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.The chances of getting that many direct hits before they were overwhelmed wereslim to none.Besides, a tiny part of him still hoped he could get away from herewithout killing any blood relatives.Not that they didn t deserve the ultimate penaltyfor what they d done, but Gareth knew being responsible for their destruction wouldhaunt him for the rest of his life. Gareth, look out! Darby screamed.Gareth barely had time to stretch to his full eight-foot Talamhrian height before hesaw them racing toward the square from the direction of the frozen river.His motherled the way, her hands already raised in a threatening gesture.Amy and Erin followedclose behind.None of their alien forms were as large or massive as his own Erin wasthe largest and she barely topped six feet but every single one had claws thatoutmatched his by at least five inches.They could tear a man open from two feet away, not that it would matter if hismother didn t choose to fight fair.Her powers of cellular manipulation would allow herto rip Darby s heart from her chest from twenty paces.Gareth decided not to letmommy dearest get close enough to see if she was in the mood to follow theTalamhrian rules of family battle.Don t you dare, Gareth.Don t make things worse for you or the woman.34 Decking the Hollisters That woman is my wife! Gareth ignored his mother s telepathic warning and letloose a stream of yellow light in her direction.He didn t read minds, couldn tmanipulate cells or teleport objects, but he could paralyze any warm-blooded creatureat a distance of up to a mile.It wasn t as showy as some of his brothers and sisterstalents, but it got the job done.Gretchen crumpled to the ground with a thud, her muscles limp and useless.Hismom wouldn t be going anywhere for at least ten to fifteen minutes.Too bad hewouldn t be able to use his powers again for a few hours or he could just zap Erin andAmy and be done with it.But he had to rebuild vital energy before he could paralyze asecond target.Now, he would have to resort to hand-to-hand combat with his sisters, atleast until the helicopter arrived.Surely Carey would be here soon.She d left on the snowmobile nearly an hourbefore.Come on, Carey, come on. Leave us alone! Darby screamed as she took aim and fired at Erin, who was nowleading the charge.Erin howled as she took the hit, but a second later she launchedherself in the air, soaring over Gareth s head straight toward Darby and Hayden.Gareth jumped up, reaching for her with his claws, but she was too high.He landedwith a grunt and turned, ready to move Darby and Hayden to safety when Amysuddenly slammed into his midsection, tackling him to the ground. Let Erin take the baby, she won t hurt Darby if she ll give her the baby, Amy saidas they rolled over and over in the snow, both struggling to pin the other to the groundwithout letting the scuffle turn deadly. That s my wife, my child, Amy.Good god, what if that were Shane or Zeke?Gareth growled, praying that Amy might be able to see reason.Her husband, Shane,had been the love of her life since high school, and three-year-old Zeke was what hissoftest, sweetest sister lived for. It s not the same Shane obeys the family it s 35 Anna J.Evans Gareth! Darby screamed his name and he turned to see Erin knock the gun fromher hand.Darby managed to land a wicked roundhouse to his sister s face, despite thefact that she still held Hayden clasped to her chest, but she wouldn t last much longer.He had a choice to make, and he only had a few seconds to make it. I m sorry, Amy, Gareth said, swiping his claws across the soft flesh of his sister sstomach.She screamed in pain and blood gushed out to stain the white snow.It probably wouldn t be a fatal wound, but he couldn t be sure.He told himself notto think about Amy or her blood on his hands as he launched himself at Erin, wrestlingher to the ground only seconds before her raised claws descended on Darby s head. Don t even think about it, Gareth.I ll kill you.Give Hayden back to me, give herback, Erin screamed, her voice high and thin and her eyes wide with hysteria. She s not yours, Erin.She s mine and Darby s.Try to remember  I remember what she felt like kicking in my stomach, I remember what it felt liketo give birth to her [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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