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. CHAPTER SIXA tear slid down Allison s cheek, the dim orange light from a nearby lamp lighting it s way down tothe floor.She must have seen that the aggressive tactic wasn t going to win and neither was the lessdominant route, so what was left but tears? Nolan didn t seem to phased by the late display ofemotions.He just cocked his head and waited for her answer. You can t do that. She took a moment to breathe through the threat of more tears. I have a twoyear old, don t take her mother away from her.Fuck.Nolan s head snapped a bit, surprised by the news.I just watched, unable to move an inch fromwhere I stood. Shit, I heard Matt hiss under his breath.He wasn t standing far from me, his musclestense with the threat of an approaching confrontation.Nolan didn t immediately react to the bombshellnews.I couldn t tell what he was thinking, but I couldn t imagine him just letting her go either.Shewas the closest that Nolan s been to finding Greyson, there was no way he would let that lead fall outof his hands like that.And yet, part of me didn t want to see Nolan as a heartless monster.Well allof me didn t want to see Nolan as a heartless monster. Please, Allison said, sending another twist with her emotional dagger. Allison, he finally broke his silence. I will make sure your daughter gets taken care of, I giveyou my bond on that. I heard a sharp intake of breath come from Lisa, who was standing with herarms crossed behind her desk. But I can t make the same bond about your safety if you stay quiet.The threat was clear and it formed beads of dewy sweat at the tip of my hairline. You gave me your bond on my daughter s safety, correct? Her eyes suddenly seemed a littlebrighter.It was clear that the wheels were spinning underneath her otherwise defeated face. Yes, Nolan replied.His answer was quick, but the way his shoulder flexed underneath his tightblack shirt made it seem like there was something bothering him.As if he realized that there was apiece to this puzzle he had missed. Then I must ask you, on your bond, to do me this favor.Matt was the first one to speak. Favor? He stepped forward, his head shaking in astonishment. You re asking the alpha of the biggest pack in Los Angeles for a favor? Matt, calm down. Nolan stuck a strong arm out, his muscular bicep stretching the dark fabricaround him. What s the favor? Are you seriously going to bargain with her? Matt asked, his eyes trained in on Allison.She hada small smirk playing at the corner of her mouth.She knew she had the upper hand. Let the girl talk. It was Lisa who spoke.She had been quiet for most of the meeting.Now she wasleaning on her table like she was about to leap over it and rip Allison to shreds.She must have beentrying so hard to restrain herself from killing the only link we had to Greyson.Killing someone.Holy shit.It was at that moment when I realized I was surrounded by people who weren t exactly opposed toending someone's life.Suddenly my thighs felt like jello underneath me.Thankfully, just next to methere was a small table with a few magazines laid out.I leaned against it, thankful that no one was really paying attention to me.The last thing I wanted to do was broadcast the fear that was coursingthrough me. My daughter is in danger and you might be the only one who can do anything about it. I watchedas Lisa shook her head, her shoulders slumping in defeat.They may have had a primal werewolf deepinside of them, but I would hope they also still had their humanity.If what Allison said was true, thenthere was no way Nolan could turn a blind eye without having that moment haunt him for the rest ofhis life.The moment he refused to save a little girl s life.But, then again I was still an outsider.As much as I felt for Nolan, there was also a lot I didn tknow.I sure as fuck didn t know much about how werewolves thought, what their desires andmotives were.Nolan may not be opposed to focusing on Greyson and nothing else.It was what wouldkeep us both safe after all [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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