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.Well, we ll have to go back and look at the way our ancestors did it, howeveryone was satisfied.Now if you re thinking  Is he gonna tell me that I m supposed to hit her onthe head with a bone and drag her back to my cave? that s not it at all, letme ask you a question&.How could a man, madly attract a woman with a bone in his hand and hair allover his body without using language?I doubt this type of man could attract a woman today, he would just comeacross as creepy and possibly a dumb ass, but how could he do it thousandsof years ago?The reason this could all happen, is simply because the modern world todayfeeds us, teaches us, raises us and shows us totally different things thanwere existent back 2,000 - 5,000 years ago.Is this necessarily bad, not really.We re exposed to different things, but one thing remains the same.We require the same emotional as well as physical needs.They are provideddifferently today but the fact remains we have the same requirements.Where the hell am I going with this, and what on God s green earth am Itrying to teach you?That when these strategies and pieces of advice don t work in the modernworld for example&. Be very nice to a girl and tell her she looks pretty&.is you re attraction technique yet it s not working, sometimes it s best tolook at the ways they did it long ago or still do in nature and tie it into yourlife.That s actually helped me in my game a little, I believe.Page 92Copyright © 2006, Simon Heong -- All Rights Reserved.www.InstantAttractionProgram.com Instant Attraction ProgramThere s a great chance it still works today in the modern world, but howcould they be applied today?I know you re all thinking I m crazy, here s a descent example.When a male Peacock walks around with his bright colors, indirectly showingpredators  Here I am, I ve got these bright colors and I m going to flauntthem all over and I m not embarrassed, how could that be attractive?Why are the females attracted to these males who are at great risk of death?Why won t they choose the males who can run faster and have camouflagedcolors instead?Actually because the great confidence and cockiness of the peacock showinghis beautiful colors attracts them like crazy.HE GETS TO MATE.This does not mean to wave an American flag next to terrorists or somethingto attract women.But by being cocky and not afraid of embarrassment, itcomes across as attractive (although I don t suggest you adopt the peacock sintelligence level).I use practically ancient ideas in quite a few areas of my life and it benefitsme every day.My diet, exercise routine, and attraction system are allcongruent with what worked thousands of years ago.So what was attractive years ago which will ALWAYS be attractive to womenuntil the test of time which men are using less and less of as the years pass?1) Masculinity2) Confidence3) No Fear Over The Loss Of The Woman/Didn t Matter If The Male Doesn tMate With The Female4) High Social Status When With Other Males5) Great Fighter / Protector6) Funny7) CockinessOf course there are probably other details which I didn t mention justbecause they aren t quite as important as these.After studying our past, thisis what I found in males that are attractive to females.And now mostimportant is how these 6 traits can tie into your life.1) Masculinity means pretty much the man who hunted very well andenjoyed playing sports and being busy doing boyish things.Keep in mindplaying sports and these activities are not necessary.They were attractive atthe time, but I don t find it as necessary now.Page 93Copyright © 2006, Simon Heong -- All Rights Reserved.www.InstantAttractionProgram.com Instant Attraction ProgramBack then, a male who didn t hunt or engage in these activities was lookeddown upon and was embarrassing to his woman, this is not the casenowadays and tons of guys don t play sports, as I said; times change.This also ties into the metro sexual thing not being necessary.The idea is it sokay to not feel the need to change yourself and this portrays masculinity.2) Confidence&.This doesn t need to be explained.3) Not being afraid whether a girl likes you or doesn t.This has to dowith then,  making her to have to qualify herself to make you want hermore.Pretty important, and I ll discuss this later.4) High Social Status When With Other Males.This has a lot to do withthe people you hang out with.If your friends and peers don t respect you,she probably won t either.If you have friends that don t respect you or lookdown to you, then get some new friends, man [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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