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.Every inch.The memory of Patrick s pleading as Alexei s tongue teased hisopening had Alexei hardening beneath the covers.He stroked himselfslowly as he remembered the previous morning and the sense of power that had come from reducing Patrick to moans and pleas and the sinfulsound of his name on his lover s lips.He doubted he would ever gettired of hearing Patrick moan  Lyosha in that breathy, desperate voiceas he neared his climax.They threw out the first batch of eggs when Alexei finally letPatrick up again an hour later.They were both disheveled by then.Alexei took Patrick into the shower and cleaned him carefully, thereminder of the injuries Patrick had suffered for his sake knotting hisgut with the knowledge he could not keep his lover safe.Patrick musthave read something in his expression, because he held Alexei againstthe wall with the weight of his body and kissed him fiercely. It s notyour fault, Patrick insisted. I know the risk we re taking, and it sworth it.You re worth it.Any protest Alexei might have uttered was cut off by Patrick smouth over his, and then Patrick s lips trailed down his chest, lingeringover each of the marks inked there.Alexei groaned, his fingers grippingPatrick s shoulders as his lover lowered himself to his knees and tookAlexei s cock into his mouth.The water turned cold by the time Alexeicame down Patrick s throat, needing only a few tugs of his fist to bringhis lover off while sucking the salty taste from his mouth.After they dressed, Alexei helped Patrick prepare a fresh batch ofeggs and toast and coffee.The simple act of working together in theairy kitchen carried a sense of intimacy that had Alexei thinkingthoughts he had no right to entertain thoughts of a life where he andPatrick could share this every morning.The food lost its appeal, and heate without tasting it, leaving as soon afterward as he could.His first action after leaving Patrick was to track down the twomen who had attacked him.He found them at a bar down the streetfrom the Volkovs electronics storefront. Alexei! Demyan s smile carried an edge to it that only added toAlexei s anger. Konstantin let you out early today.Alexei s fist wiped the sneer from Demyan s face instantly. Youare stupid as ox.Man you attack? Is police.You re lucky he didn t killyou. Konstantin said to tell him to stay away from you, Demyanspluttered, spitting blood. How I know he is police? And why wouldyou talk to police?  You see what happened to old man Volkov for fucking withpolice, Alexei spat back. Is better to pay them to look other way.Except you and Sergej here almost fucking kill my contact. We just do what Konstantin tell us, Sergej muttered sourly.Alexei caught the other man by the throat and slammed the backof his head against the wall. You go near him again and you don thave to worry about him killing you.I do it myself. His eyes boredinto Sergej s, then flicked back to Demyan, including him in thewarning. And my way will be much slower. He released his grip andSergej coughed hoarsely. I tell Konstantin and I tell you.Leave policeto me.Demyan and Sergej looked suitably cowed after that.It wasn t thebeating Alexei might have preferred to administer, but it would have todo.They were right, after all.They had just done what Konstantin toldthem to do.That errand taken care of, Alexei went in search of Konstantin.He needed to reinforce his message and his control with the youngerman.He found Konstantin in the electronics shop, looking, fortunately,mostly sober.It gave Alexei hope that Konstantin could listen to reasonif he was made to see how it affected his self-interest. Lyoha! Konstantin exclaimed when Alexei walked into thestore. I missed you last night. I made sure cop you have beat up not coming after us. It cutinto Alexei s gut to dismiss Patrick so carelessly, but he was sure noneof his emotion showed on his face. Fyodor s arrest bad for business.We don t need more cops nosing around. I m sorry, Lyoha, Konstantin groveled,  but if you tell methings, I won t make mistakes like that. He slung an arm aroundAlexei s shoulders, standing far too close for it to be anything otherthan interest. Forgive me?Alexei leaned into the embrace for just a moment, letting hisforehead rest against Konstantin s before stepping back. We makegood team, he said, clapping Konstantin on the back.He was walkinga tightrope, giving the younger vor just enough to whet his attractionwithout allowing him to act on it.Most of the time he could keepKonstantin under control, but lately the other man had become lessguarded, especially when they were alone. Alexei s mind went back to the night he had brought a drunkenKonstantin home, all but carrying him up to his room and depositinghim on his bed.Konstantin had still been clinging to Alexei when hisfather had walked into the room.He d cursed Konstantin for hisdrunkenness, but Alexei had seen how his eyes had hardened whenAlexei peeled Konstantin s arms from around his chest.Fyodor mighthave had his suspicions before, though it hadn t kept him fromacceding to Konstantin s request to nominate Alexei to the vory.Therewas nothing in Alexei s background or actions that Fyodor could objectto without implicating his own son.But Alexei was sure that momenthad led to Fyodor setting him up for Stachowicz s murder.It was aperfect chance to remove suspicion from himself and eliminate hisson s dangerous attraction at the same time. We should celebrate, Konstantin declared, hooking his armthrough Alexei s. We can go to visit girls.New shipment just arrivedfor us to inspect.Girls are  He sketched a woman s voluptuouscurves with his hands [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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