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.Therefore, it isadvisable to replace all expansion plugs during the rebuilding of an engine.A sound method of removing a plug is to drill a 1/2-inch hole in the center of the plug and removeit with a slidehammer type puller (fig 5-9).You might have noticed that this is the same pullerused to remove the clutch pilot bearing from the rear of the crankshaft.Fig 5-9.Removing expansion plugs.Install the expansion plugs: After you have removed the expansion plugs, the new plugs are easilyreplaced with the expansion plug replacer, illustrated in figure 5-10A.Simply place the expansionplug on the end of the replacer and, placing it against the expansion plug recess (fig 5-10B), strikethe end of the replacer gently until it seats evenly in the recess.Once it has seated, continuestriking it until the flange of the replacer is flush with the engine block.With the installation ofthe last expansion plug, you are ready to set the engine block aside and begin work on thecrankshaft.A BFig 5-10.Replacing expansion plugs.5-8 Lesson 1 Exercise: Complete items 1 through 10 by performing the actions required.Checkyour responses against those listed at the end of this lesson.1.A thorough engine block inspection can only be accomplished aftera.the block has been reassembled.b.the block has been cleaned externally.c.all repairs have been made.d.the block has been cleaned internally and externally.2.Checking the cylinder head gasket surface of the block using a straight edge and feeler(thickness) gage will reveal anya.cracks.c.warpage.b.scores.d.nicks.3.Cylinder bore out-of-round is checked by what instrument?a.Dial indicator c.Micrometerb.Feeler gage d.Tension gage4.You are checking a cylinder bore during engine block repair.Which of the followingprocedures should you follow?a.Take one measurement at the top and one at the bottom to determineout-of-round.b.Take two measurements at the top, at right angles, to determine end out.c.Take two measurements at the top and one at the bottom to determine degreeof piston skirt wear.d.Take two measurements at the top and two at the bottom to determineout-of-round and taper.5.To remove the mirror-smooth glaze finish of the cylinder walls during engine repair,the cylinder must always bea.lapped.c.scraped.b.honed.d.replaced.6.Severely scored cylinder walls and distorted cylinders may be rebored by machineshop personnel.However, if the cylinder is only lightly scored, the mechanic mayrepair the cylinder with aa.lapping machine.c.honing tool.b.fine sandpaper.d.coarse sandpaper.5-9 7.You have just inspected the cylinders of an engine you are repairing and find thatsome have been badly scored.What action do you take to correct these defects?a.Discard the engine blockb.Ream the cylindersc.Hone the block at the piston skirtsd.Have the machine shop rebore the cylinder8.What must be done after the camshaft bearings are installed?________________________________________________________________9.Camshaft bearings are removed by using a________________________________________________________________10.After installing new camshaft bearings, ensure the bearing oil holes are________________________________________________________________Lesson 1 Exercise SolutionsReference1.d.51012.c.51023.a.51034.d.51035.b.51036.c.51037.d.51038.With bearing installed, measure inner bore diameter.51069.camshaft bearing installer/remover 510610.aligned with oil holes of the bearing bore 5106Lesson Summary.Lesson 1 explains the importance of engine block inspection.You learnedhow to check the engine cylinder block for warpage and the cylinder walls for damage.You alsolearned the procedures for repairing or replacing damaged areas of the engine block.Now youare ready to learn the details of inspecting and repairing engine block components.5-10 Lesson 2.ENGINE BLOCK COMPONENTSLEARNING OBJECTIVES1.Identify the procedure to repair the crankshaft.2.Select the appropriate measurement procedure to use when inspecting the crankshaft.3.Identify the procedure to repair the flywheel.4.Identify, from a list, the tools used for checking specific engine block components.5 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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