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.I have explainedit very clearly.You cannot get it through any system.Because ifyou have a system, you are caught again in the pattern andtherefore you are not free.You can have that alert mind only whenyou observe yourself, when you observe the trees, the birds, thepeople, the ways of your thought, your feelings, how you sit, howyou yawn, how you eat.Then out of that observation, your mindbecomes sensitive.Then when you are sensitive, there is feeling.You cannot stimulate feeling by a system, by saying, "Do this, andyou will get it".Questioner: What is the function of a teacher in a school or in acollege?Krishnamurti: Apparently in a school, in a college, as it is, it ismerely to give information.You know some books, and the poorchap does not know; you tell him about the books.As he has topass an examination in order to get a job, he repeats what you havetold him.He is asked some questions and he becomes a B.A.or M.A.or Ph.D.That is what the parents are concerned with and whatthe professors and teachers are mostly concerned with.But a realteacher is something entirely different, surely, not your gurus.A teacher implies the one who teaches, who helps another to learn.There is only learning, there is no teaching; you can giveinformation, but you cannot help another to learn.There isinformation and there is learning.So, do not let us confuse them.To learn implies a mind which is not accumulating.You cannotlearn if there is accumulation.If there is accumulation, then itbecomes merely memory which is mechanical; then thatmechanical memory makes you rather an imperfect computer.Doyou know what a computer is? It is an electronic machine built onthe same principles as the human brain and it functions accordingto what it has been told - the information, the memory, the reactionthrough association.When you give those electronic machines a lotof information, they store it up; and when you ask a question, theyreply according to what they have been told.This is what all ofyou, ladies and gentlemen, do.That is all.But really to find out, really to learn, you must go beyond themechanical method of adding, cultivating memory.Questioner: How can we avoid the decline, the disintegration ofthe mind, due to old age and disease?Krishnamurti: The brain is a part of the mind; and when thebrain is diseased, you cannot function.So, how can you prevent thedisintegration of the physical organism?There is such a thing as psychosomatic disease.Physically,what kind of mental life you lead, what kind of mental efforts,strains, you have - that affects the system, the organism, the brain.So, when there is a cessation of conflicts, struggles, fears, then thebody becomes more healthy.The physical body may not last forthree hundred years, but only for twenty years; but it will live those twenty years a strong healthy life.That is all.Questioner: The individual is related to society.And when thereis so much conflict within society, how can an individual becompletely free from it?Krishnamurti: We are talking about the psychologicalrelationship of the one with the many, which is society - not aboutthe relationship of everyday activity.The question is when themany are in conflict, will not the one be affected and thereforedisintegrate?Is it possible psychologically to free oneself from society? Thatis the real question.Society being the structure of authority, ofpower, with all the implications such as greed, envy, ambition,corruption, is it possible for one to free oneself from that? Is itpossible for you living in a society which is greedy, which isacquisitive, which is insisting on power, position, to be free, foryourself, from greed, not to seek power ? I know power gives youposition, money, cars, corruption and all the other evil things of allpower.Power, whether it is the minister's power or spiritual power,is essentially evil.Surely, one can free oneself from that, can'tone ?, and not seek power - not seek power over anybody, one'swife, one's husband, one's children, one's servants; not seek anyform of power, which means not only physical power, but powerthrough ideas; not try to dominate any one through any form ofcompulsion, ideationally or subtly not want to be in a position ofleadership.Can't every person work with that, and free himselffrom that? Surely that is possible; then you are free from thepsychological structure of society.Questioner: You see some persons very rich and others very poor.Don't you want to do something about it?Krishnamurti: The gentleman says that when you see luxury,poverty, you want to do something about it; but you cannot dealwith this enormous poverty, the poverty not only outside butwithin.When you see the poverty, the starvation outside the skin,and all this enormous poverty within, and when you cannot doanything with it, the questioner says, you are in conflict.Please look at all the implications! You want to do something toprevent, to bring about the cessation of, the starvation in thiscountry.Then what happens? You join the socialist, thecommunist, or the capitalist movement; you are caught in that; youwill become a member of the party, and you will always postponedoing something about starvation.Then, what are you to do? If youjoin a party, socialist or communist, what happens? Each partywants to solve poverty, starvation, according to its ideas, accordingto its patterns; and so each party wants to start from its pattern.So,the two parties are at war with each other and the poor chap in themeantime is hungry everlastingly.So, what is one to do?Is that a problem of yours, an actual problem like being hungry?Do not bring in your personal issues.You realize that no one in theworld is interested vitally, strongly, in completely eradicatingpoverty.They all say they are interested, but their interest isideational, not actual.So, what do you do when you feel actually,vitally, that starvation should be stopped? You give what you have,what little you have.What else can you do? You talk, you find outwhat are the reasons, the causes, that prevent human beings allover the world acting together to stop this starvation right throughthe world.Of the several causes that are preventing this, the first is nationality: to belong to a nation, as an Indian, as a Buddhist, as aChristian, as a Communist, as a Capitalist.Then there is the desireon the part of each one to be psychologically secure - notphysically secure, because physically one must be secure [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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