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.“I said no such thing!” Mairi said, pride coming into the conversation.“I was working for the Yard Dogs out there,” she waved to the berth.“In my Tug.Moving stuff, getting materials, that sort of thing.That''s my work!”“But you are underage,” Miss Chambers asked, and then pointed the microphone at her mouth.“Who the hell told you that?” Mairi asked, snorting.“I just turned eighteen for your information.That's two count em 2!” She held two fingers up.“Two years older than the legal adult status on Antigua! I am a legal adult!”“Oh,” Toni Chambers replied with a slight smile.“And the charges of gambling?” she turned slightly and smirked as her fellow reporters muttered oaths over being duped by their collective source.“I don't gamble! When do I have the time! Wait, you.are you mistaking my mother for me!” Mairi's red eyes flickered with rage.“She better not be! She promised me! That was the only reason I paid for her ticket!”“You paid?” A reporter asked, surprise.“Yes, me.I'm the pilot.I own the tug.I support my mother and myself.I've done it since I was younger,” she said, catching herself before she stated how much younger.She crossed her arms.“Perhaps if you told us your side of the story to set the record straight?” Toni Chambers suggested.“Fine,” Mairi grumped, running a hand through her sweat stained hair.She badly needed a shower and a nap but fine.She really wished someone would come rescue her.She saw Alice in the background.She shrugged helplessly.No help there.“Fine, if it'll get you off my back.Some of us work for a living you know,” she growled.She answered their questions, seething when they hit particular sore points.They obviously had the story mangled.She tried to keep her temper as she answered some of the more stupid questions.However as it went on they started to ask the same questions, or worded them differently.The shreds of her temper began to unravel then.Seeing it, Alice waded into the fray and wrapped her arm around the girl's shoulder.“She's answered your questions,” Alice said.“She's been more than fair.I think you folks have what you need right?” Toni Chambers nodded but the others didn't say anything.“I think if you have any further questions you can speak to me as the public relations director of the company from now on.Thank you, have a good day,” Alice said, hustling Mairi past Toni Chambers and off down the corridor.The pack of reporters let them go.Some were already doing spin pieces, turning to the camera to wrap the story up.“What the hell was that?” Mairi asked, seething.Alice guided her onward.“Not here,” Alice finally responded when Mairi opened her mouth to ask again.“Hang on,” she said and guided the girl to her own quarters.When they entered she waved.“Damn kid, what a pong!” she said gasping.“Sorry,” Mairi muttered.“I'd of thought that alone would have kept them at a distance but apparently not,” Alice joked.She shook her head.“I'm working.Quit it.What the hell do you people want from me?” Mairi snarled.Alice looked at her and then rubbed her arm before passing her to go to the small kitchenette.Mairi looked around, noting the larger split level accommodations with blue walls and various paintings and pictures here and there.It was rather tastefully decorated, though it reminded her of some show she'd seen on the wall screen.“Tea?” Alice asked.“To settle your nerves?”“No, I've got to get some downtime before my shift starts again in the morning,” Mairi sighed, rubbing her brow.“What the hell happened?” she demanded again.“Well,” Alice busied herself making tea and then turned, resting her hands on the counter.“You were sandbagged.We're not sure what happened.I'm thinking someone close.”“There were some personal questions there.Though they mixed me up with my mom.”“Maybe that guy who was after her?” Alice asked.“He put them up to that?” Mairi asked, eyes narrowing.“Fucker.I'll stuff his pecker down his throat!” she snarled, turning for the door.Alice rushed forward and caught her by the arm.“No no,” she said hastily, stopping her.“No, not a good idea.You do that and you'll not only give our enemies all they want, they'll crucify you in the process.”“Um.” Mairi shook her hand off and then held her wrist.She sulked, enraged without a target [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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