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.You have the power to do so.You just need learn to use it.To find out she wasn t nuts, just possessed, okay maybe it wasn t an improvementyet, but it sounded like she had a possibility of gaining control of her mind and life. Buthow will I learn? Ella looked at Felicia beseechingly.Felicia sighed. Damn Zane, I am not into girls, but even I can feel her pull.I willhelp you, but, for this you will owe me a favor. Done, said Zane.  I wasn t talking to you, said Felicia slyly. I want a favor from Ella. Sure, she said. Ella, don t be so quick to say yes.You don t know what she wants of you yet, saidZane, concern in his voice.Ella tilted her face towards Zane s. All my life I was told and thought I was insane.For the first time I have the chance to be normal.Well almost normal.I don t care whatshe wants.So long as it s not you, I don t care. Ella turned to face Felicia. What do youwant from me?Felicia smiled in triumph. I m not sure yet.Consider it a favor owed.One day I willcollect upon it.Now, I really should get back to my guests.Zane, bring her backtomorrow night when things will be quieter and I will begin her lessons.In the meantime,if the spirits continue to give you trouble when indulging in certain delicate past times,just remember what I said about threatening them.With a throaty laugh, Felicia left them.Ella stood and threw herself into Zane s arms. I m not crazy. Oh, I don t know about that.You are hanging out with a vampire voluntarily, heteased.Ella giggled feeling more carefree than she could remember.Zane s arms tightenedaround her and she tilted her face up towards him in time for the kiss.Hard lips slanted over hers, their electric touch sending a jolt through her body, onethat set her heart racing and made wetness pool between her thighs.She clutched at hisshoulders, unsure if her legs would hold her.She needn t have feared.He wouldn t let herfall.His hands cupped her bottom through her silky gown and he pressed her against him,his erection evident against her lower belly. My sweet, and now powerful moonbeam, he said when he let her come up for airand she wondered Do vampires have to breathe?  You make me forget where we arewhen I touch you.Come, the night is still young.Ella, befuddled, followed when he led her by the hand through the crowd that stillfilled the ballroom.The room seemed more packed than when they d entered.Zane forged through thepress of beings who moved out of his way, their curious eyes flicking from him to her.Ella, as instructed, met no eyes, but that didn t stop someone from snagging her aroundthe waist, ripping her hand free from Zane s grasp.Startled, she looked up and only got a brief impression of dark skin and possiblyhorns before she found herself moved too swiftly to follow behind Zane s rigid back. You dare touch what is mine? said Zane in a cold, controlled tone.The demon for she knew not what else it could be had obviously been drinkingtoo much, for he laughed.Not a really good idea judging by the anger that radiated fromZane s whole body.Quicker than lightening, the demon ended up on the floor, his head hanging at an oddangle and his eyes unseeing.Ella held her breath in shock, while her friends upstairscheered Zane s action.Apparently, he d finally done something they approved of.The ballroom had gone silent and the press of bodies moved back from them, leavingthem in a cleared circle.Ella knew she should be horrified.Zane had killed someone for just touching her.But, and she might burn in hell for thinking this, she thought it was the nicest thing anyone had ever done for her.In a perverted way, she also found it romantic.She finallyhad someone who wanted to protect her.My very own vampire in dark armor. Chapter SevenZane pivoted, his body still tense with rage.How dare someone lay hands on her! Heeyed the crowd and his lip curled back in a snarl. Anyone else want to touch what ismine? he demanded, unable to stem his irrational anger.No one answered, although a few shook their heads and retreated further.The crowd parted and Felicia stepped into view. I believe you ve made your point,she said dryly.Turning to the guard who d followed her she said,  Felix, clean up thismess. She turned back to them and shook her head at Zane as if he were a naughty child. If you re done killing my guests, I shall see you and your woman on the morrow.Her words started up the buzz of conversation again, although the space around Zaneand Ella remained clear.No longer able to delay the inevitable, he turned to face Ella,waiting to see the horror etched on her face as she realized, finally, she had put her faithand trust in a monster.He groaned when he saw her, her reaction even worse than expected.Her eyes shonebrightly, but not with tears.She appeared happy.Smiling, she walked up to him and ontiptoe, kissed him, a chaste kiss that nevertheless made him hard. Thank you, shemurmured.Shaking his head at his own jealousy and her even odder acceptance of it, he tookthem back out into the night before he started killing the crowd for even looking at Ella.My moonbeam.Once seated in the car, he turned to her before starting the engine, a crease on hisbrow. Why are you not horrified by what I did? It made so sense.Humans, especiallywomen, cringed in the face of violent death. Because you care. She leaned forward and again gave him another butterfly kissthat made him want to take her in the car, bucket seats be damned. But I killed him? he said still baffled.Ella shrugged. Are you going to tell me that thing was a boy scout? That if youhadn t been around he wouldn t have tried to hurt me? When he just looked at her indisbelief, she smiled [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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