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." She later had Robertson undergo apsychiatric examination, which found him fully capable to stand trial.140The following Monday Robertson seemed even more unbalanced, babbling over andover again, "I am Judge Sarah T.Hughes & I am John F.Kennedy.I was assassinatedin Dallas, Judge Sarah T.Hughes, on November 23, 1963 & I am a sinner, I am asinner."141Despite Robertson s erratic behavior, the jury found the threesome Robertson, Him-Gonzalez, and Vicars guilty two days later; however, Robertson was neversentenced.He died in his cell at the Dallas County jail four days after he wasconvicted.April 26, 1971 a deputy marshal gave sworn testimony that Robertson hadtold him, "I will be dead in five days." He was off by one day.142Transcript of Colonel Prouty s Interview From The Men Who KilledKennedyColonel Fletcher Prouty made some interesting comments about the techniquesemployed to kill President Kennedy and how the crime was covered up afterwards.Here is the transcript of his remarks from The Men Who Killed Kennedy:Narrator:But the Mafia could hardly have acted alone, given the intricacyof the assassination plot and the strength of the cover-up fortwenty-five years.Colonel Fletcher Prouty was Chief of SpecialOperations of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during Kennedy spresidency.He believes even more powerful forces wereultimately responsible.[Scene switches to Colonel Prouty:] 103Colonel Prouty:I think without any question, it s what we called "the use of hiredgunmen." And this isn t new.In fact, this little manual here [Proutyholds up a manual entitled Clandestine Operations Manual forCentral America] which is called the Assassination Manual forLatin America contains a line which says, talking about LatinAmerica [reading] "If possible, professional criminals will be hiredto carry out specific selective  jobs. " --- Jobs in quote whichmeans murders.Well, if this manual for Latin America, printedwithin the last few years in a government manual says that,there s no question but what the application of the sametechnique was dated back in Kennedy s time.In fact I know frommy own experience.You know I was in that business in thosedays.So, with that knowledge, you begin to realize that hired criminals,the way this book says, can be hired by anybody in power withsufficient money to pay them, but more importantly with sufficientpower to operate the cover-up ever after.Because you see it sone thing to kill somebody.It s another thing to cover-up the factthat you did it, or that you hired somebody to do it; and that smore difficult.So they used the device of the Warren CommissionReport to cover-up their hired killers.Now who would hire thekillers, and who has the power to put that Warren CommissionReport out over the top of the whole story? You see you redealing with a very high echelon of power.It doesn t necessarilyreside in any government.It doesn t necessarily reside in anysingle corporate institution.But it seems to reside in a blend ofthe two.Otherwise, how could you have gotten people like theChief Justice of the Supreme Court to participate in the cover-up?The police in Dallas to participate in the cover-up? Et cetera.Andthe media.All the media, not just one or two newspapers; butnone of them will print the story other than Oswald killed thePresident with three bullets, which is totally untrue.(The Men Who Killed Kennedy  The Forces of Darkness, N.Turner)The "high echelon of power" to which Colonel Prouty referred is not as mysteriousand elusive as he made it seem.It is merely Jewish political forces and friends ofIsrael within the United States and other governments.Those were the forces whosponsored the assassination of President Kennedy.It must also be noted that Colonel Prouty s final comment about the media is nolonger valid.He stated that the news media will only report that "Oswald killed thePresident with three bullets." That was a factual statement when he made it in 1988.But since then, the news media has retreated from the official lie for fear of losingcredibility a small victory, but a victory nonetheless after thirty-plus years.(Reference "The Exoneration of Lee Harvey Oswald" in Chapter 6.) 104Endnotes1.Henrik Krüger, The Great Heroin Coup, p.73; Evert Clark & Nicholas Horrock,Contrabandista!, p.762.It is well documented that Christian David was involved in the kidnaping and murder MehdiBen Barka.Reference Henrik Krüger, The Great Heroin Coup, pp.59 - 73; Evert Clark andNicholas Horrock, Contrabandista!, p.76.3.Evert Clark & Nicholas Horrock, Contrabandista!, pp.18 - 194.Henrik Krüger, The Great Heroin Coup, p.73; Evert Clark & Nicholas Horrock,Contrabandista!, p.765.Evert Clark & Nicholas Horrock, Contrabandista!, pp.91 & 186 - 1886.Jim Marrs, Crossfire, p.2087 [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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