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.Clearly frustrated, he tangled a hand through his hair. Do you have an answer for everything?  Yes.His tongue swiped over his teeth.She d tasted thattongue, almost bitten that tongue.Never again, she told herself.Enough stalling.It wastime to act.She pictured Macy in her mind and felther body respond accordingly.Her hair shortened,as did her legs.Her boobs grew a lot.Much better.This was her shield.Her armor against the world.And now against Breean.He scowled at her but didn t comment. Come.There is much to do and I ve wasted enough timechasing you.Yes, she d made sure of that.But still the backupagents hadn t shown.Aleaha prayed nothing hadhappened to them.With the bleak turn this night hadalready taken, however, she doubted the prayerwould be heeded.FOUR BREEAN S WARRIORS HAD GATHERED THEAIR AGENTS, as ordered, and started for theunderground holding cell they d hurriedly constructedon one of their trips here.It had taken him fifteenminutes to catch up with them and their humancargo, Aleaha tossed over his shoulder, and thenanother five to reach the dilapidated house they dconfiscated on the outskirts of the city; it was theperfect hideout, since the area was seeminglyforgotten by Earth s inhabitants.Maybe becausethere was no vegetation or animals, the air drier thandirt, stinging the nostrils as though acid were beinginhaled.It was still cold here, but there was none ofthat beautiful white snow.Breean left Aleaha locked up in one of thebedrooms, comfortable and fed, yet separated fromher people, for an entire Earth week.She tried toescape at least twice a day, but he caught her eachtime, attuned to her in a way he didn t understand.He d hoped to develop a resistance to her while hesaw to the defenses of his true home in the city. He d hoped to develop a resistance to her while thedays passed.Despite his best efforts, Aleaha never left his mind.His only hope now was that time had softened herdislike of him, that she craved another of his kisses.The first had nearly burned him alive.No woman hadever tasted so sweet or felt so perfect against him.And, yes, others had clutched him with utterabandon, moaning their pleasure, desperate formore, but none had ever affected him like this.Why,he didn t know.No longer could he delude himself, even slightly, intothinking that any other woman would have done.Itwas her he wanted.Her specifically.Aleaha.Thefierce glow in her eyes, the sharpness of her wit.Thechallenge of winning so strong a prize.What wouldshe look like when she smiled? How carefree wouldher laughter sound?He had to know.Finally, it was time to move everyone into the permanent home.It had better security and was in alivable location.Yes, they would be more easilyspotted by AIR, which had, thank the blessed sea,failed to find his hideaway on the outskirts, but it wasworth the risk.He planned to contact them soonanyway, and start the bargaining process at last.By the time the prisoners were taken care of, nighthad fallen.Breean returned to the wasteland with halfof his forces.He couldn t contain his eagerness ashe entered the house and walked down thecrumbling hallway to gather Aleaha.What would hefind? The blond goddess or the dark-haired vixen?Eagerness to match his own or anger?He was actually shaking with anticipation as heunlocked Aleaha s door.I won t bed her until shebegs for it, he vowed.After what she d already givenhim, nothing else would be acceptable.The hingescreaked open, and he stepped inside.She stood infront of the bed, watching him warily, pale hairdancing around her shoulders.His heart thundered in his chest.In arousal, yes, but also in disappointment.He d wanted the vixen.She wore the T-shirt and jeans he d brought her, andthe material hugged her body nicely. Nothing to say? he asked, feeling tongue-tiedhimself.Never had he wanted something so badly.Never had he had to tread so carefully.She arched a brow, as stubborn as ever. Whatabout, and stop me if you ve heard this one, let mego.Let my friends go.So.She still meant to resist him.He revealed no hintof his frustration. You will stay with me.Your friends.maybe. Why keep us? You re going to destroy us anyway.That s why you re here, right?He frowned. What do you mean, I plan to destroyyou?  Why else would you be here? Every word waslayered with disgust. I ve been thinking about it,since that s the only thing to do here, and I vedecided you re here to prepare the way for thatstupid queen. What are you talking about? I have no queen. Notanymore.Apparently, the Rakan queen had beenone of the first females to succumb to the disease.She had killed her own husband.Her own children.Aleaha studied him, her expression pensive. I knowyou re not ill since I bit you and haven t exhibited anysymptoms, and I know you re Rakan rather thanSchön, but why else would you have come to Earth ifnot to help the Schön queen? An alien wasinterrogated recently and revealed that warriorswould be arriving that night in the forest with the soledesire of clearing a path for the Schön queen.Thenboom, you arrive.You take out AIR.What s that if notclearing a path?Everything inside him locked down.First in panic not again, he couldn t put his men through that again and then in rage. Schön? You expected those vileSchön? Yes.We d already killed a few of them, and you andyours won t be any different. We would never help them.We hate them [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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