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.“A rope?”“No—Han.”“Well, don’t hold your breath because I don’t think he’s going to come,” Dean muttered.Outside the pit, they heard a splash of water.They drew their weapons.The shadow of the creature came over them.Dean and Bravic moved to the far side of the pit as a body and a large pack dropped from the creature’s mouth to land at their feet.As the small figure rolled over, Dean saw Han’s familiar face.“Han,” Dean cried as he helped the Elvana to his feet.“Were you expecting a chicken?” Han snapped as he tried to clean the water and slime from his face.“You brought my pack?” Dean smiled as he picked it up.“I was hoping to choke the stupid snake with it,” Han grumbled as he shook the water out of his ears.“What’re we going to do now that all three of us are in this predicament?”“Let’s get out of here before that snake comes back.Quick, up on Bravic’s shoulders,” Dean ordered as he stood against the wall.After Bravic got on Dean’s shoulders, Han climbed on them both and jumped to grab the edge of the pit.He snagged a hanging root and dangled above them.“Pull,” Bravic growled.“I’m trying.” Han’s feet slid on the side of the pit as he clung onto the vine.“The side of the pit is slimy too.See how my feet are slipping? Why is that snake so slimy? It’s not a worm, but it has a coat of slime that—”“Stop talking,” Dean snapped.“Pull yourself up.”“I’m trying.” Han groaned before he climbed out and disappeared from sight.“I wonder what was harder for him,” Bravic grumbled, “pulling himself up or not talking?”“Now what do I do?” Han called down to them as he peered over the edge.“Look for a rope or a vine or something,” Dean yelled.Han peered around and saw the long, intertwined-stick ceiling.“It looks like an abandoned beaver lodge,” Han called down to them.“I already told him that,” Bravic grumbled.“I’ll try to pull one of these sticks down.” Han jumped at a limb that hung from the ceiling.“No,” Bravic yelled as Han jumped up and snagged the branch.“Look at the structure.It uses tensional force to dissipate the weight.You’ll need to find a cross member that doesn’t bear any load.”Han hung momentarily on the stick, and his body twisted around in a slow circle.“What?” One eyebrow arched.The branch suddenly pulled free.“I did it!” Han cheered.The ceiling groaned and the sound of branches snapping overhead made them all duck their heads.Another branch fell from the ceiling and a second quickly followed.“I think you really did it.” Dean grabbed Bravic and moved against the wall of the pit.A large branch snapped, and the whole ceiling caved in around them.Han dove in the water as Bravic and Dean hid against the wall.“Sorry,” Han yelled.His head came back out of the water.“We can use the branches to get out now.” Dean helped Bravic climb.“If snakes feel vibrations, it felt that.”Han waited at the edge of the pit as Bravic pulled himself up on the branches.“It worked, didn’t it?” Han snapped in defense at Bravic’s scowl.“It could have easily gotten us killed as well,” Bravic said.“I told you not to pull that one out.”“No, you didn’t.” Han planted his foot.“I clearly did.”“What you said was about as clear as mud.” Han’s hands went out.“Grab a cross tensional blah-blah-blah.” Han’s head wobbled back and forth.“A Dwarf would have understood.” Bravic’s voice rose.“I’m not a Dwarf.”“That’s obvious.”Dean climbed out.“Can you kids stop fighting until we get out so the giant snake doesn’t eat us?”“Fine.” Han rolled his eyes.“You could at least say thank you.” He cast a sideways scowl at Bravic.“For what?” Bravic roared.“Almost getting me killed?”“How about thank you for letting a huge snake eat me, getting me half drowned and totally slimy so I could almost get you killed.I mean, try to help.” Han glared.“For the first three things that you said, I thank you.” Bravic glared back.“Kiss and make up, and let’s go.”Both Han and Bravic made a face before they followed Dean to the edge of the collapsed structure.“We can get out there.” Dean pointed to an opening in the side.The creature’s lair was at the edge of the swamp.As they looked out, they saw the forest was only a short distance away.“Let’s get to land before that thing comes back.” Han hurried out.“I don’t feel like being a piece of bait again.”Dean let Han climb onto his back before he waded from the little wooded island and headed toward firmer ground.Bravic swore as he sank to his chin in the water.When they reached dry ground, they hurried on for a little while.They still didn’t want to be too near the creature’s ruined home even if it might not be able to come onto land.The ground was still damp and mushy but a large stone hill rose up off to the right.As they got closer, Dean noticed a small cave opening.The three crept up the hill and stopped at the mouth of the cave, all of them trying to see inside.The opening was tall enough for Dean to easily walk under, and as he cautiously peered inside, the floor seemed to be made of dry earth.“Do you want to camp here?” Dean motioned the others forward.As Bravic leaned into the darkness, a deep, guttural growl came from far back in the cave, echoing out a roar.A foul smell rose with it.“If you tell me to imagine it’s a squirrel, I’ll beat you both senseless,” Bravic yelled as they raced away from the cave.They traveled until the ground became solid once again.It was late in the day when they came to a small clearing and decided to camp.Tired and grimy, the three sat around a small fire, drying their clothes.They laughed as they saw they were all covered with dirt and grime, and twigs and leaves hung in their hair.As the night swallowed the faint light, they fell asleep beneath the starless sky in the now strangely silent forest.CHAPTER NINECowboys and IndiansWhen the three awoke, they ate a small breakfast since their food had been ruined in the swamp.Han picked some berries but he couldn’t hunt because his bow was lost in the swamp.When Bravic realized they were not far from the Elven forest of Kilacouqua, he decided to pass through it.It was just a few days walk to the north, and they needed supplies.With their spirits high from surviving the snake, their clothes dry, and the sun glowing like fire, they set off.As they walked, Han sang a song of the Elvana:With a hi and a hey!We start along our wayTraveling down to somewhere.With a hey and a hi!We make the time flyTraveling down to somewhere.With a yip and a yeah!We journey where we mayTraveling down to somewhere [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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