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.To flourish it needs love, nourishment, tending and rest.• Twelve rivers flow along distinct meridiansdispersing Qi or Vital Force.• When Qi flows freely the body is in balance andthere will be no illness.• Unbalanced Qi causes organ dysfunction.• Prolonged organ dysfunction leads to stagnation or impaired circulation resulting in symptoms ofillness.• Prolonged stagnation produces mass.133Internal Harmony• In Chinese medicine, the mind, emotions and bodyare not seen as separate but as a continuum.• A person’s emotional and mental states are seen as having a significant impact on the body and vice versa.• Good health is seen as a reflection of internalharmony.• Illness occurs when there is a disturbance of the internal harmony within the body.Quoted from: Kylie ‘Brien & Charlie Xue, A comprehensive guide to Chinese medicine, pg.50.134Imbalance ofBody-MindNetworkDr.Stephen SagarDepartment ofOncology andMedicine,McMaster University,Canada.• My interest in Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) was fuelled by a fascination of the intricate relationships between the mind, body and theenvironment – concepts that are surely lacking incurrent, conventional medicine.• We need to recognise that we are spiritual beings in a human body.• In TCM, the development of cancer is viewed as an imbalance of the whole body-mind network.It isbelieved that if one can strengthen and rebalancethe body-mind network, the normal pattern will berestored and this will help to resolve the cancer.Quoted from: Stephen Sagar, Restored harmony, pg.xvi, xvii.Stephen Sagar & Raimond Wong, Alternative treatment for cancer, pg.1-2135Foreword Restored harmony• Over the last twenty years, I’ve been exploring the integration of Chinese medicine into …comprehensive care for cancer patients.• It is now clear to me and to many others in the field, that Chinese medicine can, and should, be available to everyone who is being treated for cancer.~ James Gordon, Georgetown University School of Medicine, Chair of the White House Committee on CAM Policy,136Nutrition, Exercise andStress ReductionIn addition to the best medical care possible,nutrition,exerciseand stress reductionare absolutely necessary to make your cancertreatment more effective and prevent cancer’s return.Quoted from: Barry Boyd, The cancer recovery plan, 1,17.137Nutritional Therapy RevivesThe Body’s Defense Mechanism• There is nothing in surgery that will prevent the spread of cancer.• There is nothing in radiation that will prevent the spread of the disease.• There is nothing in chemotherapy that will prevent the disease spreading.• The only thing known to mankind today that willprevent the spread of cancer within the body is for the body’s defense mechanisms to once againfunction normally.• That is what nutritional therapy does – it treats the defense mechanism, not the tumour.Quoted from: Philip Binzel Jr., Alive and well, pg.135.138Live With Your Cancer!The tumour destruction paradigm:• Oncologists only look at the tumours.They usechemotherapy and radiotherapy to destroy the tumours at all cost.They take scanning images to monitor tumour growth.When the tumours shrink or disappear, theywould say: How marvelous!• The truth is, these tumours may come back again!• Are oncologists more concern about killing the tumour and the patient completing the chemo-treatment or about how the patient as a person is doing?• The FDA approves and considers a drug effective if it is able to shrink tumour by 50% for 28 days.The questions whether cancer can be cured by the drug or whether the patients suffer greatly due to the drug are notimportant consideration.Patients heal yourselves:• Alternative medicine does notattempt to destroy or killanything.• It rebalances, nourishes andallows your body to heal itself.• You learn how to live with thecancer.139Does Nutritional Therapy Work?• If you are tumour orientated and are lookingfor something to make the tumour magicallydisappear – the answer is NO, it doesn’t.• If you are looking for something that will prevent the disease from spreading and save the life of the patient – the answer is YES, it does.If doctors in this country don’t start going to nutrition, the patients are going to stop going to the doctors!Quoted from: Philip Binzel Jr.,Alive and well, pg.137, 138.140Chapter 10The CA Care Therapy141The CA Care Therapy1.Give total commitment.2.Seek proper medical advice,but know the limit of medical science.3.Take herbs.4.Eat rightly.5.Lead a stress-free, happy, andGodly life.Go for qi kung, mediation, etc.Foreword• We need all the partners for health to cometogether to provide quality care for our patients in need.• The field of alternative or complementary medicine, is often not proven scientifically.• However, the issue will be to decide on thebeneficial therapies as opposed to non-productive therapies.~ Dato Chua Jui Meng, Minister of Health MalaysiaOur hands but God heals• This is a concept, not a magic bullet.• Multi approach to healing, comes as a packagedeal.• Health is your responsibility – heal yourself.• Change your mindset and lifestyle.142Those Who Came for Help1.Over the past 13 years, we have seen thousands of cancer patients with different cancers and fromdifferent countries.2.Almost all of them have seen their doctors.Medical treatments did not cure them.BreastLungColorectalLiver (P)StomachNPCCervix NHL Brain143CA Care Provides Advice Free ofChargeMany doctors don’t bother to counsel their patients after treatment.Once cancer treatment is completed, most patients are left on their own to cope with the rest of their lives.This is what I call falling off the cliff.Patients are left in free fall.~ Barry Boyd, The cancer recovery plan.If you need our help, pleasecome with all your medicalreports and we shall explain andtry to help you the best we can.We provide whateverinformation you need withoutcharge [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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