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."There will be no pain tonight, for eitherof us."He lowered to her, took her mouth again.There was a hint of urgencynow, a taste of need.So much to feel, she mused dreamily.So much toknow.And with the warmth of him coursing through her, she enfoldedhim.There was a freedom here, she discovered, in being about to touchhim, stroke, explore, with no purpose other than pleasure.The hard muscles, the pucker in his smooth skin that was a scar of battle.The strength of him excited her, challenged her own so that her hands,her mouth, her movements under him became more demanding.This was fire, she realized.The first true licks of flame that broughtnothing but delight and a bright, blinding need for more."I'm not fragile." Indeed she felt alive with power, nearly frantic with akind of raging hunger."Show me more.Show me all."No matter how his blood swam, he would be careful with her.But hecould show her more.His hands roamed down her body, over her thighs.As if she knew what they both needed, she opened to him.Her breathcame short, shivering out with quick little moans.Her nails bit into hisback as she began to writhe under him.He lifted his head and watched her fly over that first peak of pleasure.Heat, such heat.She had never known such fire outside of healingmagic.And this, somehow, this went deeper, spread wider.Her bodywas like a single wild flame.She cried out, the wanton sound of her ownvoice another shock to her system.Beyond control, beyond reason, shegripped his hips and called out his name.When he plunged into her, the glory of it was like a shaft of lightning,bright and brilliant.There was a storm of those glorious and violentshocks as he thrust inside her.She locked herself around him, her facepressed against his neck and repeated his name as that miraculous heatconsumed her."Sweetheart." When he could speak again, he did so lazily, with his headnuzzled between her breasts."You are the most clever of students."She felt golden, beautiful, and for the first time in her memory, morewoman than queen.For one night, she told herself, one miraculous night,she would be a woman."I'm sure I could do better, my lord, with a few more lessons."She was flushed, all but glowing, and her hair was a tangle of honeyedropes over the white linen."I believe you're right." He grinned andnibbled his way up her throat, lingered over her lips, then shifted so thatshe lay curled beside him."I'm so warm," she told him."I never knew what it was like to be sowarm.Tell me, Kylar, what's it like to have the sun on your face, full and bright?""It can burn.""Truly?""Truly." He began to toy with her hair."And the skin reddens or brownsfrom it." He ran a fingertip down her arm.Pale as milk, soft as satin."Itcan dazzle the eyes." He turned so he could look down at her."Youdazzle mine.""There was an old man who was my tutor when I was a child.He'd beenall over the world.He told me of great tombs in a desert where the sunbeat like fury, of green hills where flowers bloomed wild and the raincame warm.Of wide oceans where great fish swam that could swallow aboat whole and dragons with silver wings flew.He taught me so manymarvelous things, but he never taught me the wonders that you havetonight.""There's never been another.Not like you.Not like this."Because she read the truth in his eyes, she drew him closer."Show memore."As they loved, inside a case of ice, the first green bud on a blackenedstalk unfurled to a single tender leaf.And a second began to form.When he woke, she was gone.At first he was baffled, for he slept like asoldier, and a soldier slept light as a cat.But he could see she had stirredthe fire for him and had left his clothes folded neatly on the chest at thefoot of the bed.It occurred to him that he'd slept only an hour or two, but obviously likethe dead.The woman was tireless-bless her-and had demanded a heroicnumber of lessons through the night.A pity, he mused, she hadn't lingered in bed a bit longer that morning.He believed he might have managed another.He rose to draw back the hangings on the windows.He judged it to bewell into the morning, as her people were about their chores.He couldn'ttell the time by the light here, for it varied so little from dawn to dusk.Itwas always soft and dull, with that veil of white over sky and sun.Evennow a thin snow was falling.How did she bear it? Day after day of cold and gloom [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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