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.Jake met Steve at the campus subrail station and they took the next train to the space port.The brief journey was uneventful, but Jake noted Steve was unusually quiet.When they reached the surface, having climbed the stairs from the subrail station.Jake asked Steve whether everything was okay.Steve’s response was considered, if not a little blunt.“Yes fine.It’s Monday.” He then clammed up again and they continued their silence until they reached the Academy tutorial block.They were five minutes early and they headed for a shaded spot and both took the opportunity to take refreshment from their liquid tubes.Steve then opened up.“I just had my pilot’s license revoked,” he said.“What, why?” asked Jake.“I had my monthly medical this morning.My physicals were ninety-eight percent but the head scan picked up a possible psychological issue.I am on a temporary license revoke, pending a twenty-four hours psych evaluation.The fuckers are trying to find a way to get me out of the Academy.”“No way Steve.The scanners are thorough and it is possible they picked up on something small.The evaluation will clear you.I am sure your suspension will last a day or two only.Anyway, you’ve been though a pretty traumatic ten days or so.You are bound to still be a little stressed and the scanners have probably picked up on that.You are still here today though?”“Its theory today and tomorrow.I am not worried about that,” replied Steve.“It’s the Top Gun tournament I am worried about.”“When does the evaluation commence?”“The monitor is being fitted at 5.30 p.m.in the occupational screening facility.”“Okay, do you want me to come with you?”“No, my friend, thanks for offering, but I need to clear my head.I am going straight back to my apartment and have a quiet and uneventful evening.Can you tell Carla for me?”“Sure, but she will wonder why you are not telling her yourself.”“Yes she will, but she is going to be disappointed with me once again.I need to stay clear of the stress for the next twenty-four hours.”“I am sure it will all be a lot clearer tomorrow.”With that the doors to the Academy tutorial block opened and the jump pilots entered and headed for a small lecture theatre to the rear of the building.Commander Teddy Taylor waited as the students entered.He shifted his papers patiently as he waited for all the students to take a seat and then stood up.“Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen.Today we are going to talk about Sabre 3’s.Chapter ElevenReturning to Alpha OneJonathan Hoskins was relieved.It took nearly four weeks for his grief-stricken ship to be brought home, and finally this sorry episode would be put to rest.Everything went well until General Yoshi’s Southern Fleet appeared on the horizon.His was not the only encounter with the Southern Fleet Alpha was involved in, in recent weeks.No matter, he was not concerned with how others dealt with the Sentinels: this was about his career and what would happen next.Admiral Martin was as unforgiving as the innocent party in a partner’s extra-marital affair.He was not going to take this well.He turned towards Obeya and kissed her forehead.She was still fast asleep and he saw no reason to disturb her.He left the bedroom and entered his study.He opened a comm link and asked his First Officer for a status update.“Ten minutes to Alpha One.Shall I break out the flags?”“Hardly, Number One.” This was not the time for light heartedness.“I will be down in fifteen minutes.”He closed the comm link and dispensed a strong black coffee from his food station, then returned to his bedroom and dressed.Obeya Temsouri continued to sleep soundly.She was so beautiful and looked so young and innocent.He was suddenly glad that he no longer had to make the decision to send her out to what could easily lead to her death, but not for a while.He also knew the chances of her being part of his next commission was remote [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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