLodge hefore meeting.C.Grand Master's suite.1.Formed in anteroom.2.Formed according to Grand Master's wishes.II.Receiving Grand Master.A.Grand Marshal makes demand at tiled door. Maine Masonic Text Book1.Informs Senior Deacon that the GrandMarshal is in waiting.a.Grand Marshal escorted into Lodge.b.Announces that the Grand Master is inwaiting and wishes to be received in the Lodge.c.Wor.Master informs Grand Marshal that aprocession of the proper officers will be formedand will wait upon the Grand Master.Thisprocession will consist of the lodge Marshal,Deacons and Stewards.2.Or Grand Marshal informs the SeniorDeacon that the Grand Master is in waiting andwishes to be received in the Lodge.(Followprocedure as in 1c.above.)3.The Grand Marshal meanwhile forms hissuite outside in the following order;Grand StewardsGrand PursuivantsGrand ChaplainPast District DeputiesDistrict DeputiesGrand SecretaryGrand TreasurerPast Grand WardensGrand WardensPast Grand MastersDeputy Grand MasterGrand MasterGrand DeaconsGrand Standard BearerGrand Sword BearerB.Entering the Lodge hall. Maine Masonic Text Book1.When Lodge officers arrive at the outerdoor, Stewards will remain inside the hall, faceeach other and cross rods to allow suite to enterbeneath the arch formed.Deacons go to therear of the procession.Marshal will inform theGrand Marshal that the Lodge is ready toreceive the Grand Master and will then step toone side.2.Grand Marshal announces "The GrandLodge of Maine".3.Wor.Master gives three raps to raise theLodge.4 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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