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.Count (hJgei>sqwsan).Implying a more conscious, a surer judgment,resting on more careful weighing of the facts.See Philippians 2:3, 6.Be not blasphemed (mhav ajntilambano>menoi).The verb means to take hold of; hence, to take hold for the purpose ofhelping; to take up for, as Luke 1:54; Acts 20:35.oP.ÚEuergesi>a, benefitonly here and Acts 4:9.Better, kindly service.Rend.they that busythemselves in the kindly service.126 The reference is to the kindly acts which the masters do to their slaves; not to the benefits received by theslaves.Comp.Galatians 5:13.3.Teach otherwise (eJterodidaskalei~).See on ch.1:3.Consent (prose>rcetai).Lit.draw nigh.To approach as one whoconfidingly accepts another s proffer.Hence, to assent to.Comp.Acts10:28; 1 Peter 2:4; Hebrews 4:16; 10:22.Often in LXX, and habitually inthe literal sense.The figurative sense, sir.1:27, 30; iv.15; vi.26.oP.Thephrase only here.Of our Lord, etc.Either concerning our Lord, or spoken by him.Probablythe latter, according to N.T.usage, in which word of the Lord or word ofGod commonly means the word that proceeds from God.The phrasewords of our Lord Jesus Christ only here.Doctrine which is according to godliness (th|~ kat eujse>beiandidaskali>a|).The phrase only here.See on 1 Timothy 1:10.Foreujse>beia, on 1 Timothy 2:2.4.He is proud (tetu>fwtai).See on ch.3:6.Knowing nothing (mhdemenov).Although he knows nothing.oP.Very frequent in Acts.Comp.ch.1:7.Doting (nosw~n).N.T.o.Lit.sick.Comp.uJgiai>nousi healthful, ver.3.Questions (zhth>seiv).oP.oLXX.Quite often in Class.Lit.processes ofinquiry; hence, debates.Comp.ch.1:4.Strifes of words (logomaci>av).N.T.o.oLXX, oClass.One of the uniquecompounds peculiar to these Epistles.The verb logomacei~n 2 Timothy2:14.Surmisings (uJpo>noiai).N.T.o.See Sir.iii.24.ÚUponoi tonwn th~v ajlhqei>av).Rev.bereft ofthe truth.In N.T.commonly of defrauding, Mark 10:19; 1 Corinthians6:7, 8; 7:5.The implication is that they once possessed the truth.Theyput it away from themselves (ch.1:19; Titus 1:14).Here it is representedas taken away from them.Comp.Romans 1:8.Gain is godliness (porismorkhv self-sufficient, Philippians 4:11.Comp.sir.xl.18.Aujta>rkeia is an inward self-sufficiency, as opposed to the lack or thedesire of outward things.It was a favorite Stoic word, expressing thedoctrine of that sect that a man should be sufficient unto himself for allthings, and able, by the power of his own will, to resist the force ofcircumstances.In Ps.of Solomon 5:18, we read:  Blessed is the manwhom God remembereth with a sufficiency convenient for him (ejnsummetri>a| aujtarkesi>av); that is, with a sufficiency proportioned tohis needs.7.And it is certain we can carry, etc.Omit and and certain.Rend.o[tibecause.The statement is: We brought nothing into the world because wecan carry nothing out.The fact that we brought nothing into the world isshown by the impossibility of our taking with us anything out of it; sinceif anything belonging to us in our premundane state had been brought by us into the world, it would not be separated from us at our departure fromthe world.Comp.Job 1:21; Ecclesiastes 5:15; Psalm 49:17.8.Food (diatrofasmata).N.T.o.oLXX.It means covering generally,though the reference is probably to clothing.von Soden aptly remarks thata dwelling is not a question of life with an Oriental.Let us be content (ajrkesqhso>meqa).More correctly, we shall becontent.Once in Pauls 2 Corinthians 12:9.A few times in LXX.Comp.Ps.of Solomon 16:12:  But with good will and cheerfulness uphold thoumy soul; when thou strengthenest my soul I shall be satisfied (ajrke>seimoi) with what thou givest me.9.They that will be rich (oiJ boulo>menoi ploutei~n).Better, they thatdesire to be rich.lt is not the possession of richess but the love of themthat leads men into temptation.Fall (ejmpi>ptousin).oP.Lit.fall into; but invariably in N.T.with eijv into.Temptation (peirasmotouv).Foolish answers to several words in N.T., ajnoh>tov,ajsu>netov, a]frwn, mwro>v.ÚAnoh>tov not understanding; a want ofproper application of the moral judgment or perception, as Luke 24:95;Galatians 3:1.See notes on both.&Afrwn is senseless, stupid, of images,beasts.Comp.Luke 12:20, note.ÚAsu>netov approaches the meaning ofajnoh>tov unintelligent.See Sir.xxii.13, 15; xxvii.12.It also implies a moralsense, wicked, Wisd.i.5; xi.15; Sir.xv.7.On the etymological sense, seeon Matthews 11:25; Mark 12:33; Luke 2:47.Mwro>v is withoutforethought, as Matthews 7:26; 25:3; without learning, as 1 Corinthians1:27; 3:18; with a moral sense, empty, useless, 2 Timothy 2:23; Titus 3:9;and impious, godless, Matthews 5:22; Psalm 43:8; Jeremiah 5:21.Hurtful (blabera>v).N.T.o.LXX once, Proverbs 10:26.Drown (buqi>zousi).Only here and Luke 5:7, note.A strong expression of the results of avarice.Destruction (o]leqron).See on 1 Thessalonians 1:9, and additional note.Perdition (ajpw>leian).It is unsafe to distinguish between o]leqrovdestruction in general, and ajpw>leia as pointing mainly to destruction ofthe soul [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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