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.She lifted her head with a smile that stole hisbreath away. Cassie&  Everything else he d planned to say vanished.With slow steps, he crossed to her, a long-stemmed red rose in his outstretched hand. This one hasfar more meaning.She accepted it with a watery sniffle.Long lashes veiled her tears as she closed her eyes andinhaled the sweet fragrance.When she looked at him once more, love radiated in those gorgeouschestnut depths.Brad set his hands on her thighs and eased to his knees in front of her.He held her gaze, willing herto hear the sincerity that made his heart swell to twice its normal size. I want you.I m here, Cassie.Tell me you ll have me.She opened her mouth to speak, but all that came out was a muffled squeak.Another fresh set oftears coursed down her cheeks.Drawing her lower lip between her teeth, she nodded emphatically.Her fingers tightened around the fragile thornless stem.Smiling, he gently plucked the rose from her hands and laid it on the bed. Before you break it inhalf.Cassie nodded again, though she still couldn t seem to make her throat work. Oh, sweetheart, come here. Brad stretched out his arms, and she flew off the bed into hisembrace.He crushed her close, cradled her head against his shoulder.Inside, the shaking stopped.All the mixed-up feeling, the uncertainty, the fear, locked into place and contentment rolled throughhis veins. I love you.Sniffling, she pushed against his arms until she could look him in the eye. What about thepartnership? I quit.Cassie s eyes went wide.Brad gave into a chuckle. Why would I stay there, when the better partnership is here? So you mean it? This isn t just a temporary truce? Oh, no, beautiful. He tucked his fingers beneath the wide cuffs at her wrists and slid his hands upher arms. This is the real deal.I want you to marry me. Shit, that wasn t supposed to slip out yet.Hastening to correct his blunder, Brad released her, and with his hands between them, pulled hard atthe dainty diamond ring he d shoved onto his pinkie.It gave, but he almost elbowed her in the gut.Heat filtered into his cheeks. Cassie laughed.She reached for the ring, her smile as bright as sun on newly fallen snow. Not yet, he chided and lifted it out of her reach. There s more. He reached into his inside coatpocket and withdrew a folded legal document. In case this is too much too fast, I m completelyprepared to negotiate this pre-nuptial agreement until you re willing to sign. Satisfied he d coveredall his bases, he offered her both at the same time. I should tell you though, I always win.If I have tosign away everything I own, I ll convince you to sign this somehow.Grinning, she plucked the contract out of his hands.He nodded. Go ahead.Read it.She shook her head, lifted it between them, and tore it neatly in half. I accept your offer,counselor. Leaning forward, she closed the distance between them and brushed her lips across his. And I accept the risk. She kissed him softly again. I love you.Something broke inside him then, something beautiful and sacred.It soared to life, filling the lastbits of emptiness in his soul.He slid the ring onto her finger and framed her face between his hands.Emotion thickened his voice. I believe in you, Cassie.Her eyes pricked with tears once more.He captured her sweet mouth, tangled his tongue with hers.Her arms slid around his neck, and she wriggled completely into his lap.The familiar gnaw of desiresparked when her legs wrapped around his waist, and his breath hardened.He didn t fight thepowerful effect she had over him.He d learned he couldn t govern it.She unraveled him in wayshe d never believed were possible.And for once, he didn t mind surrendering his control. AcknowledgementsThis book would not have been possible if it weren t for the absolute dedication and support of myagent, Natalie Fischer Lakosil.Thank you for your unending patience and all that you ve done.Wordsdon t express appropriately how I value you.To the editing staff at Entangled thank you for believing in me and your outstanding efforts atmaking this the best it could be.I look forward to a future of many more.To my friends and writing partners, fellow authors, and members of Heartland Romance Authors,thanks for keeping me motivated, for listening to both my cheers and my gritches, and for being aconstant source of inspiration.I m so very proud to know you, to work beside so many talentedpeople [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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