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.Heck, I didn’t even know what it meant.All I knew was when Kerri needed something she called me.“Okay, so then where to after flowers?” It shocked me that he wanted to spend the day driving me around.I didn’t really need to go anywhere else, but there was one spot I wanted to go with him.“I think you should take me somewhere you like to go,” I said shyly.I was hoping he would get the hint.I wanted to see the ducks he fed.He smirked.“Okay then.” We arrived at the florist and he held the door open for me.I walked in and the scent of lilies overpowered the shop.Landon walked around like he was really interested in the flowers.Maybe he was.“Hi, how can I help you?” a short woman asked me.I asked her to check on the order and she found Kerri’s list.All of the flowers were in fact ready to go for the weekend.I thanked the woman and we left.Landon opened the door for me to his car.“Thanks, where to now?” I asked him.He smiled mischievously as he closed the door behind me.Not long after, we pulled into the entrance for a state park.It wasn’t what I was hoping for, but I could not complain.The state park was beautiful.I was sort of hoping he would take me to feed the ducks.I thought that if he let me in on his life it would help him be happier.“Welcome to the Humboldt Redwoods State Park, my favorite part of this whole state,” he said as he opened my door for me.I had hiked up here many times before, but it had been a few years.I was not exactly opposed to seeing anything stunning today; in fact, I welcomed it.We started out on a footpath near the road, and as we walked further in, we started to become engrossed in the redwoods.They surrounded us on all sides and the ferns tangled around our feet.The dark mud caked around my shoes but I didn’t mind.The walk was worth it; to be surrounded by the avenue of the giants.It was engrossing and I applauded Landon on his excellent choice.“Thank you.” He bowed.“I wanted to bring you somewhere I thought you needed to be.”“You thought I needed it how?” I asked as we continued to walk on.“I can see the struggles you and Dallas are facing.I am not blind.Trust me, I get the other end of it.” My cheeks flamed red with embarrassment.He knew Dallas and I were fighting.“Want my take on it all?” he asked.I nodded and pushed on into the woods.“He loves you so much that he doesn’t know how to balance you and his career.You see, he loves his new job, but not as much as he loves you.” He paused to tie his shoelace before looking me in the eyes.“You’re not someone he wants to lose, but he can’t help screwing up every once in a while.”“I don’t need to be told that he loves me, I need to see it,” I answered.I didn’t feel too comfortable talking about this with Landon, but I think he wanted to help us both.His love for us as a couple was apparent, but his love for his cousin blinded him to the mistakes Dallas made.“He’s trying.Dallas has been really good at putting Band-Aids on things.That’s what the trip was, really.”“The trip was a Band-Aid? For what?”“The colossal mess of Valentine’s Day.He thought he could win you back with the trip, but things didn’t work out so well.” That was the truth.I laughed at his admission.He laughed along with me until we found ourselves surrounded by some of the most massive giant redwoods I have ever seen.My feet squished into the mud.I wished then that I had worn sneakers instead of sandals.“There’s a river around here somewhere,” Landon said as he kept walking.We came out to a small, quiet river that glimmered in the sunlight.He pulled off his shoes and rolled up his pants.“What on earth are you doing?” I asked him.“Baking a cake.What does it look like I’m doing?” He jumped into the river, splashing me.I started to run in the other direction, not wanting to get wet today.He came over and scooped me up before throwing me into the cold water.I screamed so loud it echoed through the trees and back again.“Landon!” I hit him hard on the shoulder and he pushed me down into the water.I fell right on my butt.He lost his balance and fell next to me.I laughed my ass off at his clumsy mistake.So much for being the jokester.I laid my head back and gave into the water.I was soaked already so there was no sense fighting it.I opened my eyes and he leaned over me, watching me in awe.His blue eyes held mine and wouldn’t let go.He fell next to me into the water.His hand grazed mine.Without even realizing it, I clasped onto his.He wiggled his fingers and entwined them with mine.Now we were both floating, side-by-side, holding hands.I could see him with me but my vision was beginning to blur.He was there and then he would fade.I felt myself breathing, but I struggled to take each breath.The cancer had won its battle with my body.Now I was paying the dire consequences.I thought about my life with Adam.He was ever faithful and patient with me, even after the cancer started to take over his wife.“Our father who art in Heaven,” Adam began his prayer.I listened to the rhythm of his voice.I tried to focus on only that, but I couldn’t see him anymore.I could only see a bright light above my bed.My eyes felt heavy and I tried to fight them.Stay open!“Amen,” he finished.“Elsie, let go baby.Don’t fight it anymore.I will see you again.I love you.”The white light spread over me with the warmth of sunshine.I didn’t feel my breath; I didn’t even feel the pain.I was now comfortable.I was dead.“Come this way, Elsie.” I opened my eyes to see a woman with wings holding her arms out to me.She stood in my doorway with bright white wings, her arms open, wanting me to join her.So I did.“You are all right now, Elsie.You will come Home,” she said as she held me, cradling me in her arms as if I was a child.I let go and allowed her to carry me Home.He broke the grasp on my hand first.I pulled away and swam to shore, feeling foolish for holding onto him like that.It was surprisingly intimate.Especially the vision that came with it.I fought hard to not see the angel’s face [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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