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.13Mikhail Dubrinsky greeted Razvan and Ivory from his long, wraparound verandah.The house was large, nestled in the trees, blending into the forest so well that Ivory knew with a certainty that most people would never spot it unless the prince eased the safeguards around it.She was dressed in her warrior garb, with the wolves riding her body as tattoos.She preferred that to having him look too closely at her pack.Razvan stayed close to her, just a step behind, as if he was her guard, rather than her partner.She had tried twice to lag in her step to force him to walk beside her, but once Razvan made up his mind about something, nothing stopped him.“Good evening,” Mikhail said.“Sívad olen wäkeva, hän ku piwtä—may your heart stay strong, hunters,” he added in a more traditional greeting.Ivory murmured a greeting, and glanced over her shoulder to look at Razvan.She couldn’t feel nerves in him, or sense that he was in any way distressed over visiting the prince of the Carpathian people, yet he maintained his distance—that precise two steps to the side and behind her pace.His gaze moved restlessly over the house, the grounds, searched the trees and quartered every inch of their surroundings as if he was looking for a trap.His face was sober, mouth in a firm line.He was making her uneasy with the way he was acting, when they should have been safe so deep in Carpathian territory.What is it? She sent a smile to the prince to cover the fact that Razvan had yet to speak.I do not know, but he is not alone.We are surrounded.Well, of course, she’d known there would be others.Gregori for certain would never allow a meeting with the prince and his lifemate without his presence.Now she was more than uneasy.“You welcome us, yet your people seem to be circling into position,” Razvan said.His voice was hard, harder than Ivory had ever heard him speak.Now she knew why he had dropped back.He expected an attack, not from the front but from behind or either side.He wore a look that told her he meant business, and suddenly their friendly visit wasn’t so friendly after all.In that moment she knew he was entirely capable of killing the prince should the Carpathian make a move toward her.She took a small step back and away from Razvan, moving quickly from woman to warrior.Her bow came up slightly, the arrow angled just enough to cover the prince’s heart.“We thought only to thank you for your aid,” she said.“Nothing more.We will leave if we are not welcome.”The prince stepped into the open area, away from the long, smooth railing out to where she would have a clear shot at him.He kept his hands out away from his sides.“You are most welcome.My lifemate is inside and wishes to meet you.She cannot get up to greet you properly and had hoped you would have the time to visit with her.”He looked around the surrounding forest and sent out a call to the hunters surrounding his home.These are my guests and they are welcome.There was no mistaking the edge of anger in his voice.“Please, accept my apologies and come inside.”Ivory glanced at Razvan.“It is up to you.If you do not feel welcome here, I have no wish to stay.” She did want news though.She needed news.If they were going to effectively hunt Xavier, they needed every detail the Carpathian people could provide.Gregori came out onto the porch, his arms folded across his chest.“Every time I take my eyes off you, you make yourself a target,” he said to Mikhail with a small grin.He lifted his gaze to the Dragonseeker.“When the prince wishes you to visit and guarantees your safety, it is a great honor.”Ivory’s eyes flashed a single searing heat.“Only if one trusts the prince.”“Do you?” Mikhail asked, his gaze holding hers steady.“Do you trust me?”Ivory was silent a moment, studying his face.He was nothing like his brother.And little like his father.She took a breath and felt Razvan move inside her mind.Supporting her.Holding her steady when the past was too close.She felt the brush of Razvan’s mind in hers, strong and enduring and totally for her.No one else.Razvan’s loyalty was utterly hers and belonged to no one else.“Yes.”Mikhail stepped aside and gestured toward his front door with a slight bow.“Please enter my home as my honored guests.” His gaze slid over Razvan.“Both of you.”Razvan moved up then, past Ivory, his senses flaring out to inspect the occupants of the house.There were two women and several men inside.He halted at the door and glanced toward Gregori.“Do you think we would prepare a trap in the very home of the prince with his lifemate present?” Gregori hissed, his silver eyes slashing at Razvan.Razvan didn’t flinch under the reprimand [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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