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.So.You and Cullen.She shrugs, non-committal, but can't entirely hide a smile,as she hurries inside to Charlie's table and slides in.BELLASorry I'm late.Biology project.Cora sets a top sirloin steak in front of Charlie, and plateof seafood in front of Bella.CHARLIEOrdered you the seafood combo.BELLAOrder one for yourself next time.You should cut back on the steak.CHARLIEI'm healthy as a horse.CORA(concerned)Say Chief, boys want to know, youfind anything down by Queets Rivertoday?Charlie's aware of the LOGGERS at the counter listening, too.He frames his answer carefully to keep everyone calm.CHARLIEThe suspect's moving east.KitsapCounty Sheriff is taking over fromhere.They're putting extra guys on.CORAHope they catch him fast.She moves off, with a measure of relief.Charlie and Bellapass each other the salt, butter for bread, etc., with aneasy rhythm now.CHARLIEYour friends are flagging you.69.She turns to see Mike and the guys horsing around outside,straws in their noses, making faces at her.She smiles.CHARLIEIt's okay you wanna join them.I'mjust gonna turn in early anyway.BELLAYeah, me, too.CHARLIEIt's a Friday night.Go out.TheNewton boy's got a big smile foryou.Nice family, the Newtons.BELLAHe's just a friend.CHARLIENone of the boys in town interest you?BELLAWe're not really going to talkabout boys, are we?CHARLIEJust.you should be around people.I leave you alone too much.BELLA(with genuine affection)I've never minded being alone.GuessI'm a lot like my dad that way.Charlie smiles.These two have come a long way.Cora returns --CORABerry cobbler, two forks.She sets it between them.Off them, both reaching for forks.INT.BELLA'S ROOM - NIGHT 91 91Bella, dressed for bed, looks out the window as she talks on thephone with Rene.Bella's euphoria still lingers in her eyes.BELLASo spring training's going well?INTERCUT WITH:INT.CAFE - NIGHT 92 92Rene talks on her cell.Phil is in the background, post-battingpractice, chowing down with a couple of teammates.70.RENEPhil's working hard.We're lookingaround for a house to rent, in caseit becomes permanent.You'd likeJacksonville, baby.BELLAActually, Forks is kind of growing on me.RENE(stops, knows there'smore)Could.a guy have something to dowith that?BELLA(small smile)Maybe.RENETell me everything! Jock? Indie? Bethe's smart.Is he smart?BELLA(trying to avoid lies)Well.he is kind of a history buff.-- this as she turns to find --EDWARD LYING ON HER BED, smiling.She nearly drops the phone.BELLAI, uh.have to go.RENENo way, we gotta talk boys.Areyou being safe?Edward shoots her a look, he heard that.She's mortified.BELLAI'll call you later, Mom.STAY ON BELLA who hangs up.BELLAHow did you get in here?EDWARDThe window.As always.BELLAYou've been here before?EDWARDWhat else is there to do at night?71.She pushes him.He grabs her hand and playfully pulls heronto the bed, wrestling as --BELLAYou're a peeping Tom! Perv!EDWARDShh! The Chief will hear you!But the electricity of their physical contact quickly overwhelmsthem, their laughter quieting.He studies her face.EDWARDI just.like watching over you.He raises his fingers to her lips, sending a thrill up her spine.EDWARDThere's something I'd like to try.She nods, bedazzled by him.He takes her face in his hands,hesitates to test himself, then he softly kisses her.What neither of them is prepared for is her response.Herbreath comes in a wild GASP.Her fingers knot in his hair,clutching him to her.Lips part as she breathes his scent.Then his hands gently, but forcefully push her face back.Sheopens her eyes to see that his eyes are wild, his jaw clenched.BELLA(mortified)Oh.I'm.oh.He relaxes slightly, looking at her blushing face.EDWARDI'm stronger than I thought.BELLAWish I could say the same.I'm soembarrassed.EDWARDDon't be.But we have to be careful.(serious)I can never lose control with you.Ever.She nods, then carefully lies on his chest.He wraps his armsaround her.Off the two of them.INT.CHARLIE'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - LATE AFTERNOON 93 93Bella enters to find Charlie cleaning a rifle.He starts tosay hello but she just blurts out --72.BELLAI have a date with Edward Cullen.He suddenly looks like he's having an aneurysm.CHARLIEHe's too old for you.BELLAWe're both juniors.I thought youliked the Cullens.CHARLIEAnd I thought you weren't interested inany of the boys in town.BELLAEdward doesn't live “in town.” Andit's in the early stage and --whatever, he's outside right now.CHARLIENow? He's out there?BELLAHe wants to meet you.Officially.CHARLIEGood.He cocks the rifle in mock-seriousness.BELLABe nice, okay? He's.important.Charlie gives his daughter a reassuring nod.then she opensthe door to REVEAL Edward in a parka and gloves.EDWARDChief Swan.I wanted to formallyintroduce myself.I'm Edward.Edward extends his hand.Charlie takes it, but grunts ahello, resisting him.EDWARDI won't keep Bella out latetonight.We're just going to goplay baseball with my family.CHARLIEBella's going to play baseball?Bella's equally surprised, but hides it.73.EDWARDYes, sir, that's the plan.CHARLIEWell.More power to you, I guess.EDWARD(looks him in the eyes)She'll be safe with me, sir, I promise.As Edward exits.Charlie holds Bella back.CHARLIE(sotto)You got that pepper spray?BELLADad.EXT.CHARLIE'S HOUSE - LATE AFTERNOON 94 94Edward and Bella climb into a massive JEEP parked in the drive.EDWARD(amused)Your father thinks you should go toan all-girl's school.BELLANo fair, reading Charlie's mind.As they climb in the Jeep, Bella notices a baseball bat --BELLAAnd since when do vampires like baseball?EDWARDIt's the American pastime.Plus,there's a thunderstorm coming.It's theonly time we can play.You'll see why.EXT.CLEARING IN WOODS - TWILIGHT 95 95Storm clouds gather in the sky as Bella and Edward pull up inthe Jeep.She takes in a rough baseball diamond, set into anenormous field in the lap of the Olympic peaks [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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