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. If the brain says it s doable, we ll do it, say youand I agree on terms. I gave her the grin again. Anything else you d like tobuy?She thought that over a minute. I need to talk to my people.I checked my chron. Plenty of time.The dupe run has to finish before myfriend can pull the Warmaster stats.Adelaar watched the woman gather her raiders to-gether and start whispering atPage 97 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlthem. Until a year and a half ago, local, a little over two years std., Aslanwas here.Right here, inside these walls. What happened? She disappeared.Ran.There s some more, but I haven t tried reading it yet.I nodded at the confa group. Maybe one of them knows.She pushed absently at her hair, her face gone blank, her eyes narrowed.Ihadn t a clue what she was think-ing. Not here, she said finally. Mmf, maybe you better explain that some more. This is no place to twist answers out of anyone, too many ways we can getdumped on; besides, I left my kit behind, didn t think I d need it. Twist answers.That s not too swift an idea. Rosepearls. I can see their shine in your eyes too.She managed a thin smile. I won t dispute that.You think you can trustthem? Not half.Fanatics.They ll do whatever they want to do and hell with anycontract. I yawned.It was getting later by the breath and I was tired.And Iwas getting nervous, stuck in this hole, waiting for the locals to pour on thetroops. Whatever they come up with, you keep hold of the data until theyprovide the pearls. We agree on that much anyway. Listen, say we lift them up there, if they can take that monster out, it llmake getting away clean a lot easier.And getting back in.Look, Del, we vegot the inside track with these people, an exclusive as long as we can keepthe location quiet. That won t be long if your gamble pays off.He shrugged. One or two trips for me, but Adelaris could have a longhaulmarket here. Gray or black? Does that matter? Lets you hike your prices. I don t know enough about this place.The Hanifa came back. The clear corridor, she said, eyes hard on Adelaar. Can you leave it and hide what you ve done?Adelaar ran her tongue over her lips. Probably.The wards they re usingaren t all that sophisticated.I ll have to put the alarms right before weleave, but. She frowned at the woman, I could see she was thinking keep itsimple, you don t want to irritate this one. I can loop a path out of theguard circuits and pinch off access.Um, it might be better to set up severalcorridors, make them operative on different days, um, switch from one toanother in, say, a seven-day rotation.They ll be harder to spot that way.Safer for your people, they won t be coming over in the same place same timeevery time.The Hanifa s eyes glittered, but she controlled her excitement and gave ashort sharp nod. Can you find the files on suspect Hordar? Perhaps the Sech splans for dealing with them? I can take a look.Some of that might be stored in local branches. There aren t any.This is the only mainBrain on Tairanna. Your Pittipat doesn t like to share his power? No. She didn t object to the your this time, too much into getting whatshe d come for to worry about little things like that. We want those files. Right.I can also erase them, if you want.Turning them over is morecomplicated unless your equipment can mate to mine. You can fix that. Probably.Not here. Adelaar had relaxed all over; she was back in herpersonal groove, selling her ser-vices. Not for free either.Make me anoffer.The Hanifa moved her feet apart, set her hands on her hips and prepared tofight. For your work and the files, five creampink, ten to eighteen grains. Seven corridors, files out and erased, eight midrose, twenty grain minimum,for my time, one of your creampinks.Page 98 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html Seven corridors, two midrose; for the files, we ll have to see them to ratethem, guarantee of one midrose, for erasing them one creampink, bonus pointsnegotiated according to how much is in the files; your work, one creampink.Eighteen to twenty grains.They went back and forth for several more minutes until they settled on aprice that pleased both; by that time the dupe run had finished and Adelaarsettled to work pulling the Warmaster stats, dumping them in the duper and atthe same time flashing them on a readout so I could look them over and get anidea if a sneakraid was doable.While she was busy with this last, the talllocal came inside, murmured something to her leader and went out again.The Hanifa came over to me and stood watching the stats run past; Adelaar wasinto schematics now, line drawings of ship segments. A guard came nosingabout, she said after a moment. Your friend stunned him.He said to tell youit was part of the standard rover pattern, he was expecting the man, itdoesn t look like anyone is exercised about the scanners going out, the guardwas normal-alert, not hyper. I hear you. I checked my chron again; seemed like we d been down here a yearor two, but it was just over an hour. There s a shift change coming up in alittle while.We d better be gone by then. You seem to know a lot about what happens here. I m a cautious man, Hanifa.I like to know what I m stepping in. How? Observation and experience. Observation? Electronic surrogates. You recorded what they told you? I m a cautious man, Hanifa. Willing to sell it? Not worth much.Once top security here wakes up to what happened, there ll bechanges.Tell you what, I ll throw that into the pot with your suspect files,a little sweetener. Why? Call it good will.Now that I know about you and what you ve got to offer, Iplan to be back, do some trading for this and that. Rosepearls. Naturally.And whatever else seems worth the trip.She gave me an odd look and moved off [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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