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.I drew huge lungfuls of air and stillcouldn t catch my breath.Finally, I squeezed my legs together as hard as Icould, putting literal pressure on him to turn his tongue from its torturousinvasion.He forced my legs apart and threw himself on me.His chest hair rubbed onmy nipples, already hard and sensitive to even the slightest touch.Then heentered me, holding my wrists stretched above my head, driving into me sohard my shoulder rammed into the arm of the sofa.I met each thrust with myhips, forcing him deeper and deeper.My lust knew no bounds.I struggled tofree my hands, for I wanted to feel him, but he wouldn t let go.I growled infrustration and, even in my frenzied state, was stunned by the ferocity of thesound.He started moving faster, harder, and I felt my own need building yet again,beyond anything I d ever needed before.His cock swelled just before he came,and I clamped down on it, writhing with every ounce of strength I stillpossessed.When he finally pumped his cum into me, I threw my head backand screamed until I could scream no more.My orgasm became all there wasin the world, sending wave after wave of electric bliss through me.By the timehe collapsed on top of me, I didn t even know who or where I was.I think I slept, but can t be certain.When I finally figured out what hadhappened, it was the next morning and Jorge, who had taken me like no manever had, was nowhere to be found.I dressed because I couldn t think of what else to do.I needed to shower,but would wait until I got back to the motel.Jorge s car was gone and I wasstranded, or would have been if I didn t have money for a cab.It took me onlyminutes to locate a phone.I dialed directory assistance, because I didn t wantwww.samhainpublishing.com 87 Nage Archerto start searching for a phone book.A short time later, I was on my way backto the motel for a shower, a decent meal and some very serious soul searching.Jorge called me later that day.The passion of the previous night gave wayto an almost formal briefing, during which, for once, he told me what we d bedoing later.I admit to being a bit hurt, but knew he d been smart to distancehimself, for I couldn t afford to stay, and there was nothing he could say or doto stop me from leaving.As great as last night had been, my destiny lay along adifferent path and Jorge had no part in that. I m going to introduce you to a Talean tonight, so you need to dress sexy.Remember, Talean slaves strive to look their finest, always looking to pleasetheir Master.When you come to the shop tonight, he ll be here.You kneel andwait for me to speak before greeting me, then ask my permission beforegreeting him.Do you understand? Yes, Sir. It felt odd using the formality after last night, but it wasimportant to do so.We would not be repeating our encounter, even if I were tostay with Jorge another week.It was out of our system and we both needed tomove on. Good girl.You can wear makeup, but only apply it lightly.It shouldn t beobvious you re wearing any.Whatever you do, don t wear perfume.Talean mendon t believe in scents for women and often sample a woman s natural scentbefore they consider buying.For that reason, take your shower as early aspossible, so that you don t smell of soap when you show up.That s a big no-no. Yes, Sir.There was a long pause.Finally&  I had a good time last night. I could tell.88 www.samhainpublishing.com Slave Heart I wanted to remember it that way.It s why I left this morning.There wasnothing we could have said that would add to or improve on last night.Do youunderstand?Was he asking me to forgive him for leaving me alone?  Yes, Sir.Again, silence.I wondered if he had somehow intuited just how I felt abouthis unexpected departure.When he spoke again, his voice was all business. Be here at closing.I didn t have to hear the click to know he d already hung up.I spent the day resting.I was tired and sore from the night before, as mightbe expected.Sex with Jorge had been on a level I d never experienced.Only thememory of Jaycee s murder drove me onward.Well, that and the fact I wasn tin love.I found myself wondering if I couldn t love him because of my agenda,or was there something about him that disturbed me? Jorge had said I wouldknow my One from the moment we met.I hadn t known it with him.Still, it was hands above anything I d previously enjoyed, at least in the sexdepartment.Just for that I might have considered staying, though of course, ifthat was all there was, the relationship wouldn t last.Perhaps also, I wasscared of loving Jorge, for that would make my hard task so much harder.Iconsidered the idea, but shook it off.I didn t love Jorge, and whatever thereason, it was enough [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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