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.The Air Force had far more academy graduates wanting and qualified for flighttraining than the Air Force had a requirement for pilots.The bitter jokegoing around the Air Force was  If you really wanted to fly, you should havejoined the Army.They have more aircraft than we do.Castillo looked to where the lieutenant pointed.Brigadier General Crenshaw, the deputy commander of Fort Rucker and the ArmyAviation Center, was standing in the door of the Base Operations building withPage 132 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmla young officer.Oh, shit!Last time I saw him, I said I was Secret Service.That was what? just three days ago&.When Castillo turned back to the passenger compartment, he saw that the crewchief/steward had already unloaded their luggage, and Neidermeyer was goingdown the stair door steps cradling the radio suitcase in his arms.Max wasstanding in the aisle straining against his makeshift leash, which was firmlytied to a seat mount.Untying the wire leash proved difficult, as Max s tugging on it had reallytightened the knot.Castillo finally got it undone, and allowed Max to tow himdown the stair-door steps.As he did, he saw that Crenshaw had walked acrossthe tarmac to the airplane.He saluted as well as he could while allowing Max to make his way to the nosegear, where Max lifted his leg and broke wind.Several times.Loudly. Did you have to teach him to do that, Colonel? General Crenshaw asked. Ordid it come naturally to him?Castillo could think of nothing to say but  Good afternoon, sir, so he saidthat. Welcome back to Fort Rucker, Colonel, Crenshaw said. I have been reliablyinformed that you did in fact learn how to fly in Texas, and that there wasprobably a good reason you told me you were in the Secret Service.Castillo s confusion showed on his face.General Crenshaw smiled and nodded toward Base Operations.Two familiar faceswere now standing outside the building.One was Lieutenant General Harold F.Wilson, U.S.Army (Retired), wearingBermuda shorts and a pink golf shirt.The other was Lieutenant ColonelRandolph Richardson, in ACUs.General Wilson waved happily.Colonel Richardsonsmiled.Or is he grimacing as he squints in the bright sunlight? Castillo thought. When General McNab called to tell me you were coming, I was on the fifteenthhole with General Wilson.I was once his aide, so I knew about hisrelationship with your father. I haven t seen General Wilson for several years, Castillo said. He retiredto Phoenix, I believe. That s right, General Crenshaw said. And I haven t seen Richardson for& I don t remember the last time I saw him. Well, he s my very competent assistant G-3, which makes him just the man toget you whatever you came for.Would that be all right with you? Yes, sir.That would be fine.Thank you. And this gentleman is? Crenshaw asked. My communicator, sir.Sergeant First Class Neidermeyer.He has to be close tome, so I was going to introduce him as Mister Neidermeyer and smuggle him in aBOQ with me.But I m a little tired of bending the truth.So I guess it s theDaleville Inn.Crenshaw offered his hand to Neidermeyer. Welcome to Fort Rucker, Mr.Neidermeyer, he said. I hope you and ColonelCastillo find the Magnolia House comfortable.Hearing the name Magnolia House brought back fond memories for Castillo.Morethan a decade ago, his grandparents had stayed in the World War II era framehousing that had been converted to a cottage for transient VIPs. Thank you, sir, Castillo said.Castillo, Crenshaw, and Neidermeyer started to walk across the tarmac.Twoneat young sergeants trotted out to them and offered to take their luggage.Neidermeyer would not part with the radio suitcase.When Castillo and Neidermeyer got close to the building, General Wilson spreadhis arms wide. How are you, Charley? he called, and wrapped him in a bear hug.When he let him go, he said,  Bethany talked yesterday to your grandmother,who told her you had made a couple of flying trips to the Double-Bar-C but, asPage 133 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlusual, she had no idea where you were.So I m really glad to see you. I ve been moving around a lot, Castillo said. What are you doing here? Oh, we came to see Beth and Randy and the grandchildren.Rucker s hot, butnot as hot as Phoenix, and I do like to play golf. How is Beth? Castillo asked, politely, as he put out his hand to Richardson [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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