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.If you use the temporaryspare tire continuously ordo not follow these precautions,the tire could fail, causing you tolose control of the vehicle,possibly injuring yourself orothers.When driving with a temporaryspare tire:" Do not exceed the maximumspeed of 80 km/h (50 mph) andonly drive the shortest possibledistance." Do not exceed the permissiblegross weight of the vehicle." Do not install more than onespare wheel on your vehicle at anyone time." Do not use snow chains on thistype of wheel." Do not drive through anautomatic car wash.159 Roadside emergenciesSpare tire locationThe spare tire and tools are locatedunder the floor cover in the luggagecompartment.Removing the spare tire andtools1.Raise the rear of the floor coverin the luggage compartment andfold it forward.2.Completely unscrew the bolt.3.Lift out the spare wheel.4.Remove the jack which is locatedbeneath the spare tire.160 Roadside emergenciesTire changing procedureRemoving a tire1.Apply the parking brake and1 (First) gear (manual transaxle)or the P (Park) position (automatictransaxle).2.Activate the hazard flashers.3.The driver and all passengersmust leave the vehicle.4.Secure the vehicle against rollingor sliding.5.Insert the tapered end of thejack handle beneath the hub cover(if fitted) and push in.Twist off toremove the cover.6.Loosen the wheel nuts slightly.7.Place jack with complete supportsurface on the ground.8.The jack must be applied exactlyvertical to the jacking point of thevehicle.The jacking points areindicated by notches on the rockerpanel flange.9.Jack up the vehicle until the tireis clear of the ground.Unscrew andremove the wheel nuts and removethe wheel.161 Roadside emergenciesReplacing a tire1.Push the spare tire onto thewheel studs.2.Screw on the wheel nuts,ensuring the tapered end of thewheel nuts are facing the wheel,and secure in a clockwise direction.3.Lower the vehicle and removethe jack by turning the handlecounterclockwise.4.Fully tighten the wheel nuts in acrosswise pattern.5.Align the hub cover and pushfirmly into position with the ball ofthe hand.6.Stow the jack and damaged tirein the luggage compartment byreversing the spare tire removalinstructions.162 Roadside emergenciesJUMP STARTING YOURVEHICLEThe gases around thebattery can explode ifexposed to flames, sparks, or litcigarettes.An explosion couldresult in injury or vehicle damage.Do not push start yourvehicle.Youcould damagethe catalytic converter.Batteries contain sulfuricacid which burns skin, eyes,and clothing, if contacted.Do not attempt to push startyour vehicle.Automatictransaxles do not havepush start capability.Preparing your vehicle1.Use only a 12 volt supply tostart your vehicle.2.Do not disconnect the battery ofthe disabled vehicle as this coulddamage the vehicles electricalsystem.163 Roadside emergencies3.Park the booster vehicle close tothe hood of the disabled vehicle,making sure the twovehicles donot touch.Set the parking brakeon both vehicles and stay clear ofthe engine cooling fan and othermoving parts.4.Check all battery terminals andremove any excessive corrosionbefore you attach the batterycables.Ensure that vent caps aretight and level.5.Turn the heater fan on in bothvehicles to protect from anyelectrical surges.Turn all otheraccessories off.Connecting the jumper cables1.Connect the positive (+) boostercable to the positive (+) terminal ofthe discharge battery.Note: In the illustrations, lightningbolts" are used to designate theassisting (boosting) battery.164 Roadside emergencies2.Connect the other end of thepositive (+) cable to the positive(+) terminal of the assistingbattery.3.Connect the negative (-) cabletothe negative (-) terminal of theassisting battery.4.Make the final connection of thenegative (-) cable toan exposedmetal part of the stalled vehicle'sengine, away from the battery andthe carburetor.The preferred locations of anexposed metal part (to ground"the circuit) are the accessibleengine mount studs or an enginelifting eye".Do not use fuel lines,engine rocker covers, or the intakemanifold as grounding" points.165 Roadside emergenciesDo not connect the end ofthe second cable to thenegative (-) terminal of thebattery to be jump.A spark maycause an explosion of the gasesthat surround the battery." 2.0 litre engine" 2.5 litre engine166 Roadside emergencies5.Be sure that the cables are clearof fan blades, belts and othermoving parts of both engines.Jump starting1.Start the engine of the boostervehicle and run the engine at amoderately increased speed.2.Start the engine of the disabledvehicle.3.Once the disabled vehicle hasbeen started, run both engines for afurther three minutes beforedisconnecting the jumper cables.Removing the jumper cablesRemove the jumper cables inthe reverse order that theywere connected.1.Remove the jumper cable fromthe ground" metal surface.167 Roadside emergencies2.Remove the jumper cable on thenegative (-) connection of thebooster vehicle's battery.3.Remove the jumper cable fromthe positive (+) terminal of thebooster vehicle's battery.4.Remove the jumper cable fromthe positive (+) terminal of thedisabled vehicle's battery.After the disabled vehicle has beenstarted and the jumper cablesremoved, allow it to idle for severalminutes so the engine computercan relearn" its idle conditions.168 Roadside emergenciesWRECKER TOWINGIf you need to have your vehicletowed, contact a professionaltowing service or, if you are amember, your roadside assistancecenter.Recommended towingoptions include wheel lift towing orflat bed towing.When calling for a tow truck, tellthe operator what kind of vehicleyou have.A towing manual isavailable from Ford MotorCompany for all authorized towtruck operators.Have your towtruck driver refer to this manual forproper hook up and towingprocedures for your vehicle.169 Roadside emergenciesTOWING YOUR VEHICLEBEHIND ANOTHER VEHICLEAt times you may want to tow yourvehicle behind another vehicle.Before you have your vehicletowed:" Release the parking brake." Move the gearshift toN (Neutral)." Turn the key in the ignition to off." Unlock the steering wheel.Automatic transaxleDo not tow your vehicle at a speedfaster than 55 km/h (35 mph) or fora distance greater than 80 km(50 miles), unless the drive wheelsare placed on dollies.Manual transaxleDo not tow your vehicle at a speedfaster than 90 km/h (55 mph).Yourmaximum towing distance isunlimited.Never use a tow bar thatattaches to the bumperwhen you tow your vehicle.Youcould damage the bumper andcause an accident [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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