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.She patted his back. I m glad you came, Jack said, pulling away from her. Someone had to come and beat the guys off him, Deseree said, nudging her head atDavis. I see that, Jack said, walking around Davis, looking him up and down. I can t believeit, monkey face, you look&  Nutritious? Deseree asked. I was going to say fucking hot, but&  Yeah, no& that works for me, Davis said, beaming from ear to ear.As Jack and Davis exchanged small talk about Candace, luggage, and where they wereheading from the airport, Deseree moved around and positioned herself behind Jack.GettingDavis s attention, she began puckering up her lips, shaking her shoulders, and making faux-sultry expressions.Bringing her hand up to her neck and letting it run slowly down betweenher breasts, she mouthed the command,  Think sex.Davis took her cue and reached up to his neck, running his fingers slowly downthrough the center of his chest and across his stomach.Tilting his head to the side, Daviswatched as Jack s eyes followed his hand. We should&  Jack started to say.He wet his lips with his tongue.Davis moved his hand back up to his chest, slightly lifting his shirt so just a tiny bit offlesh peeked out above his belt. I m sorry, Jack, what was that? Davis asked as Deseree held up two thumbs behindJack s back and mouthed,  Score. Huh, Jack said, snapping his eyes back up. Uh& go.I was saying we should probablygo.* * * * *In the car on the way to Candace's apartment, Jack filled them in on plans for the restof the day.They had a couple of hours to talk over cocktails and dinner, and about an hour to 30 Ethan Dayget ready for the party.Jack said it was kind of the gay equivalent to a bachelor party exceptthat since there were two grooms, they had just decided to throw one huge party.The whole thing seemed very disturbing to Davis.He d imagined just being in a roomalone with Jack, the two of them simply talking about what they loved about each other andprivately exchanging their vows to one another.When they reached Candace s apartment, Davis dropped his bags, and Jack pulled intwo wheeled suitcases.The apartment was spacious with high vaulted ceilings.There were large windowslooking out over the Chicago skyline and the blue water of the lake in the distance.Therewas overstuffed furniture in tone-on-tone shades of cream with splashes of sage green accentpillows.Huge tropical plants in ornate pots were scattered about.The floors were a darkwood plank and the walls were painted a dark cream.A black grand piano covered withframed photos sat to one side. Welcome home, Jack said, gently squeezing Davis s shoulder. Everything s different. Davis looked over the room in mild shock. Candace has redone the place. Jack patted him softly on the back.Davis turned to look at Deseree as if he was about to cry.She smiled at him and said, It s lovely. My, my, that seductive Rita Hayworth-like voice called out from behind them. Turnaround and let me look at you.Davis turned and smiled, looking over the voluptuous woman standing before him.Candace was leaning against the wall at the edge of the hallway wearing a formfitting darkgreen dress.As ever, she was perfectly made-up and coiffed, as if ready to go onstage and beltout a couple of Cole Porter standards.Davis walked over to her, and she stood up as heleaned into her. I can t believe you re actually here, Candace said, closing her eyes.She grabbed Davisby the shoulders and pushed him back. What in the name of Cher have you done with theshy, skinny little boy that showed up on my doorstep all those years ago& and who is thisextremely handsome imposter here in his place?Davis hugged her again, trying to hold back his tears.Even though they talked byphone all the time, it had been years since he d actually been in the same room with her. Sweetheart, Candace said,  I can t look at you when you re wrapped around me, andyou are, if nothing else, a sight to behold. Candace, you look ravishing. Davis pulled away. I know, she said, walking around Davis and looking him up and down.She startedfanning her face with her hand and added,  I bet you re sorry you let this one get away now,Jack.Davis, you look absolutely&  Self Preservation 31 Luscious? Deseree asked, sticking out her hand and walking up to Candace. Hi& Deseree& the houseguest you weren t expecting. We all went to college together, Mom. Jack glided up behind Davis and wrapped hisarms around his waist. She s actually the one to blame for introducing me to the one thatgot away here.Davis settled back into Jack s body as Candace hugged Deseree, giving her a peck onthe cheek. Well, dear, Candace said, thumbing the lipstick off Deseree s cheek,  for that you willalways be welcome in this house. While I can take the credit, Deseree said, looking over at Jack and Davis,  somethingtells me these two would have found one another without me.They were so glued togetherin college it would have taken the jaws of life to separate them.Davis smiled and winked at Des.He turned to Candace. I m sure you ve heard of her.Deseree Wildwood& fashion designer. Of course, I saw the piece the Style Network did on you, Candace said, takingDeseree by the arm [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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