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.She was too deep in thought to care.The weekend haunted her.Mostly, her stupidity and headstrong nature that had compelled her tosay that safe word.Why couldn t she have stayed quiet? Complied with his wishes?She pulled her spoon from her coffee cup and dropped it on the table before she startedcrying again as she had all day Sunday and most of today.The tears had barely stopped since she dwoken, fully clothed and alone in her own bed.Alone in her own apartment.Alone, alone,alone& It was like a constant, forlorn echo in the back of her head, and it never went away nomatter what she did.Still, she d called in sick, unable to face people.Only the knowledge that Mira would havea police-calling cow if she didn t show had dragged Jenna to their regular meeting.Almost regular.Usually, Jenna only had coffee.She picked up her fork and jabbed herunusual addition.Oreo cheesecake. Cheesecake, Jenna? Really? Is it the apocalypse? Mira laughed.Jenna shrugged. I need to gain a few pounds. Glory Hallelujah! It s about time you realized that.What happened to bring on thisrevelation? Nothing. I know something happened.You disappeared all weekend; you look like your bestfriend died and I m alive and well.Something happened. Yeah&  Jenna sighed. I met a guy.It was& intense.And as improbable as it is, I think Ilove him, too, but I doubt I ll see him again. Her heart wrenched as she said the words.She d find him.Somehow.He cared about her she d heard him say so before she d completely lostconsciousness.At least, she thought she d heard him say I love you. Oh honey&  Mira murmured.Jenna looked away, unable to bear the sympathy in herfriend s eyes. It was just a wild weekend tryst, I guess.Edgy sex and lots of memories.I ll never forgethim. She gave a watery chuckle as heat rushed into her face. But it made me realize I need toeat more and explore more&  Explore like how?A very good question. I don t know.Maybe check out that dungeon place.Maybe someone there would know of her lover.Better, maybe she d see him.She couldn timagine trying to find him by description alone.The pitying looks she d get would be awful. Oh& that kind of edgy sex, Mira said quietly, realization and wonder in her tone. Have you& been there? Jenna ventured, studying her friend and musing at this new side.If Mira had been to The Dungeon, she d hid the secret well.But maybe she could help.Mira shifted in her seat and stirred her coffee with a small smile that spoke of fondmemories. A few times.Just the really light stuff.I m not into some of the heavy-hitting gamesover there. She gave a half-laugh. No pun intended, she added as her phone went off, signaling atext message.She sighed. Damn it.There s an emergency at the school.I ve gotta go.Jenna shook her head as she watched her friend take off.There were a lot of emergenciesat the school where she taught lately.Jenna wondered if there might be more too it than met theeye.She took another bite of her cheesecake, savoring the taste and thinking of the weekend.A man who wanted her to eat.That alone was sexy.But all his gamesHer blood went cold at the thought of that again.A game.It was just his game.The wayhe played.She jolted as a pair of large hands fell on her shoulders. Pick up your purse, stand andhead out the door to your car.Do not look at me, a familiar voice said in her ear.One of his hands left her, and she took another bite, feigning disinterest.He wasn t leavinghere without her, but damn it, she d cried for two days straight.As punishments might go, it wasuntenable.Besides, she needed to know this was important to him, too. Jenna, he said, his voice laced with warning. As much as I m glad you re finally eating  You deserted me. His breath brushed her ear as he bent close. You said the safe word.I promised I d takeyou home if you said it.Even if I don t want to, I have to keep my word. That s not what I wanted  Then do what I said.She closed her eyes for a moment and bit back her smile [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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