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.He caught up to her easily and reached out to touch hershoulder, but she spun around at the last moment, meeting his gaze. Just as I said, she murmured.Before he could speak, Claudia cupped his balls in the palm of her hand, strokinghim through the thin material of his pants.Her scent filled him, sweetly fragrant andintensely arousing. You have trust issues. Chapter FiveClaudia waited for Xander to retaliate with another clever retort, but the brusquerebuttal she expected never came.The full moon overhead bathed his profile in silverylight and dark shadows, giving him a rough, dangerous edge.She could see his browswere drawn over his dark eyes, but his expression told her nothing.His emotions, on the other hand, assaulted her from all sides, wrapping her bodyin an intense, furious arousal.Beneath the edgy lust lay something else, an emotion shecould only describe as jealousy and& fear? No, something else& discomfort, perhaps.He didn t know how to deal with the onslaught of emotions any more than she did.Thefierce craving puzzled him, but the extreme possessiveness he felt toward her perturbedhim much more than he cared to admit, even to himself. You were right, you know, she said at last.He hadn t made a move to touchher, and now she noticed his hands fisted at his sides. About what? He snapped the words out as though just speaking to her tookeffort. I m not very good at this telepath thing.Or at the clairvoyant thing, for thatmatter.For a moment, his lips turned upward into a smug smirk that disappeared asquickly as it materialized. Why are you telling me this? Because maybe, just maybe, you can admit that I was right too.Instead of answering, he covered her mouth with his.The kiss was wet, hot,primal, sending a rush of moisture to her pussy.She moaned against his lips, strugglingbetween pushing him away and giving in to everything he offered.His fingers roameddown her back, cupping her ass, pulling her close to him.His erection throbbed againsther belly, thick and insistent. Lacey Savage Paranormal Mates Society: Finders Keepers - 46 -His tongue teased her lips, not forcing them apart until she opened for him.Another groan found its way out of her throat.Xander s thoughts poured into her mindin a rush, intensifying her own need for him. Oh, she breathed when he finally pulled away. Oh.His smile was genuine, though guarded.She wasn t the only one fighting aninternal battle tonight, but neither of them would be satisfied in any way until she hadthat lamp.Xander pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. I m sorry I followed you.Claudia s pulse quickened. Why did you? She d known he walked behind herfrom the moment she left the hotel.She should have been angry or scared, but hispresence had the opposite effect.It made her feel safe, somehow, knowing he was there,just a few steps behind. I&  He looked away, thrusting his hands into his pockets. It s stupid.A vivid image of herself on her knees, naked, flashed before Claudia s eyes.Sheknelt in front of Ra ees, his rod hovering just at the entrance to her slightly parted lips.Her eyes were wide, shining with barely contained lust as she gripped the solid shaft heoffered and flicked the tip of her tongue over the head of his aroused cock.She sawXander too.He stood in a corner, his jaw clenched, his brow furrowed, his erectiontenting his pants.Suddenly, she understood. Oh, she repeated, then shook her head. No.That snot where I was going.Why would you think that?His sigh of relief was audible, though he tried to cover it with a well-timedcough.He didn t fool her for a minute. You re not the only one who can find things people would rather keep hidden,he said. The only difference between us is that I don t use people to get what I want.Her stomach clenched at the raw tenderness in those words. I d never useyou& not on purpose. She looked away, guilt washing over her like a tidal wave.Thenthe rest of his meaning sunk in. You looked me up. I did, he admitted. Lacey Savage Paranormal Mates Society: Finders Keepers - 47 -She jabbed a finger into his solid, bare chest, then wished she hadn t.Arousaldrifted off him in waves, making her head spin. The hotel shouldn t have been thathard, but Ra ees is too good at covering his tracks for you to have figured out he waspaying for all my expenses. I m better than you give me credit for. The arrogant smirk returned, and withit, so did the image of his cock, long and curved, perfectly shaped to deliver a mind-blowing orgasm with no more than a well-placed thrust.Claudia tried to keep her voice flat. If this is going to go anywhere, you need totrust me. Is this going anywhere? Don t ignore the issue [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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