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.And although moreAdvanced-Concept players are developing, they probably will always be rare because fullapplication of the Advanced Concepts requires hard work and constant discipline (but actually, littleskill).In private games, the Advanced-Concept player patiently develops control over the game, therules, and his opponents.He invests many hours in studying, analyzing, and taking notes about hisopponents.He develops his games over long periods of time, even years, to steadily increase theirpace and stakes while striving to reach the full profit potential of each game.He works hard for hiswinnings.Most poker players, however, would rather take their chances with more luck and lesswork.Who wants to work that hard to win when it's time to relax? most players subconsciouslyrationalize.That is why Advanced-Concept players are rare.The Neocheater, on the other hand, will become increasingly common because Neocheating is easyand requires little sustained effort.Moreover, the Neocheater can move into any private game of anysize and start winning immediately.Neocheating is a comfortable, fast, and easy way to make moneyor gain prestige.Many cardplayers, therefore, will prefer to use Neocheating to extract money ratherthan to put forth the effort required to play well enough to win equivalent money.Thus in private games, players will encounter Neocheaters with increasing frequency.AndNeocheaters will multiply so extensively that they may eventually link together in collusion pactsamong private games as they are already doing in public poker.On the other hand, players willseldom if ever encounter the rare Advanced-Concept player.Nevertheless, if a Neocheater did runacross an Advanced-Concept player in a private game, he would find that the game belongs to thatAdvanced-Concept player who usually has a substantial investment of time and effort in tailoringthat game to his maximum advantage.Indeed, the Advanced-Concept player will strenuously protecthis game as his most valuable asset.Neocheaters are the only cheaters the Advanced-Concept player fears.He fears Neocheaters because,if they choose, they can quickly drain money to break valuable players and destroy the game.Inaddition, the Advanced-Concept player cannot beat certain Neocheaters.He will, therefore, try todrive them from his game using white-hat Neocheating or the harassment methods described inChapter X.Most Neocheaters will quickly leave private games in which an Advanced-Concept player ispressuring them because playing under constant stress contradicts their nature of seeking easymoney.Instead of taking the abuses and pressures applied by the Advanced-Concept player, mostNeocheaters will simply find other games that have no Advanced-Concept player to interfere withtheir easy-going money extraction.But what happens when the Advanced-Concept player encounters the Neocheater in high-stakepublic poker? Consider the following situation in a world-class poker tournament played in a LasVegas casino:Forty-two players have entered the freeze-out hold 'em tournament, each paying a $15,000entry fee.The last surviving player wins all the money -- over one-half million dollars.After three days, only two players remain in the tournament -- an Advanced-Concept player(John Finn) and a well-known professional poker player.That professional player is also aNeocheater who has made a colluding arrangement with one of the dealers involving anunbeatable form of Neocheating (as described in anecdote B of Chapter I).Throughmemorized cards, invisible blind shuffles, false riffles, and false cuts, the dealer always knowsthe nine cards to come off the deck for each round of play.During the play, John can sensetheir collusion, but cannot accuse them because their cheating is invisible and appearscompletely natural.Moreover, John realizes that even if he could crack their collusion code, hewould still lose because unlike most collusion codes that are one dimensional (codes thatindicate only present values of hands), their code is two dimensional in that the dealer not onlyknows both the Neocheater's hand and John's hand at every moment, but he knows all thecards yet to be dealt.Thus that dealer can plan ahead with perfect knowledge and guide theNeocheater with flawless strategy.Without knowing the cards to be dealt, John has no way to read or forecast the dealer'sstrategy.Indeed, in such collusion situations, the Neocheater becomes a more-than-perfectplayer because his moves are perfect through the dealer's knowing every hole card, and hisstrategy is flawless through the dealer's knowing all the cards still to be dealt.To beat thatkind of cheating, a player must not only read everyone's hole cards perfectly, but he must alsoprecisely foretell all the cards to be dealt.And no one can precisely foretell cards withoutcheating.Thus, John concludes that against such Neocheating collusion, he cannot win.Andhow can he accuse his adversaries of invisible cheating? No evidence exists.The onlypossibilities that John has of winning are to (1) refuse to play when that dealer takes his turn,insist on another dealer, and hope that the new dealer will not collude with the Neocheater, (2)meet privately with the dealer during a break and ask him to stop colluding, or (3) find thedealer's price to flash false signals at crucial moments to bankrupt (tap out) the Neocheater.Inother words, neocheat the Neocheater [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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